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Resettlement: Lessons from the literature update November 2014 (2014)
Hazel, N., & Bateman, T. (2014). Resettlement: Lessons from the literature update November 2014

This review outlines the latest lessons from research, policy and practice in the resettlement of young offenders. It provides an overview of relevant literature and developments in the filed of youth justice since Beyond Youth Custody’s last update... Read More about Resettlement: Lessons from the literature update November 2014.

La moralidad historiada: El melodrama de la criminalidad en las Américas (2014)
Birkbeck, C. (2014). La moralidad historiada: El melodrama de la criminalidad en las Américas. Madrid

Esta monografía examina el discurso moral que materializa en los comentarios sobre la criminalidad reportados en la prensa latinoamericana y angloamericana. Encuentra allí múltiples pero pocas variadas «historias del presente» que encierran una visió... Read More about La moralidad historiada: El melodrama de la criminalidad en las Américas.

Resettlement of young people leaving resettlement: Lessons from the literature update: August 2014 (2014)
Bateman, T., & Hazel, N. (2014). Resettlement of young people leaving resettlement: Lessons from the literature update: August 2014. London

This paper is the latest in a series of regular updates intended to outline the latest available lessons from research about resettlement of young offenders. It provides an overview of the relevant literature published in the period since Beyond Yout... Read More about Resettlement of young people leaving resettlement: Lessons from the literature update: August 2014.

Race, gender and the activism of Black feminist theory : Working with Audre Lorde (2014)
Nayak, S. (2014). Race, gender and the activism of Black feminist theory : Working with Audre Lorde. London and New york

Beginning from the premise that all ideologies and movements for radical social change including critical psychology needs to be questioned, dismantled, and new perspectives brought to the table in order to produce alternative solutions, this book ta... Read More about Race, gender and the activism of Black feminist theory : Working with Audre Lorde.

Engaging young people in resettlement: a practitioner’s guide (2014)
Wright, S., Hazel, N., & Bateman, T. (2014). Engaging young people in resettlement: a practitioner’s guide. London

One of the prerequisites of effective resettlement intervention with young people leaving custody is that they are fully engaged with the services provided to them. This practitioner’s guide reports on research undertaken by Beyond Youth Custody on t... Read More about Engaging young people in resettlement: a practitioner’s guide.

Resettlement of young people leaving resettlement: Lessons from the literature update: March 2014 (2014)
Bateman, T., & Hazel, N. (2014). Resettlement of young people leaving resettlement: Lessons from the literature update: March 2014. London

This paper is the third in a series of regular updates intended to outline the latest available lessons from research about resettlement of young offenders. It provides an overview of the relevant literature published in the period since Beyond Youth... Read More about Resettlement of young people leaving resettlement: Lessons from the literature update: March 2014.