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All Outputs (3)

Factors influencing community-based advanced clinical practitioners maintaining their physical assessment skills: A qualitative study (2023)

Background: Numerous government White Papers have predicted significant health professional skills gaps in meeting patients’ needs within the National Health Service (NHS). Community advanced clinical practitioners (ACP) were identified as key skille... Read More about Factors influencing community-based advanced clinical practitioners maintaining their physical assessment skills: A qualitative study.

An exploration of counselling and support services as experienced by adult male survivors of child sexual abuse (2021)
Viliardos, L. An exploration of counselling and support services as experienced by adult male survivors of child sexual abuse. (Thesis). University of Salford

Global estimates suggest between 5% and 10% of men report that they have experienced sexual abuse as a child. However, it is thought that male childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is significantly underreported, with men being reluctant to disclose due to vu... Read More about An exploration of counselling and support services as experienced by adult male survivors of child sexual abuse.

Mental health in early life (2021)
Book Chapter
Foster, C., & Ayodeji, E. (2021). Mental health in early life. In A. Chadwick, & N. Murphy (Eds.), Mental Health, A non-specialist introduction for nursing and health care. Lantern Publishing

After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Understand the relationship between mental health problems and child development

Describe the legal framework that guides working with children and young people who have mental health needs

Be... Read More about Mental health in early life.