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Engaging young people in resettlement: a practitioner’s guide (2014)
Wright, S., Hazel, N., & Bateman, T. (2014). Engaging young people in resettlement: a practitioner’s guide. London

One of the prerequisites of effective resettlement intervention with young people leaving custody is that they are fully engaged with the services provided to them. This practitioner’s guide reports on research undertaken by Beyond Youth Custody on t... Read More about Engaging young people in resettlement: a practitioner’s guide.

The effect of ‘third party’ pressure on police crime recording practice (2014)
Journal Article
Hope, T. (2014). The effect of ‘third party’ pressure on police crime recording practice

Recorded crime is best seen nowadays as an output measure of the delivery of public police services.
This note concerns the effect of ‘third-parties’ on the recording as crime of incidents brought to the attention of the police.
Third-party pressu... Read More about The effect of ‘third party’ pressure on police crime recording practice.

The effect of peer tutoring on academic achievement (2014)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., & McMahon, J. (2014). The effect of peer tutoring on academic achievement. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 6(1), 168-175.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of peer tutoring on the academic achievement, during practical assessments, of the tutors and tutees.

Design/methodology/approach – Final year students on an undergraduate Sports Scie... Read More about The effect of peer tutoring on academic achievement.

Association between foot types defined by static and dynamic measures, and the centre of pressure during gait (2014)
Journal Article
Liao, S., Javis, H., Liu, A., Nester, C., Bowden, P., Jones, R., & Xiong, K. (2014). Association between foot types defined by static and dynamic measures, and the centre of pressure during gait. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7(S1), A55-A55.

Foot types (e.g. pronated, supinated foot) are used for clinical reasoning [1] and widely assumed to be related to centre of pressure (COP) patterns [2, 3]. Specifically, a pronated foot will demonstrate a medially deviated COP. It follows that COP c... Read More about Association between foot types defined by static and dynamic measures, and the centre of pressure during gait.

The effect of stroke on foot biomechanics; underlying mechanisms and the functional consequences (2014)
Journal Article
Forghany, S., Nester, C., Tyson, S., Preece, S., & Jones, R. (2014). The effect of stroke on foot biomechanics; underlying mechanisms and the functional consequences. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7(S1), A18-A18.

Although approximately one-third of stroke survivors suffer abnormal foot posture and this can influence mobility [1], there is very little objective information regarding the foot and ankle after stroke.

Foot and ankle biomechanics play a role in biomechanical response to lateral wedge insoles (2014)
Journal Article
Jones, R., Chapman, G., Parkes, M., Forsythe, L., & Felson, D. (2014). Foot and ankle biomechanics play a role in biomechanical response to lateral wedge insoles. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7, A39-A39.

Lateral wedge insoles have consistently shown to reduce the external knee adduction moment (EKAM) in medial knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients; although there is evidence that certain patients have a paradoxical increase in EKAM. This may be a key fac... Read More about Foot and ankle biomechanics play a role in biomechanical response to lateral wedge insoles.

Is it possible to predict optimal rocker shoe design using barefoot gait parameters? (2014)
Journal Article
Chapman, J., Preece, S., Nester, C., Braunstein, B., Höhne, A., & Brüggermann, G. (2014). Is it possible to predict optimal rocker shoe design using barefoot gait parameters?. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7, A65-A65.

Curved rocker shoes are routinely prescribed for people with diabetes in order reduce in-shoe plantar pressures. However, previous research has shown that different individuals may require different rocker outsole geometries in order to optimise pres... Read More about Is it possible to predict optimal rocker shoe design using barefoot gait parameters?.

The effects of pronated foot posture and medial heel and forefoot wedge orthoses on static balance in older people (2014)
Journal Article
Hemmati, F., Forghany, S., & Nester, C. (2014). The effects of pronated foot posture and medial heel and forefoot wedge orthoses on static balance in older people. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7, A17-A17.

Aging has been associated with increasing foot pronation [1] and changes in foot mobility and posture which may influence standing balance [2, 3]. Orthotic interventions change foot posture [4] and load distribution under the foot [5] and therefore m... Read More about The effects of pronated foot posture and medial heel and forefoot wedge orthoses on static balance in older people.

Size of the abductor hallucis muscle in older women with hallux valgus (2014)
Journal Article
Mickle, K. J., & Nester, C. J. (2014). Size of the abductor hallucis muscle in older women with hallux valgus. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7(S1), A57-A57.

Toe deformities are highly prevalent in older people with up to 74% of older men and women having some degree of hallux valgus [1]. Despite the well documented hypotheses that atrophied, or weak toe flexor muscles are associated with the formation of... Read More about Size of the abductor hallucis muscle in older women with hallux valgus.

Validity and repeatability of three commercially available in-shoe pressure measurement systems (2014)
Journal Article
Price, C., Parker, D., & Nester, C. (2014). Validity and repeatability of three commercially available in-shoe pressure measurement systems. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7(S1), A67-A67.

In-shoe pressure measurement devices are commonly used in research and clinical settings to quantify pressure on the plantar foot. Various in-shoe pressure measurement devices are currently available and they differ in their size, number of sensors,... Read More about Validity and repeatability of three commercially available in-shoe pressure measurement systems.

Evaluating the effect of apex position and rocker in curved rocker shoes (2014)
Journal Article
Chapman, J., Preece, S., Nester, C., Braunstein, B., Höhne, A., & Brüggermann, G. (2014). Evaluating the effect of apex position and rocker in curved rocker shoes. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7(S1), A66-A66.

Curved rocker shoes are designed with a contoured outsole which can be characteristics by three principle design features: rocker angle, apex angle and apex position. Although these shoes are routinely prescribed to reduce in-shoe pressure in patient... Read More about Evaluating the effect of apex position and rocker in curved rocker shoes.

The effect of cognitive task on ankle movement variability in athletes with functional ankle instability (2014)
Journal Article
Tavakoli, S., Forghany, S., Nester, C., Jamali, A., & Bapirzadeh, K. (2014). The effect of cognitive task on ankle movement variability in athletes with functional ankle instability. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7(S1), A90-A90.

Gait has been generally viewed as a largely automated motor task, requiring minimal higher-level cognitive input. Increasing evidence, however, suggest that attention demanding cognitive tasks to disturb gait[1, 2]. Movement variability may influence... Read More about The effect of cognitive task on ankle movement variability in athletes with functional ankle instability.

The effect of rollover footwear on pain, disability and lumbar posture in patients with low back pain (2014)
Journal Article
Rahimi, A., Forghany, S., Nester, C., & pol, F. (2014). The effect of rollover footwear on pain, disability and lumbar posture in patients with low back pain. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7(S1), A20-A20.

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders [1]. Exercise therapy is often advised [2, 3] but requires a significant time commitment, can rely on equipment or health professionals and risks low compliance. As an alternativ... Read More about The effect of rollover footwear on pain, disability and lumbar posture in patients with low back pain.

The effect of rollover footwear on head and trunk posture during standing (2014)
Journal Article
Pol, F., Forghany, S., Nester, C., & Rahimi, A. (2014). The effect of rollover footwear on head and trunk posture during standing. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7, A21-A21.

Footwear with a curved sole profile has become popular due to the proposed benefits to gait, posture and altered muscle activity and tone. In addition, rocker profiled footwear are one of the most commonly prescribed therapeutic shoes. The altered mo... Read More about The effect of rollover footwear on head and trunk posture during standing.

Rheumatoid arthritis patients’ views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists (2014)
Journal Article
Prior, Y., Amanna, A., Bodell, S., & Hammond, A. (2014). Rheumatoid arthritis patients’ views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists. Rheumatology, 53(Supp.1), i121-i122.

Background: Work disability in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is common and many are unlikely to return to work once they cease working. This study, nested within a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a vocational rehabilitation (VR) programme, aimed to... Read More about Rheumatoid arthritis patients’ views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists.

Reliability of three objective hand measures : joint circumference, composite finger flexion and the grip ability test (2014)
Journal Article
Hammond, A., Jones, V., & Prior, Y. (2014). Reliability of three objective hand measures : joint circumference, composite finger flexion and the grip ability test. Rheumatology, 53(Supp1), i124.

Background: Prior to a feasibility study evaluating compression gloves in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), we searched AMED (1985- April 2013) and MEDLINE (1988 - April 2013) to identify reliable methods of evaluating objective measures of hand joint swell... Read More about Reliability of three objective hand measures : joint circumference, composite finger flexion and the grip ability test.

A systematic review of compression gloves in arthritis (2014)
Journal Article
Hammond, A., Jones, V., & Prior, Y. (2014). A systematic review of compression gloves in arthritis. Rheumatology, 53(Supp1), i125.

Background: Compression gloves (CG) are provided in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), inflammatory arthritis (IA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and hand osteoarthritis (OA) to relieve pain and swelling at night, reduce stiffness and improve hand movem... Read More about A systematic review of compression gloves in arthritis.

G16 The Paediatric Observation Priority Score (POPS): a more accurate predictor of admission risk from the Emergency Department than the Manchester Children's Early Warning System (ManChEWS) (2014)
Journal Article
Rowland, A., Cotterill, S., Lees, H., & Kelly, J. (2014). G16 The Paediatric Observation Priority Score (POPS): a more accurate predictor of admission risk from the Emergency Department than the Manchester Children's Early Warning System (ManChEWS). Archives of Disease in Childhood, 99(Suppl), A8-A8.

Background The Paediatric Observation Priority Score (POPS) is a specific Emergency Department (ED) physiological and observational aggregate scoring system, with scores of 0–18. A higher score indicates greater likelihood of admission. The Mancheste... Read More about G16 The Paediatric Observation Priority Score (POPS): a more accurate predictor of admission risk from the Emergency Department than the Manchester Children's Early Warning System (ManChEWS).