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Starting Well Project Evaluation (2023)
Lythgoe, J., & Cameron, H. (2023). Starting Well Project Evaluation. University of Salford: Homestart

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the impact of the Starting Well Project
delivered by Home-Start Manchester (HSM) & Home-Start Trafford, Salford &
Wigan (HSTSW) with funding from the government’s Health & Wellbeing Fund
2020-21. This pilo... Read More about Starting Well Project Evaluation.

Optimising physiotherapy for people with lateral elbow tendinopathy - Results of a mixed-methods pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial (OPTimisE) (2023)
Journal Article

The OPTimisE intervention was developed to address uncertainty regarding the most effective physiotherapy treatment strategy for people with Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy (LET). To assess the feasibility of conducting a fully-powered randomised controll... Read More about Optimising physiotherapy for people with lateral elbow tendinopathy - Results of a mixed-methods pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial (OPTimisE).

Public and professional involvement in a systematic review investigating the impact of occupational therapy on the self-management of rheumatoid arthritis (2023)
Journal Article

Introduction: Public and health professional involvement (PHPI) is essential in healthcare research yet uncommonly integrated into systematic reviews. We incorporated and evaluated PHPI in a mixed methods review of occupational therapy for self-manag... Read More about Public and professional involvement in a systematic review investigating the impact of occupational therapy on the self-management of rheumatoid arthritis.

Using wearable technology data to explain recreational running injury: A prospective longitudinal feasibility study (2023)
Journal Article
Neal, B. S., Bramah, C., McCarthy-Ryan, M. F., Moore, I. S., Napier, C., Paquette, M. R., & Gruber, A. H. (2024). Using wearable technology data to explain recreational running injury: A prospective longitudinal feasibility study. Physical Therapy in Sport, '65, 130-136.

Objectives Investigate 1) if collecting and analysing wristwatch inertial measurement unit (IMU) and global positioning system (GPS) data using a commercially-available training platform was feasible in recreational... Read More about Using wearable technology data to explain recreational running injury: A prospective longitudinal feasibility study.

Scavenging of Cation Radicals of the Visual Cycle Retinoids by Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Taurine, and Melanin (2023)
Journal Article
Rozanowska, M., Edge, R., Land, E. J., Navaratnam, S., Sarna, T., & Truscott, T. G. (in press). Scavenging of Cation Radicals of the Visual Cycle Retinoids by Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Taurine, and Melanin. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(1), 506.

In the retina, retinoids involved in vision are under constant threat of oxidation, and their oxidation products exhibit deleterious properties. Using pulse radiolysis, this study determined that the bimolecular rate constants of scavenging cation ra... Read More about Scavenging of Cation Radicals of the Visual Cycle Retinoids by Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Taurine, and Melanin.

Operational and Performance Experience with uMI550 Digital PET-CT during Routine Quality Control Procedures (2023)
Journal Article
Singh, M. K., Mohan, V. S. K., & Kaushik, C. (in press). Operational and Performance Experience with uMI550 Digital PET-CT during Routine Quality Control Procedures. World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 22(04), 267-275.

Introduction The quality control (QC) procedures for positron emission tomography (PET) scanners are covered by National Electrical Manufacturers Association and International Electrotechnical Commission. QC must be carried out at regular intervals a... Read More about Operational and Performance Experience with uMI550 Digital PET-CT during Routine Quality Control Procedures.

The Subversive Weber: Subjectivation and World-Confrontation in Max Weber’s Teaching (2023)
Journal Article
Frade, C. (2023). The Subversive Weber: Subjectivation and World-Confrontation in Max Weber’s Teaching. Cosmos and history, 19(2), 73–102

That there is a subversive Max Weber may go unrecognized even by Marxist scholars otherwise appreciative, if critically, of Weber, to say nothing of mainstream Weber scholarship. That the subversive side of Weber’s thought and teaching lies in his fi... Read More about The Subversive Weber: Subjectivation and World-Confrontation in Max Weber’s Teaching.

The Effects of Running Kinematics on Peak Upper Trunk GPS-Measured Accelerations during Foot Contact at Different Running Speeds (2023)
Journal Article
Lawson, M., Naemi, R., A. Needham, R., & Chockalingam, N. (2023). The Effects of Running Kinematics on Peak Upper Trunk GPS-Measured Accelerations during Foot Contact at Different Running Speeds. Applied Sciences, 14(1),

The overall aim of this study was to determine the effects of running kinematics on the peak upper trunk segmental accelerations captured with an accelerometer embedded in a commonly used GPS device. Thirteen male participants (age: 27 ± 3.7 years, h... Read More about The Effects of Running Kinematics on Peak Upper Trunk GPS-Measured Accelerations during Foot Contact at Different Running Speeds.

Real-World Fatigue Testing in Professional Rugby Union: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
Grainger, A., Comfort, P., Twist, C., M. Heffernan, S., & Tarantino, G. (2023). Real-World Fatigue Testing in Professional Rugby Union: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 10.1007/s40279-023-01973-3.

Professional rugby union is a high-intensity contact sport with position-specific high training and match volumes across a season that may lead to periods of fatigue if above a typically experienced threshold. This study assesses the influence of mat... Read More about Real-World Fatigue Testing in Professional Rugby Union: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis..

The National Teaching Repository & Social Media (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Turner, S., Faulkner, S., & Withnell, N. (2023, December). The National Teaching Repository & Social Media. Presented at Social Media for Learning in Higher Education

•This project is part of the 2020 Good Practice Grants, which helped Advance HE members to develop and share innovative practice.

•The idea behind the National Teaching Repository is to create a central space where anyone with an interest in tea... Read More about The National Teaching Repository & Social Media.

Implementation and engagement of the SMART Work & Life sitting reduction intervention: an exploratory analysis on intervention effectiveness (2023)
Journal Article

Background: To enhance the impact of interventions, it is important to understand how intervention engagement relates to study outcomes. We report on the level of implementation and engagement with the SMART Work & Life (SWAL) programme (delivered wi... Read More about Implementation and engagement of the SMART Work & Life sitting reduction intervention: an exploratory analysis on intervention effectiveness.

Immediate and repeat interrogative suggestibility in a sample of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (2023)
Journal Article
Gilbert, D. J., Gudjonsson, G., Cook, P., Mukherjee, R. A. S., & Allely, C. (2024). Immediate and repeat interrogative suggestibility in a sample of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Diversity & Inclusion Research, 1(1), e12007.

Individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system (CJS) than neurotypical individuals. Interrogative suggestibility is theorised to be a weakness in this population; this is the f... Read More about Immediate and repeat interrogative suggestibility in a sample of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

Match Demands of Male International Lacrosse Players Competing Under the World Lacrosse Sixes Format in International Competition: Brief Report (2023)
Journal Article

World Lacrosse Sixes has only been developed recently, with very little known about the demands, therefore the purpose of this study is to identify competitive international match demands. 17 international male players (26.00  3.08 years, 181.47  6... Read More about Match Demands of Male International Lacrosse Players Competing Under the World Lacrosse Sixes Format in International Competition: Brief Report.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in people with long COVID, ME/CFS, and controls. (2023)
Journal Article

Prevalences of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) have not previously been compared between individuals with long COVID and individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME... Read More about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in people with long COVID, ME/CFS, and controls..

Boswellia carterii oleoresin extracts induce caspase-mediated apoptosis and G 1 cell cycle arrest in human leukaemia subtypes (2023)
Journal Article
Jones, M. A., Borun, A., & Greensmith, D. J. (2023). Boswellia carterii oleoresin extracts induce caspase-mediated apoptosis and G 1 cell cycle arrest in human leukaemia subtypes. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, 1282239.

Background: Leukemias are a common cancer in adults and children. While existing treatments are effective, they are associated with severe side-effects compounded by the emergence of drug resistance. This necessitates the need to develop new drugs an... Read More about Boswellia carterii oleoresin extracts induce caspase-mediated apoptosis and G 1 cell cycle arrest in human leukaemia subtypes.

What is the current global health participation and future interest of healthcare students and National Health Service (NHS) staff? A cross-sectional research study of healthcare students and NHS staff in England. (2023)
Journal Article
Goldstone, R., Hinds, R., McCarthy, R., Byrne, G., & Keen, D. (in press). What is the current global health participation and future interest of healthcare students and National Health Service (NHS) staff? A cross-sectional research study of healthcare students and NHS staff in England. BMJ Open, 13(12), e074226.

This research aimed to understand the prior and current global health participation, current availability of and future interest in participating in global health activities healthcare students and National Health Service (NHS) staff. An online surve... Read More about What is the current global health participation and future interest of healthcare students and National Health Service (NHS) staff? A cross-sectional research study of healthcare students and NHS staff in England..

“Their Normal is Just Different to Ours”: How Does Police Occupational Culture Contribute to Their Understanding of Autism? (2023)

This exploratory, qualitative PhD study aimed to explore how police occupational culture theory can be used to view police behaviours and attitudes towards autism, and how autistic individuals perceive the police following experiences as suspects. P... Read More about “Their Normal is Just Different to Ours”: How Does Police Occupational Culture Contribute to Their Understanding of Autism?.

Posttraumatic growth experiences among people living with HIV (2023)
Book Chapter
Amos, I. Posttraumatic growth experiences among people living with HIV. In R. Berger (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Posttraumatic Growth. Routledge.

This chapter will explore the experience of PTG among people living with HIV. First, HIV and its impact as well as the daily stressors associated with living with HIV are outlined. Experiences of posttraumatic stress, including the impact of HIV-rela... Read More about Posttraumatic growth experiences among people living with HIV.