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Game scenes: theorizing digital game audiences (2011)
Journal Article
Crawford, G., & Gosling, V. (2011). Game scenes: theorizing digital game audiences. Games and Culture, 6(2), 135-154.

This article develops and expands on earlier work of the authors, which posits the idea of considering gamers as a (media) audience—enabling parallels to be drawn
with wider literatures and debates on audience research and media fan cultures. In par... Read More about Game scenes: theorizing digital game audiences.

Association between isometric muscle strength and gait joint kinetics in adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy (2011)
Journal Article
Dallmeijer, A., Baker, R., Dodd, K., & Taylor, N. (2011). Association between isometric muscle strength and gait joint kinetics in adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy. Gait & Posture, 33(3), 326-332.

The purpose of this study was to determine the association between isometric muscle strength of the lower limbs and gait joint kinetics in adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy (CP). Twenty-five participants (11 males) with bilateral spast... Read More about Association between isometric muscle strength and gait joint kinetics in adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy.

Foundation degree sustainable communities options appraisal : Final report (2011)
Brown, P. (2011). Foundation degree sustainable communities options appraisal : Final report

Since 2008 a number of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have worked in partnership with
the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), and the HCAs predecessors, to develop and deliver
a Foundation Degree in Sustainable Communities (FdSc). This docume... Read More about Foundation degree sustainable communities options appraisal : Final report.

Foundation degree in sustainable communities: A review : Final report (2011)
Brown, P. (2011). Foundation degree in sustainable communities: A review : Final report

Since 2008 a number of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have worked in partnership with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), and the HCAs predecessors, to develop and deliver a Foundation Degree in Sustainable Communities (FdSc). The aim of th... Read More about Foundation degree in sustainable communities: A review : Final report.

Exploring the potential for joint training between legal professionals in the criminal justice system and health and social care professionals in the mental-health services (2011)
Journal Article
Hean, S., Heaslip, V., Warr, J., & Staddon, S. (2011). Exploring the potential for joint training between legal professionals in the criminal justice system and health and social care professionals in the mental-health services. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 25(3), 196-202.

Effective screening of mentally-ill defendants in the criminal court system requires cooperation between legal professionals in the criminal justice system (CJS), and health and social care workers in the mental-health service (MHS). This interagency... Read More about Exploring the potential for joint training between legal professionals in the criminal justice system and health and social care professionals in the mental-health services.

Inhibitory control interacts with core knowledge in toddlers’ manual search for an occluded object (2011)
Journal Article
Baker, S., Gjersoe, N., Sibielska-Woch, K., Leslie, A., & Hood, B. (2011). Inhibitory control interacts with core knowledge in toddlers’ manual search for an occluded object. Developmental Science, 14(2), 270-279.

Core knowledge theories advocate the primacy of fundamental principles that constrain cognitive development from early
infancy. However, there is concern that core knowledge of object properties does not constrain older preschoolers’ reasoning
duri... Read More about Inhibitory control interacts with core knowledge in toddlers’ manual search for an occluded object.

Promoting social inclusion? The impact of village services on the lives of older people living in rural England (2011)
Journal Article

Drawing on data from a qualitative study, this paper explores the impact of ‘village services’ on the lives of people aged 70 or more years living in rural England. Throughout the paper, the phrase ‘village services’ refers to six community-based ser... Read More about Promoting social inclusion? The impact of village services on the lives of older people living in rural England.

Feeling cooped up after childbirth – the need to go out and about. (2011)
Journal Article
Wray, J. (2011). Feeling cooped up after childbirth – the need to go out and about

It is well known that recovering from childbirth can be a real challenge for many women. New mothers are, mostly, left to self care and manage their own recovery process. In seeking to feel like their old selves again mothers in this ethnographic stu... Read More about Feeling cooped up after childbirth – the need to go out and about..

Plethora or paucity : a systematic search and bibliometric study of the application and design of qualitative methods in nursing research 2008-2010 (2011)
Journal Article
Ball, E., McLoughlin, M., & Darvill, A. (2011). Plethora or paucity : a systematic search and bibliometric study of the application and design of qualitative methods in nursing research 2008-2010. Nurse Education Today, 31(3), 299-303.

Qualitative methodology has increased in application and acceptability in all research disciplines. In nursing, it is appropriate that a plethora of qualitative methods can be found as nurses pose real-world questions to clinical, cultural and ethica... Read More about Plethora or paucity : a systematic search and bibliometric study of the application and design of qualitative methods in nursing research 2008-2010.

The effect of upper limb orthotics after stroke: A systematic review (2011)
Journal Article
Tyson, S., & Kent, R. (2011). The effect of upper limb orthotics after stroke: A systematic review. NeuroRehabilitation, 28(1), 29-36.

Upper limb orthotics, or splints, are widely advocated for people with stroke however opinion about whether, and how, they should be used is varied. We therefore systematically reviewed the literature on upper limb orthotics for people with stroke an... Read More about The effect of upper limb orthotics after stroke: A systematic review.

Unilateral cerebral palsy : a population-based study of gait and motor function (2011)
Journal Article
Dobson, F., Morris, M., Baker, R., & Graham, H. (2011). Unilateral cerebral palsy : a population-based study of gait and motor function. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53(5), 429-435.

Aim: to investigate the spectrum and relationships between gait patterns and motor function in a population-based cross study of children with unilateral cerebral palsy (CP).
Method: children identified with unilateral CP born in Victoria, Australi... Read More about Unilateral cerebral palsy : a population-based study of gait and motor function.

Tibialis anterior tendon shortening in combination with Achilles tendon lengthening in spastic equinus in cerebral palsy (2011)
Journal Article
Rutz, E., Baker, R., Tirosh, O., Romkes, J., Haase, C., & Brunner, R. (2011). Tibialis anterior tendon shortening in combination with Achilles tendon lengthening in spastic equinus in cerebral palsy. Gait & Posture, 33(2), 152-157.

Equinus is the commonest deformity in cerebral palsy (CP). Many different surgical procedures have been
described for the treatment of spastic equinus. In long standing equinus deformities the tibialis anterior
muscle becomes elongated which is one... Read More about Tibialis anterior tendon shortening in combination with Achilles tendon lengthening in spastic equinus in cerebral palsy.

Evaluation of the organisation and delivery of patient-centred acute nursing care (2011)
Journal Article
Haigh, C., & Ormandy, P. (2011). Evaluation of the organisation and delivery of patient-centred acute nursing care. Contemporary Nurse, 37(2), 253-264

The key driver for this study arose from two serious untoward incidents that occurred in a large district general hospital in the United Kingdom. Following investigation of both these events the Director of Nursing in post at that time believed that... Read More about Evaluation of the organisation and delivery of patient-centred acute nursing care.

What drives adaptive gait changes to acutely presented monocular blur? (2011)
Journal Article
Chapman, G., Scally, A., & Elliott, D. (2011). What drives adaptive gait changes to acutely presented monocular blur?. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(2), 352-354.

PURPOSE: To determine whether gait alterations due to monocular spherical lens blur were a safety strategy or driven by lens magnification.

METHODS: Adaptive gait and visual function were measured in 10 older adults (mean age, 74.9 ± 4.8 years) wi... Read More about What drives adaptive gait changes to acutely presented monocular blur?.

Origins, purpose and future of Sure Start children’s centres in England (2011)
Journal Article
Camps, L., & Long, T. (2011). Origins, purpose and future of Sure Start children’s centres in England. Nursing Children and Young People, 24(1), 26-30

Sure Start began in England under the UK’s former
Labour government as an intervention for families
with young children, particularly targeting the most
deprived in society. More than a decade later the
service is under threat in many parts of th... Read More about Origins, purpose and future of Sure Start children’s centres in England.

Exploring the housing needs of migrant workers in Harlow and Broxbourne : Executive summary (2011)
Scullion, L., & Morris, G. (2011). Exploring the housing needs of migrant workers in Harlow and Broxbourne : Executive summary

It was recognised that, since 2004, a large number of Central and Eastern European
migrants had moved into Harlow and Broxbourne. To meet the challenge of providing
responsive services, the overall aim of this study was to enhance intelligence in... Read More about Exploring the housing needs of migrant workers in Harlow and Broxbourne : Executive summary.