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All Outputs (476)

Cognitive factors are associated with disability and pain, but not fatigue among physiotherapy attendees with persistent pain and fatigue (2019)
Journal Article
Thompson, D., Antcliff, D., & Woby, S. (2020). Cognitive factors are associated with disability and pain, but not fatigue among physiotherapy attendees with persistent pain and fatigue. Physiotherapy, 106, 94-100.

Most research exploring the relationship between cognitive factors and pain, disability and fatigue in patients with persistent pain/fatigue has been performed in multi disciplinary environments. It is unclear whether these associations a... Read More about Cognitive factors are associated with disability and pain, but not fatigue among physiotherapy attendees with persistent pain and fatigue.

The Healthy Immigrant Effect: The role of educational selectivity in the good health of migrants (2019)
Journal Article
Ichou, M., & Wallace, M. (2019). The Healthy Immigrant Effect: The role of educational selectivity in the good health of migrants. #Journal not on list, 40, Article 4.

Background: The Healthy Immigrant Effect (HIE) refers to the fact that recent migrants are in better health than the nonmigrant population in the host country. Central to explaining the HIE is the idea that migrants are positively selected in terms... Read More about The Healthy Immigrant Effect: The role of educational selectivity in the good health of migrants.

Coping with extremes, creating comfort: user experiences of ‘low-energy’ homes in Australia (2019)
Journal Article
Sherriff, G., Moore, T., Berry, S., Ambrose, A., Goodchild, B., & Maye-Banbury, A. (2019). Coping with extremes, creating comfort: user experiences of ‘low-energy’ homes in Australia. Energy Research and Social Science, 51, 44-54.

Low- and zero-energy homes are core elements in transitioning the housing stock towards a more environmentally sustainable model that responds to concerns about climate change and the need for energy demand reduction. Whilst there is a growing body o... Read More about Coping with extremes, creating comfort: user experiences of ‘low-energy’ homes in Australia.

A survey of physiotherapy practice (2018) in the United Kingdom for patients with greater trochanteric pain syndrome (2019)
Journal Article

Purpose: Greater Trochanteric Pain syndrome (GTPS) is a debilitating condition causing lateral hip pain. It affects up to 23.5% of women and 8% of men between 50 and 75 years old. Sufferers report comparable quality of life and functional performance... Read More about A survey of physiotherapy practice (2018) in the United Kingdom for patients with greater trochanteric pain syndrome.

Authenticity and the interview : a positive response to a radical critique (2019)
Journal Article
Whitaker, E., & Atkinson, P. (2019). Authenticity and the interview : a positive response to a radical critique. Qualitative Research, 19(6), 619-634.

We respond to recent discussions of the interview, and the ‘radical critique’ of interviewing, as reiterated in publications by Silverman and Hammersley. Reviewing and extending the critical commentary on the social life of the interview and its impl... Read More about Authenticity and the interview : a positive response to a radical critique.

Lurkers: The game show (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Honeychurch, S., Middleton, A., O'Brien, R., Beckingham, S., Withnell, N., & Turner, S. (2019, January). Lurkers: The game show. Presented at Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference, Lancashire, United Kingdom

The efficacy of a lateral wedge insole for painful medial knee osteoarthritis after prescreening : a randomized clinical trial (2019)
Journal Article

Lateral wedge shoe insoles decrease medial knee loading, but trials have shown no effect on pain in medial knee osteoarthritis (OA). However, insoles' loading effects are inconsistent, and they can increase patellofemoral loading. We hyp... Read More about The efficacy of a lateral wedge insole for painful medial knee osteoarthritis after prescreening : a randomized clinical trial.

The value of tibial mounted inertial measurement units to quantify running kinetics in elite football (soccer) players. A reliability and agreement study using a research orientated and a clinically orientated system (2019)
Journal Article
Hughes, T., Jones, R., Starbuck, C., Sergeant, J., & Callaghan, M. (2019). The value of tibial mounted inertial measurement units to quantify running kinetics in elite football (soccer) players. A reliability and agreement study using a research orientated and a clinically orientated system. Journal of Electro - myography and Kinesiology, 44(Feb 19), 156-164.

In elite football, measurement of running kinetics with inertial measurement units (IMUs) may be useful as a component of periodic health examination (PHE). This study determined the reliability of, and agreement between a research orientated IMU and... Read More about The value of tibial mounted inertial measurement units to quantify running kinetics in elite football (soccer) players. A reliability and agreement study using a research orientated and a clinically orientated system.

Serial killers and the media : the Moors Murders legacy (2019)
Cummins, I., Foley, M., & King, M. (2019). Serial killers and the media : the Moors Murders legacy. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book examines the media and cultural responses to the awful crimes of Brady and Hindley, whose murders provided a template for future media reporting on serial killers. It explores a wide variety of topics relating to the Moors Murders case incl... Read More about Serial killers and the media : the Moors Murders legacy.

Participatory social network map making with family carers of people living with dementia (2019)
Journal Article
Campbell, S., Clark, A., Keady, J., Kullberg, A., Manji, K., Rummery, K., & Ward, R. (2019). Participatory social network map making with family carers of people living with dementia. Methodological Innovations, 12(1),

This article focuses on the use of a participatory social network mapping method with family carers. This is one of a suite of methods developed in a 5-year qualitative multi-centre project exploring how neighbourhoods support, enable or disable peop... Read More about Participatory social network map making with family carers of people living with dementia.

"Hear Us Speak" : listening to women's experiences of perinatal distress and the Transactional Analysis psychotherapy treatment they received (2019)
Haynes, E. "Hear Us Speak" : listening to women's experiences of perinatal distress and the Transactional Analysis psychotherapy treatment they received. (Thesis). University of Salford

This PhD study examines Transactional Analysis (TA) psychotherapy as a treatment for perinatal mental illness, by listening to the experiences of women who have received it within a private practice, psychotherapeutic setting. The study also address... Read More about "Hear Us Speak" : listening to women's experiences of perinatal distress and the Transactional Analysis psychotherapy treatment they received.

A comparative study evaluating the performance of diagnostic radiography units and protocols for paediatric and adult chest radiography examinations (2019)
Al-Murshedi, S. A comparative study evaluating the performance of diagnostic radiography units and protocols for paediatric and adult chest radiography examinations. (Thesis). University of Salford

Purpose: Little is known about the variations in image quality (IQ) and radiation dose for paediatric and adult chest radiography (CXR), between and within hospitals. Large variations in IQ could influence the diagnostic accuracy, and variations in r... Read More about A comparative study evaluating the performance of diagnostic radiography units and protocols for paediatric and adult chest radiography examinations.