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All Outputs (227)

Using a qualitative approach to explore the human response to vibration in residential environments in the United Kingdom (2012)
Journal Article

As a growing number of areas in the UK become ever more densely populated, increasing construction work is
being undertaken and transportation networks built in order to cope with the growing population. The
development of this infrastructure, coup... Read More about Using a qualitative approach to explore the human response to vibration in residential environments in the United Kingdom.

Drug-induced supersensitivity psychosis revisited: characteristics of relapse in treatment-compliant patients (2012)
Journal Article
Fallon, P., Dursun, S., & Deakin, B. (2012). Drug-induced supersensitivity psychosis revisited: characteristics of relapse in treatment-compliant patients. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 2(1), 13-22.

Background: An association between abnormal involuntary movements and psychotic relapse was previously reported in a group of patients compliant with antipsychotic medication (Fallon and Dursun 2011). This was interpreted as the presence of an antips... Read More about Drug-induced supersensitivity psychosis revisited: characteristics of relapse in treatment-compliant patients.

Concurrent analysis : validation of the domains within the birth satisfaction scale (2012)
Journal Article
Hollins-Martin, C., Snowden, A., & Martin, C. R. (2012). Concurrent analysis : validation of the domains within the birth satisfaction scale. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 30(3), 247-260.

Background and aim: Measuring women’s satisfaction with their birth experience has been problematic. Recently, an attempt has been made to capture birth satisfaction’s generalised meaning and incorporate it into an evidenced-based tool. Standard proc... Read More about Concurrent analysis : validation of the domains within the birth satisfaction scale.

Exploring the consequences of how Scotland interprets the UK misuse of drugs act 1971 (2012)
Journal Article
Mcphee, I., Hollins-Martin, C., Martin, C., & Sneider, A. (2012). Exploring the consequences of how Scotland interprets the UK misuse of drugs act 1971. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 12(3), 146-156.

Purpose – This paper aims to critically explore the consequences of how Scotland interprets the UK
Misuse of Drugs Act (1971). Scotland prosecutes 24 per cent of people found in possession of illegal drugs for drug ‘‘dealing’’ compared to less than... Read More about Exploring the consequences of how Scotland interprets the UK misuse of drugs act 1971.

Cost-effectiveness of cryotherapy versus salicylic acid for the treatment of plantar warts: Economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial (EVerT trial) (2012)
Journal Article

Plantar warts (verrucae) are extremely common. Although many will spontaneously disappear without treatment, treatment may be sought for a variety of reasons such as discomfort. There are a number of different treatments for cutaneous war... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of cryotherapy versus salicylic acid for the treatment of plantar warts: Economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial (EVerT trial).

A comparison of maximal squat strength and five, ten and twenty meter sprint times in Athletes and recreationally trained individuals (2012)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Bullock, N., & Pearson, S. (2012). A comparison of maximal squat strength and five, ten and twenty meter sprint times in Athletes and recreationally trained individuals. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(4), 937-940.

A comparison of maximal squat strength and 5-, 10-, and 20-meter sprint times, in athletes and recreationally trained men. J Strength Cond Res 26(4): 937-940, 2012-The purpose of this study was to identify whether there was a relationship between rel... Read More about A comparison of maximal squat strength and five, ten and twenty meter sprint times in Athletes and recreationally trained individuals.

Developing information literacy skills in re-registration nurses: An experimental study of teaching methods (2012)
Journal Article
Brettle, A., & Raynor, M. (2012). Developing information literacy skills in re-registration nurses: An experimental study of teaching methods. Nurse Education Today, 33(2), 103-109.


To compare the effectiveness of an online information literacy tutorial with a face-to-face session for teaching information literacy skills to nurses.

Randomised control trial.

Seventy-seven first year undergraduat... Read More about Developing information literacy skills in re-registration nurses: An experimental study of teaching methods.

TA treatment of depression: A hermeneutic single-case efficacy design study - 'Peter' (2012)
Journal Article
Widdowson, M. (2012). TA treatment of depression: A hermeneutic single-case efficacy design study - 'Peter'. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research, 3(1), 3-13

Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design (HSCED) is a systematic case study research method involving the cross-examination of mixed method data to generate both plausible arguments that the client changed due to therapy and alternative explanations.... Read More about TA treatment of depression: A hermeneutic single-case efficacy design study - 'Peter'.

Inequities in health and health care between provinces of Iran : promoting equitable health care resource allocation (2012)
Babaie, M. Inequities in health and health care between provinces of Iran : promoting equitable health care resource allocation. (Thesis). University of Salford

Investigation of the influence of public expenditure on health lends support to the opinion that
equitable distribution of financial resources would help to reduce inequities in health. This
thesis set out to establish inequities in access to hea... Read More about Inequities in health and health care between provinces of Iran : promoting equitable health care resource allocation.

Lower limb stiffness: Effect on performance and training considerations (2012)
Journal Article
McMahon, J., Comfort, P., & Pearson, S. (2012). Lower limb stiffness: Effect on performance and training considerations. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 34(6), 94-101.

Summary: the aim of this review was to summarize the research to date on lower limb stiffness in relation to both its effect on performance and training considerations. Evidence suggests that some amount of lower limb stiffness is required for succes... Read More about Lower limb stiffness: Effect on performance and training considerations.

Nitrate ingestion: Implication for performance and training (2012)
Journal Article
Mahoney, L., Wiper, M., & Comfort, P. (2012). Nitrate ingestion: Implication for performance and training. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 34(4), 22-25.

Summary: increasing blood flow to working muscles, through increased vasodilatation, has the potential to increase work capacity during both aerobic and anaerobic performances and possibly enhance recovery through increased nutrient delivery. because... Read More about Nitrate ingestion: Implication for performance and training.

Determination of optimal load during the power clean, in collegiate athletes (2012)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Fletcher, C., & McMahon, J. (2012). Determination of optimal load during the power clean, in collegiate athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(11), 2962-2969.

Although previous research has been performed in similar areas of study, the optimal load for the development of peak power during training remains controversial, and this has yet to be established in collegiate level athletes. The purpose of this st... Read More about Determination of optimal load during the power clean, in collegiate athletes.

Inter-assessor reliability of practice based biomechanical assessment of the foot and ankle (2012)
Journal Article
and ankle. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 5(14),

There is no consensus on which protocols should be used to assess foot and lower limb
biomechanics in clinical practice. The reliability of many assessments has been questioned by
previous research. The aim of this investigation was to... Read More about Inter-assessor reliability of practice based biomechanical assessment of the foot and ankle.

Knowledge integration process in construction projects : a social network analysis approach to compare competitive and collaborative working (2012)
Journal Article
Ruan, X., Ochieng, E., Price, A., & Egbu, C. (2012). Knowledge integration process in construction projects : a social network analysis approach to compare competitive and collaborative working. Construction Management and Economics, 30(1), 5-19.

Research on knowledge integration across organizational boundaries is still very limited because of the assumption that knowledge is a critical asset, which should be secured within organizational boundaries. A variety of knowledge management framewo... Read More about Knowledge integration process in construction projects : a social network analysis approach to compare competitive and collaborative working.

The prevalence of upright non-stepping time in comparison to stepping time in 11–13 year old school children across seasons (2012)
Journal Article
McCrorie, P., Duncan, E., Granat, M., & Stansfield, B. (2012). The prevalence of upright non-stepping time in comparison to stepping time in 11–13 year old school children across seasons. Physiological Measurement, 33(11), 1901-1912.

Evidence suggests that behaviours such as standing are beneficial for our health.
Unfortunately, little is known of the prevalence of this state, its importance in
relation to time spent stepping or variation across seasons. The aim of this study
w... Read More about The prevalence of upright non-stepping time in comparison to stepping time in 11–13 year old school children across seasons.

The formation of friction blisters on the foot: the development of a laboratory-based blister creation model (2012)
Journal Article
Hashmi, F., Richards, B., Forghany, S., Hatton, A., & Nester, C. (2012). The formation of friction blisters on the foot: the development of a laboratory-based blister creation model. Skin Research and Technology, 19(1), e479-e489.

Background/Purpose: Friction blisters on the foot are a debilitating pathology that have an impact on activities of daily living
and can severely impair function. The purpose of this study was
to test the hypotheses that digital infrared thermograp... Read More about The formation of friction blisters on the foot: the development of a laboratory-based blister creation model.