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All Outputs (262)

Tyne and Wear Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment : Executive summary (2009)
Brown, P., Scullion, L., Condie, J., & Niner, P. (2009). Tyne and Wear Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment : Executive summary

This research and report provides the Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment and was commissioned by the Tyne and Wear Housing
Partnership in November 2007. The study was conducted by a team of
researchers from... Read More about Tyne and Wear Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment : Executive summary.

Tyne and Wear Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment : Final report (2009)
Brown, P., Scullion, L., Condie, J., & Niner, P. (2009). Tyne and Wear Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment : Final report

This report presents the findings of an assessment of the accommodation
needs of Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople across the Tyne
and Wear Study Area. This research and report was commissioned by the
Tyne and Wear Housing Partnersh... Read More about Tyne and Wear Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment : Final report.

But I’m mixed race (2009)
Digital Artefact
Patel, T. (2009). But I’m mixed race. [BBC Three Counties Radio – Beds, Herts and Bucks]

Family therapy for asthma in children (2009)
Journal Article
Yorke, J., & Shuldham, C. (2009). Family therapy for asthma in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1-16.

Background: Psychosocial and emotional factors are important in childhood asthma. Nevertheless, drug therapy alone continues to be the main treatment. Treatment programmes that include behavioural or psychological interventions have been developed to... Read More about Family therapy for asthma in children.

Editorial: work-life balance: a matter of choice? (2009)
Journal Article
Gregory, A., & Milner, S. (2009). Editorial: work-life balance: a matter of choice?. Gender, Work and Organization, 16(1), 1-13.

Work–life balance has come to the forefront of policy discourse in developed countries in recent years, against a backdrop of globalization and rapid technological change, an ageing population and concerns over labour
market participation rates, par... Read More about Editorial: work-life balance: a matter of choice?.

Routine follow-up after treatment for ovarian cancer in the United Kingdom (UK): patient and health professional views (2009)
Journal Article
Lydon, A., Beaver, K., Newbery, C., & Wray, J. (2009). Routine follow-up after treatment for ovarian cancer in the United Kingdom (UK): patient and health professional views. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 13(5), 336-343.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore patients and health professional’s perceptions of follow-up service provision following treatment for ovarian cancer. In the United Kingdom, where this study took place, ovarian cancer is the most common... Read More about Routine follow-up after treatment for ovarian cancer in the United Kingdom (UK): patient and health professional views.

Electromyographic analysis of selected shoulder muscles during a rugby football tackle (2009)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., & Horsley, I. (2009). Electromyographic analysis of selected shoulder muscles during a rugby football tackle. Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology, 1, 10-17.

Background: Epidemiological studies have shown that the incidence of shoulder injuries is increasing in rugby and the majority are related to the contact/tackle phase of play. However, no data currently exists that describes preparatory muscle activi... Read More about Electromyographic analysis of selected shoulder muscles during a rugby football tackle.

Does a tackling task effect shoulder joint position sense in rugby players? (2009)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., Horsley, I., Whittaker, L., & Rolf, C. (2009). Does a tackling task effect shoulder joint position sense in rugby players?. Physical Therapy in Sport, 9(2), 67-71.

Objective: To assess the effect of a simulated tackling task on shoulder joint position sense (JPS) in rugby players. The study also
aimed to assess if differences in JPS occurred between mid range and end of range JPS, and if the tackling task had... Read More about Does a tackling task effect shoulder joint position sense in rugby players?.

Sonographic evaluation of the subclavian artery during thoracic outlet syndrome shoulder manoeuvres (2009)
Journal Article
Stapleton, C., Herrington, L., & George, K. (2009). Sonographic evaluation of the subclavian artery during thoracic outlet syndrome shoulder manoeuvres. Manual Therapy, 14(1), 19-27.

Clinical tests for vascular thoracic outlet syndrome (vTOS) generally incorporate shoulder horizontal flexion/extension (HF/HE), abduction (ABD) and external rotation (ER). The effect of these clinical tests on blood flow characteristics and the most... Read More about Sonographic evaluation of the subclavian artery during thoracic outlet syndrome shoulder manoeuvres.

What’s in a name: ‘client’, ‘patient’, ‘customer’, ‘consumer’, ‘expert by experience’, ‘service User’—What’s Next? (2009)
Journal Article
User’—What’s Next?. British Journal of Social Work, 39, 1101-1117.

This article challenges the terms we use to describe the relationship between those who assess and commission services and those who are the recipient of those services. In particular, the article identifies the different terms that have been used in... Read More about What’s in a name: ‘client’, ‘patient’, ‘customer’, ‘consumer’, ‘expert by experience’, ‘service User’—What’s Next?.

Researching social work (2009)
Book Chapter

This chapter argues that practitioners underuse research evidence to support their practice. The chapter highlights key themes in social work research, including its context and distinctiveness and its methodologies. It also offers a criticallook at... Read More about Researching social work.

New knowledge and the university (2009)
Journal Article
Hall, M. (2009). New knowledge and the university. Anthropology Southern Africa, 32(1/2), 69-76

What forms of knowledge have legitimacy in the contemporary university? By using Actor-Network Theory to unravel the strands in a recent dispute about access to skeletons from a burial ground in Cape Town. This paper shows how circulating systems of... Read More about New knowledge and the university.

New Subjectivities: Capitalist, Colonial Subject and Archaeologist. Review of "Capitalism in Colonial Contexts". Society for Historical Archaeology, Albuquerque, January 2008 (2009)
Journal Article
Hall, M. (2009). New Subjectivities: Capitalist, Colonial Subject and Archaeologist. Review of "Capitalism in Colonial Contexts". Society for Historical Archaeology, Albuquerque, January 2008. Archaeologies, 5(1), 3-17.

The sub-discipline of Historical Archaeology continues to push out its borders from its origins as the archaeology of British colonial settlement in North America. This review article evaluates the contribution of a set of papers presented at the Soc... Read More about New Subjectivities: Capitalist, Colonial Subject and Archaeologist. Review of "Capitalism in Colonial Contexts". Society for Historical Archaeology, Albuquerque, January 2008.