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Development of Immediate Feedback Software for Optimising Glide Performance and Time of Initiating Post-Glide Actions (P56) (2008)
Book Chapter
Naemi, R., Aritan, S., Goodwill, S., Haake, S., & Sanders, R. (2008). Development of Immediate Feedback Software for Optimising Glide Performance and Time of Initiating Post-Glide Actions (P56). In The Engineering of Sport 7. Springer.

Performance in starts and turns is a major contributor to success in swimming and is influenced greatly by the glide efficiency and the timing of commencing the post-glide action (including kick in all strokes and the underwater pull in breaststroke... Read More about Development of Immediate Feedback Software for Optimising Glide Performance and Time of Initiating Post-Glide Actions (P56).

Standards, challenges and solutions: Developing a rheumatology core teaching set for undergraduate health professionals (2008)
Journal Article

Background: Rheumatological conditions are common, thus health professionals require at least basic rheumatology knowledge upon qualifying. The aim of this study was to develop a core set of teaching topics and potential ways of delivering them.... Read More about Standards, challenges and solutions: Developing a rheumatology core teaching set for undergraduate health professionals.

Patient perceptions on energizers and drainers in RA fatigue: Implications for clincial practice (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Fatigue is a significant symptom of RA, yet patients have reported feeling unsupported by clinicians, and self-management has variable success. This study aimed to explore the patients’ perception of what contributes to, or resolves fatig... Read More about Patient perceptions on energizers and drainers in RA fatigue: Implications for clincial practice.

Knowing you have been formally assessed as competent: Rheumatology practitioners' views of an osce (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: The objective structured clinical evaluation (OSCE) is increasingly being used to evaluate clinical skills and reasoning ability in under- and postgraduate programmes. Effectiveness of a Rheumatology OSCE has been evaluated in an MSc Rheu... Read More about Knowing you have been formally assessed as competent: Rheumatology practitioners' views of an osce.

Estimating individual cancer risks in the UK national breast screening programme: A feasibility study (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Conventional risk models for the development of breast cancer use inputs such as age, weight, hormonal factors and family history to compute individual breast cancer risk. These are employed in the management of women at high risk. The addition of br... Read More about Estimating individual cancer risks in the UK national breast screening programme: A feasibility study.

The construction of identities through narratives of occupations (2008)
Taylor, J. The construction of identities through narratives of occupations. (Thesis). University of Salford

Occupational therapists believe that identity is shaped by engagement in occupations but this relationship has yet to be fully understood. This thesis is an account of a study which aimed to investigate how narratives told about occupations contribut... Read More about The construction of identities through narratives of occupations.

Current status and future prospects (2008)
Journal Article
Brettle, A. (2008). Current status and future prospects. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 25, 32-34.

User education, information skills training, information
technology skills training, health informatics training, information handling skills, information literacy, literature searching training and finding information for evidence-based practice ar... Read More about Current status and future prospects.

Counselling in primary care : a systematic review of the evidence (2008)
Journal Article
Brettle, A., Hill, A., & Jenkins, P. (2008). Counselling in primary care : a systematic review of the evidence. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 8(4), 207-214.

Primary objective: To undertake a systematic review which aimed to locate, appraise and synthesise evidence to obtain a reliable overview of the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and user perspectives regarding counselling in primary care.... Read More about Counselling in primary care : a systematic review of the evidence.

Conscious surgery: influence of the environment on patient anxiety (2008)
Journal Article
Mitchell, M. (2008). Conscious surgery: influence of the environment on patient anxiety. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64(3), 261-271.

Aims: i) To investigate anxiety arising from the experience of the clinical environment during surgery under local/ regional anaesthesia and, ii) to uncover the specific aspects patients find anxiety provoking and possibly dissuade them from opting f... Read More about Conscious surgery: influence of the environment on patient anxiety.

Environmental citizenship and public attitudes to hydrogen energy technologies (2008)
Journal Article
Flynn, R., Bellaby, P., & Ricci, M. (2008). Environmental citizenship and public attitudes to hydrogen energy technologies. Environmental Politics, 17(5), 766-783.

Some of the principal arguments in the debate about environmental
citizenship are examined with reference to the development of hydrogen
energy systems. In particular, qualitative evidence is drawn from a study of
public attitudes towards hydrogen... Read More about Environmental citizenship and public attitudes to hydrogen energy technologies.

Labour ward incidents and potential claims - Lessons learned from research (2008)
Journal Article
Ashcroft, B. (2008). Labour ward incidents and potential claims - Lessons learned from research. Clinical Risk, 14(6), 235-238.

This paper provides an insight into the underlying factors involved in potential cerebral palsy and/or shoulder dystocia claims. The research was undertaken to identify the root causes of 37 cases of birth asphyxia in term infants severe enough to wa... Read More about Labour ward incidents and potential claims - Lessons learned from research.

Telling tales: using storytelling to explore and model critical reflective practice in integrated children's services (2008)
Journal Article
Haines, C., & Livesley, J. (2008). Telling tales: using storytelling to explore and model critical reflective practice in integrated children's services. Learning in Health and Social Care, 7(4), 227-234.

Realizing the vision for integrated children’s services will rely on effective collaboration and joined-up working across professional boundaries. One way of achieving this is to open up professional practice to the scrutiny of other
professional gr... Read More about Telling tales: using storytelling to explore and model critical reflective practice in integrated children's services.

Biomechanical comparison of the track start and the modified one-handed track start in competitive swimming: an intervention study (2008)
Journal Article
Galbraith, H., Scurr, J., Hencken, C., Wood, L., & Graham-Smith, P. (2008). Biomechanical comparison of the track start and the modified one-handed track start in competitive swimming: an intervention study. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 24(4), 307-315

This study compared the conventional track and a new one-handed track start in elite age group swimmers to determine if the new technique had biomechanical implications on dive performance. Five male and seven female GB national qualifiers participat... Read More about Biomechanical comparison of the track start and the modified one-handed track start in competitive swimming: an intervention study.