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Effectiveness of an intervention for reducing sitting time and improving health in office workers: three arm cluster randomised controlled trial (2022)
Journal Article

Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention, with and without a height adjustable desk, on daily sitting time, and to investigate the relative effectiveness of the two interventions, and the effectiveness of both interventions on phy... Read More about Effectiveness of an intervention for reducing sitting time and improving health in office workers: three arm cluster randomised controlled trial.

‘I want every minute to be worthwhile now’: The views and experiences of people living with dementia and their care partners about returning to in-person group meetings after COVID-19 lockdown restrictions (2022)
Journal Article
Kelly, S., Bushell, S., & Innes, A. (2022). ‘I want every minute to be worthwhile now’: The views and experiences of people living with dementia and their care partners about returning to in-person group meetings after COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. Dementia, 21(8),

COVID-19 and the resulting limitations on freedom of movement has been difficult for many, including individuals living with dementia and those who provide support and care. In the summer of 2021, England’s national lockdown measures eased, and regul... Read More about ‘I want every minute to be worthwhile now’: The views and experiences of people living with dementia and their care partners about returning to in-person group meetings after COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.

‘A Lot of People Just Go for Walks, and Don’t Do Anything Else’: Older Adults in the UK Are Not Aware of the Strength Component Embedded in the Chief Medical Officers’ Physical Activity Guidelines—A Qualitative Study (2022)
Journal Article
Gluchowski, A., Bilsborough, H., Mcdermott, J., Hawley-Hague, H., & Todd, C. (2022). ‘A Lot of People Just Go for Walks, and Don’t Do Anything Else’: Older Adults in the UK Are Not Aware of the Strength Component Embedded in the Chief Medical Officers’ Physical Activity Guidelines—A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(16), 10002.

Strength recommendations have been embedded within the UK’s Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines since 2011. In 2019, they were given a more prominent position in the accompanying infographic. However, there is limited evidence that t... Read More about ‘A Lot of People Just Go for Walks, and Don’t Do Anything Else’: Older Adults in the UK Are Not Aware of the Strength Component Embedded in the Chief Medical Officers’ Physical Activity Guidelines—A Qualitative Study.

Severe mental illness, common mental disorders, and neurodevelopmental conditions amongst 9088 lower court attendees in London, UK (2022)
Journal Article

Background: Court Mental Health Liaison and Diversion Services (CMHLDS) have developed in some countries as a response to the over-representation of mental illness and other vulnerabilities amongst defendants presenting to criminal justice (or correc... Read More about Severe mental illness, common mental disorders, and neurodevelopmental conditions amongst 9088 lower court attendees in London, UK.

Success Rates of Zygomatic Implants for the Rehabilitation of Severely Atrophic Maxilla: A Systematic Review (2022)
Journal Article
Solà Pérez, A., Pastorino, D., Aparicio, C., Pegueroles Neyra, M., Khan, R. S., Wright, S., & Ucer, C. (2022). Success Rates of Zygomatic Implants for the Rehabilitation of Severely Atrophic Maxilla: A Systematic Review. Dentistry Journal, 10(8), 151.

Zygomatic implants are a treatment solution for patients with severe maxillary atrophy. This treatment option allows delivering immediate fixed teeth within 24 h. Numerous peer-reviewed publications have reported different success rates, resulting in... Read More about Success Rates of Zygomatic Implants for the Rehabilitation of Severely Atrophic Maxilla: A Systematic Review.

Effect of hip abductors and lateral rotators' muscle strengthening on pain and functional outcome in adult patients with patellofemoral pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Alammari, A., Spence, N., Narayan, A., Karnad, S., & Ottayil, Z. (2022). Effect of hip abductors and lateral rotators' muscle strengthening on pain and functional outcome in adult patients with patellofemoral pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 36(1), 35-60.

Even though literature indicates presence of weak hip abductors and lateral rotators' in Patellofemoral Pain (PFP), studies evaluating the effect of hip abductors and lateral rotator strengthening to improve knee function and quality of life in PFP a... Read More about Effect of hip abductors and lateral rotators' muscle strengthening on pain and functional outcome in adult patients with patellofemoral pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Assessing the educational potential and language content of touchscreen apps for preschool children (2022)
Journal Article
Taylor, G., Kolak, J., Norgate, S., & Monaghan, P. (2022). Assessing the educational potential and language content of touchscreen apps for preschool children. Computers and education open, 3,

Touchscreen apps have the potential to teach children important early skills including oral language. However, there is little empirical data assessing the educational potential of children's apps in the app market or how apps link to theories of cog... Read More about Assessing the educational potential and language content of touchscreen apps for preschool children.

Burnout among psychotherapists: a cross‑cultural value survey among 12 European countries during the coronavirus disease pandemic (2022)
Journal Article

The aim of this study was to examine cross-cultural differences, as operationalized by Schwartz’s
refined theory of basic values, in burnout levels among psychotherapists from 12 European countries
during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic... Read More about Burnout among psychotherapists: a cross‑cultural value survey among 12 European countries during the coronavirus disease pandemic.

Psychotic creativity. A Foucauldian discourse analysis of alternative conversations about mental illness and mental health (2022)
Haslam, J. (in press). Psychotic creativity. A Foucauldian discourse analysis of alternative conversations about mental illness and mental health. (Thesis). University of Salford

My study has investigated how the practice of channelling symptoms of psychosis through the medium of creative art forms has empowered three young adults to create alternative discourses to trouble and unsettle the dynamic of power between service p... Read More about Psychotic creativity. A Foucauldian discourse analysis of alternative conversations about mental illness and mental health.

Integrating knowledge on green infrastructure, health and well-being in ageing populations: principles for research and practice (2022)
Journal Article

Ageing and urbanisation pose significant challenges for public health and urban planning. Ageing
populations are at particular risk from hazards arising from urbanisation processes, some of which are
in turn exacerbated by climate change. One appro... Read More about Integrating knowledge on green infrastructure, health and well-being in ageing populations: principles for research and practice.

Effect of different set configurations on barbell trajectories during the power snatch (2022)
Journal Article
Nagatani, T., Haff, G. G., Guppy, S. N., Poon, W., & Kendall, K. L. (2022). Effect of different set configurations on barbell trajectories during the power snatch. International journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 18(5), 1594-1604.

This study aimed to investigate the effect of different set configurations on barbell trajectories during a series of power snatch sets. Ten strength-power athletes (height: 1.78 ± 0.09 m, body mass: 88.7 ± 14.3 kg, age: 28.9 ± 4.8 years) with at lea... Read More about Effect of different set configurations on barbell trajectories during the power snatch.

Rapid creation of a website to produce educational and clinical support resources for global use during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Journal Article
Hogg, P., & Holmes, K. (2022). Rapid creation of a website to produce educational and clinical support resources for global use during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Radiography, 28,

It became clear at the onset of the pandemic that radiography could play an important role in diagnosing and staging COVID-19. The key modality would be mobile chest radiography. However, at the onset of the pandemic, no literature existed to indicat... Read More about Rapid creation of a website to produce educational and clinical support resources for global use during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Low Back Pain in People with Lower Limb Amputation: A Cross-sectional Study (2022)
Journal Article
Sadowski, P., Battista, S., Leuzzi, G., Sansone, L. G., & Testa, M. (2022). Low Back Pain in People with Lower Limb Amputation: A Cross-sectional Study. Spine, 47(22), 1599-1606.

Study Design.
A cross-sectional study based on an online questionnaire.

The aim was to investigate the prevalence and intensity of low back pain (LBP) in people with lower limb amputation (LLA) and to analyze the association factors... Read More about Low Back Pain in People with Lower Limb Amputation: A Cross-sectional Study.

The same but different: a comparison between family volunteers, other formal volunteers and non-volunteers (2022)
Journal Article
Kamerade, D. (2022). The same but different: a comparison between family volunteers, other formal volunteers and non-volunteers. Voluntary Sector Review, 1-12.

Extensive research has examined how family status, composition and dynamics affect volunteering, but not how family members volunteer as a group. This research note explores family volunteering – two or more members of a family volunteering together.... Read More about The same but different: a comparison between family volunteers, other formal volunteers and non-volunteers.

Asthma reviews: an essential part of good care (2022)
Journal Article
Henry, H. (2022). Asthma reviews: an essential part of good care. Practice Nursing, 33(8), 314-317.

Asthma reviews are essential in asthma management. Heather Henry provides a reminder of the essential topics to cover when conducting an asthma review Asthma reviews are an essential part of long-term conditions management in general practice. An ass... Read More about Asthma reviews: an essential part of good care.