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All Outputs (262)

Oldham and Rochdale new build research : Resident research (2009)
Brown, P., Scullion, L., Whittle, N., Morris, G., Condie, J., & Bashir, N. (2009). Oldham and Rochdale new build research : Resident research

In 2007 Oldham and Rochdale
Partners in Action commissioned a survey of New Build accommodation in order to
‘evaluate the effectiveness of new build in attracting and retaining economically
active people in the pathfinder areas of Oldham and Rochd... Read More about Oldham and Rochdale new build research : Resident research.

'Community cohesion’ and the ‘war on terror’ in post-Macpherson UK: the continuation of racial profiling in constructions of dangerous others (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T., & Tyrer, D. (2009, August). 'Community cohesion’ and the ‘war on terror’ in post-Macpherson UK: the continuation of racial profiling in constructions of dangerous others. Presented at 37th Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control: Crime, Justice and Control – The Challenge of Recession, University of Central Lancashire, Preston

A critical consideration is given of the problematic construction of crimes as scientifically racialised, in post-MacPherson UK. It is argued that notions of ‘black criminality’ are often reworked in new ways (e.g. moral panics about terrorism, knife... Read More about 'Community cohesion’ and the ‘war on terror’ in post-Macpherson UK: the continuation of racial profiling in constructions of dangerous others.

The transference of eye movement strategy between two unrelated visual search tasks (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Thompson, C., & Crundall, D. (2009, August). The transference of eye movement strategy between two unrelated visual search tasks. Presented at 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, UK

Three experiments were conducted to investigate the carry-over of a location-based attentional set from a low-level visual search task to a search of natural images, using eye movements as the dependent measure. In each trial participants searched th... Read More about The transference of eye movement strategy between two unrelated visual search tasks.

Review of the efficacy of rectal paraldehyde in the management of acute and prolonged tonic-clonic convulsions (2009)
Journal Article

Introduction: The aim of this prospective audit was to
assess the effectiveness and safety of rectal paraldehyde
in the management of acute, including prolonged, tonic–
clonic convulsions. There are very limited published data
on its effectivenes... Read More about Review of the efficacy of rectal paraldehyde in the management of acute and prolonged tonic-clonic convulsions.

Prone hip extension with lower abdominal hollowing improves the relative timing of gluteus maximus activation in relation to biceps femoris (2009)
Journal Article
Chance-Larsen, K., Littlewood, C., & Garth, A. (2010). Prone hip extension with lower abdominal hollowing improves the relative timing of gluteus maximus activation in relation to biceps femoris. Manual Therapy, 15(1), 61-65.

Hamstring injuries are common. The hamstrings and gluteus maximus (GM) work as synergists during hip extension. When contraction of GM is delayed relative to Biceps Femoris (BF) the hamstrings may be predisposed to injury due to increased demand. Thi... Read More about Prone hip extension with lower abdominal hollowing improves the relative timing of gluteus maximus activation in relation to biceps femoris.

Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police (2009)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2009). Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police. Police Practice and Research, 10(4), 295-304.

Recent political polarization in Venezuela has exacerbated longer term tensions over the organization and control of the police. Additionally, there is ongoing and widespread
public dissatisfaction with the nature of policing. The patrimonial and au... Read More about Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police.

Working in the public sector : a case study of social services (2009)
Journal Article
Coffey, M., Dugdill, L., & Tattersall, A. (2009). Working in the public sector : a case study of social services. Journal of Social Work, 9(4), 1-23.

Summary: This article explores working conditions and quality of life in social services. The article focuses on the qualitative findings generated throughout a phased study comprising: in-depth interviews (n = 8) used to develop an original question... Read More about Working in the public sector : a case study of social services.

Does P-glycoprotein have a role in the lung clearances of inhaled 99m Tc-sestamibi and 99m Tc-tetrofosmin? (2009)
Journal Article

Objective - The clearance rate of inhaled 99mTc-sestamibi
from the lungs of healthy nonsmoking individuals is much slower than would be expected from its physical properties. The clearance rate is even slower in healthy cigarette smokers. As 99mTc-s... Read More about Does P-glycoprotein have a role in the lung clearances of inhaled 99m Tc-sestamibi and 99m Tc-tetrofosmin?.

Does P-glycoprotein have a role in the lung clearances of inhaled 99mTc-sestamibi and 99mTc-tetrofosmin? (2009)
Journal Article

The clearance rate of inhaled 99mTc-sestamibi from the lungs of healthy nonsmoking individuals is much slower than would be expected from its physical properties. The clearance rate is even slower in healthy cigarette smokers. As 99mTc-se... Read More about Does P-glycoprotein have a role in the lung clearances of inhaled 99mTc-sestamibi and 99mTc-tetrofosmin?.

To have and to hold : questions about a therapeutic service for children (2009)
Journal Article
Sudbery, J., Shardlow, S., & Huntington, A. (2009). To have and to hold : questions about a therapeutic service for children. British Journal of Social Work, 40(5), 1534-1552.

Therapies for children and young people that using 'holding' as an intervention for severe difficulties with attachments are controversial and raise many questions. At least one major professional organisation has stated that these therapies should b... Read More about To have and to hold : questions about a therapeutic service for children.

General anaesthesia and day-case patient anxiety (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Mitchell, M. (2009, July). General anaesthesia and day-case patient anxiety. Presented at 8th International Congress on Ambulatory Surgery, Brisbane, Australia

Caring for people with dementia in non-specialist settings (2009)
Journal Article
Doherty, D., & Collier, E. (2009). Caring for people with dementia in non-specialist settings. Nursing Older People, 21(6), 28-31

This article provides a selective review and discussion of the literature focusing on educational issues for adult health nurses caring for people with dementia in general hospital settings. The term ‘adult health nurses’ refers to registered nurses... Read More about Caring for people with dementia in non-specialist settings.

Predictors of depressive symptoms in persons with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a longitudinal study (2009)
Journal Article
peripheral neuropathy: a longitudinal study. Diabetologia, 52(7), 1265-1273.

The aim of the study was to determine whether diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a risk factor for depressive symptoms and examine the potential mechanisms for this relationship.
This longitudinal study (9 and 18 month followup) of 338 DPN pati... Read More about Predictors of depressive symptoms in persons with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a longitudinal study.

Menstrual cycle variations in oestradiol and progesterone have no impact on in vivo medial gastrocnemius tendon mechanical properties (2009)
Journal Article
Burgess, K., Pearson, S., & Onambélé, G. (2009). Menstrual cycle variations in oestradiol and progesterone have no impact on in vivo medial gastrocnemius tendon mechanical properties. Clinical Biomechanics, 24(6), 504-509.

Background: Tendon tissue contains oestrogen receptors and is therefore likely to be responsive to female sex hormones. Here we examine any effect of levels of female sex hormones associated with the menstrual cycle phase on corresponding tendon mech... Read More about Menstrual cycle variations in oestradiol and progesterone have no impact on in vivo medial gastrocnemius tendon mechanical properties.