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A Qualitative Study Exploring the Impact the Self-Compassion App Has on Levels of Compassion, Self-Criticism, and Wellbeing (2022)
Journal Article

Self-guided, smartphone apps may be helpful in reducing symptoms associated with psychological distress and may boost wellbeing, and levels of compassion. To our knowledge this is the first study to examine the impact a 28-day app based on Compassion... Read More about A Qualitative Study Exploring the Impact the Self-Compassion App Has on Levels of Compassion, Self-Criticism, and Wellbeing.

Exploring the role of the UK renal social worker: the nexus between health and social care for renal patients (2022)
Journal Article
Seekles, M., & Ormandy, P. (2022). Exploring the role of the UK renal social worker: the nexus between health and social care for renal patients. PLoS ONE, 17(9), 1-17.

Patients living with progressive chronic kidney disease may face a variety of ongoing physical, emotional, financial and/or social challenges along the disease pathway. In most UK renal units, psychosocial support has traditionally been... Read More about Exploring the role of the UK renal social worker: the nexus between health and social care for renal patients.

Evaluation of socioeconomic and nutritional status in an arsenic-exposed population of Bihar, India (2022)
Suman, S. Evaluation of socioeconomic and nutritional status in an arsenic-exposed population of Bihar, India. (Thesis). University of Salford

Background: Arsenic contamination of groundwater and food has become a challenging public health problem in the world. This study is a part of the UK-India bilateral project NutriSAM (2017-2020) and includes a population-based household survey in ars... Read More about Evaluation of socioeconomic and nutritional status in an arsenic-exposed population of Bihar, India.

Social work practice with self-neglect and homelessness: Findings from vignette-based interviews (2022)
Journal Article
Harris, J., Martineau, S., Manthorpe, J., Burridge, S., Ornelas, B., Tinelli, M., & Cornes, M. (2023). Social work practice with self-neglect and homelessness: Findings from vignette-based interviews. The British Journal of Social Work, 53(4), 2256-2276.

This article reports social workers’ attitudes and approaches to working with people experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness (MEH) who self-neglect, and whether these people receive services, including safeguarding, differently from other popula... Read More about Social work practice with self-neglect and homelessness: Findings from vignette-based interviews.

Fully remote intensive trauma-focused treatment for PTSD and Complex PTSD (2022)
Journal Article
Bongaerts, H., Voorendonk, E. M., Van Minnen, A., Rozendaal, L., Telkamp, B., & de Jongh, A. (2022). Fully remote intensive trauma-focused treatment for PTSD and Complex PTSD. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(2),

Background: It is unknown whether remotely delivered intensive trauma-focused therapy not only is an effective treatment for PTSD, but also for Complex PTSD.

Objective: Testing the hypothesis that a brief, fully remotely administered intensive tra... Read More about Fully remote intensive trauma-focused treatment for PTSD and Complex PTSD.

The effectiveness of occupational therapy in enabling adults with a diagnosis of depression to improve their function and meaningful participation; a mixed methods study (2022)

Depression is a leading cause of disability and is characterised by a loss of interest in
activities as well as difficulty carrying out everyday activities. Occupational therapy aims
to enable people to participate in the daily activi... Read More about The effectiveness of occupational therapy in enabling adults with a diagnosis of depression to improve their function and meaningful participation; a mixed methods study.

Leadership and resilience in adversity: The impact of COVID-19 on radiography researchers and ways forward (2022)
Journal Article

For just over two years, humanity has been struggling to cope with the dreadful effects of the coronavirus pandemic, which has, to date, caused over 6.5 million confirmed fatalities glob- ally [1], or between 15 and 25 million deaths, if excess death... Read More about Leadership and resilience in adversity: The impact of COVID-19 on radiography researchers and ways forward.

Prevalence of painful temporomandibular disorders, awake bruxism and sleep bruxism among patients with severe post‐traumatic stress disorder (2022)
Journal Article
Knibbe, W., Lobbezoo, F., Voorendonk, E., Visscher, C., & de Jongh, A. (2022). Prevalence of painful temporomandibular disorders, awake bruxism and sleep bruxism among patients with severe post‐traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 49(11), 1031-1040.

Background: Post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with painful temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and may be part of the aetiology of awake bruxism (AB) and sleep bruxism (SB). Investigating the associations between PTSD symptoms on the o... Read More about Prevalence of painful temporomandibular disorders, awake bruxism and sleep bruxism among patients with severe post‐traumatic stress disorder.

Implementation of the infection control estimate : A case study on the use of a newly developed digital tool for outbreak management in the acute setting (2022)
Journal Article
Wynn, M., Brady, S., McKenna, J., Swanson, L., & George, R. (2022). Implementation of the infection control estimate : A case study on the use of a newly developed digital tool for outbreak management in the acute setting. Journal of Infection Prevention, 24(1), 45-49.

Aim An Infection Control Estimate (ICE) Tool was developed based on a previously published concept of applying military planning techniques to Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) management strategies in the acute healthcare setting. Methods Initi... Read More about Implementation of the infection control estimate : A case study on the use of a newly developed digital tool for outbreak management in the acute setting.

Why does my prosthetic hand not always do what it is told? (2022)
Journal Article
Chadwell, A., Prince, M., Head, J., Galpin, A., Thies, S., & Kenney, L. (2022). Why does my prosthetic hand not always do what it is told?. Frontiers for Young Minds, 10,

There are online videos that appear to show electrically powered prosthetic (artificial) hands to be near-perfect replacements for a missing hand. However, for many users, the reality can be quite different. Prosthetic hands do not always respond as... Read More about Why does my prosthetic hand not always do what it is told?.

A Year Like No Other (2022)
Patrick, R., Power, M., Garthwaite, K., Kaufman, J., Page, G., & Pybus, K. (2022). A Year Like No Other. Policy Press.

Telling the stories of low-income families, this book exposes the ways that pre-existing inequalities, insecurities and hardships were amplified during the pandemic in the UK and offers key policy recommendations for change.

Application of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18) to the case of the Army-Navy recruiting center attacker in Little Rock, Arkansas (2022)
Journal Article
Tassin, C., & Allely, C. S. (2024). Application of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18) to the case of the Army-Navy recruiting center attacker in Little Rock, Arkansas. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 16(3), 402-427.

We applied the Path to Intended Violence (PTIV; Calhoun & Weston, 2003) model and the Terrorist
Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18; Meloy et al., 2015) to study the case of a lone-actor jihadist
who carried out a fatal shooting at a joint... Read More about Application of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18) to the case of the Army-Navy recruiting center attacker in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Theoretical and methodological approaches to activism during the COVID-19 pandemic — between continuity and change (2022)
Journal Article
Coen, S., Vezzoli, M., & Zogmaister, C. (2022). Theoretical and methodological approaches to activism during the COVID-19 pandemic — between continuity and change. Frontiers in Political Science, 4,

In order to understand the way in which scholars approach the study of activism at a time of crisis, a scoping review was conducted to identify the extant empirical work on activism during the COVID-19 crisis. Our search resulted in 23 published pape... Read More about Theoretical and methodological approaches to activism during the COVID-19 pandemic — between continuity and change.

“Just the freedom to get good at things and stuff like that”: why spending less time at work would be good for individual, social and environmental wellbeing (2022)
Journal Article
Balderson, U., Burchell, B., Kamerāde, D., Coutts, A., & Wang, S. (2022). “Just the freedom to get good at things and stuff like that”: why spending less time at work would be good for individual, social and environmental wellbeing. Futures, 143, 103035.

A reduction in the average length of the working week is a policy response which is gaining increasing political and popular support for its potential help to address a number of key societal challenges, particularly the declining health and wellbein... Read More about “Just the freedom to get good at things and stuff like that”: why spending less time at work would be good for individual, social and environmental wellbeing.

The efficacy of preliminary clinical evaluation for emergency department chest radiographs with trauma presentations in pre- and post-training situations (2022)
Journal Article
Stevens, B., & Thompson, J. (2022). The efficacy of preliminary clinical evaluation for emergency department chest radiographs with trauma presentations in pre- and post-training situations. Radiography, 28(4), 1122-1126.

The chest X-ray (CXR) is the most frequently performed radiographic examination. This study evaluates radiographers’ ability to localise traumatic CXR pathology and provide a preliminary clinical evaluation (PCE) for these cases.
Metho... Read More about The efficacy of preliminary clinical evaluation for emergency department chest radiographs with trauma presentations in pre- and post-training situations.

A case study of implementing interprofessional education in care home settings (2022)
Journal Article
Stephens, M., Hubbard, L., Kelly, S., Clark, A., & Chesterton, L. (2022). A case study of implementing interprofessional education in care home settings. Working with Older People,

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to report on an interprofessional (IPE) student training scheme recently conducted in three care homes across the Northwest of England. The intervention was designed as a feasibility study to explore the impacts... Read More about A case study of implementing interprofessional education in care home settings.