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Innovative learning in action (ILIA) issue six: Innovative practice in assessment (2006)
Caruana, V. (2006). Innovative learning in action (ILIA) issue six: Innovative practice in assessment. Salford, UK

Welcome to this, the sixth edition of Innovative Learning in Action (ILIA) which focuses our attention on the theme of innovative practice in assessment. On the face of it, innovative assessment may be regarded as any form of assessment which involve... Read More about Innovative learning in action (ILIA) issue six: Innovative practice in assessment.

Foundation degrees and widening participation: earning, learning and public sector modernisation (2006)
Journal Article
O'Doherty, E., & Doyle, M. (2006). Foundation degrees and widening participation: earning, learning and public sector modernisation. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 8(1), 4-13

Who is studying on Foundation Degrees? On which subjects do students enrol? What does the profile of enrolment 2003-05 indicate about work-based or work-focused Foundation Degrees? This article maps out the profile of Foundation Degrees at UK nationa... Read More about Foundation degrees and widening participation: earning, learning and public sector modernisation.

Innovative learning in action (ILIA) issue five: Learning technologies in the curriculum (2006)
Caruana, V. (2006). Innovative learning in action (ILIA) issue five: Learning technologies in the curriculum. Salford, UK

Consideration of the papers and snapshots in this edition of Innovative Learning in Action, focused on learning
technology, will provide the reader with insights into a range of excellent and innovative approaches to the application of learning tech... Read More about Innovative learning in action (ILIA) issue five: Learning technologies in the curriculum.

Collocations and word-combinations in English: Considerations, classifications, and pedagogic implications (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Considerations, classifications, and pedagogic implications. Presented at TESOL Arabia, United Arab Emirates

Language is a means of communication among people, and language fluency is influenced by how this language is acquired. The speed of articulation is affected not only by one's ability of retention but also by the amount of prefabricated chunks stored... Read More about Collocations and word-combinations in English: Considerations, classifications, and pedagogic implications.

Foundation degrees: foundation for what? Skills needs, lifelong learning and widening participation? (2006)
Presentation / Conference
O'Doherty, E. (2006, January). Foundation degrees: foundation for what? Skills needs, lifelong learning and widening participation?. Presented at Education in a Changing Environment, University of Salford, UK

Foundation degrees were established as a policy solution to the intermediate skill needs of the economy and as a means to effect social justice. This paper examines the outcomes of this policy using an analysis of student enrolment data from 2004-05... Read More about Foundation degrees: foundation for what? Skills needs, lifelong learning and widening participation?.

Academic freedom and the university: Fifty years of debate (2006)
Journal Article
Hall, M. (2006). Academic freedom and the university: Fifty years of debate. South African Journal of Higher Education, 20(3), 8-16

Contemporary debates about academic freedom and institutional autonomy in South Africa’s “liberal” universities began in the 1950s, stimulated by the policies and legislation for racial segregation. At the University of Cape Town (UCT), these debates... Read More about Academic freedom and the university: Fifty years of debate.

Identity, memory and countermemory: the archaeology of an urban landscape (2006)
Journal Article
Hall, M. (2006). Identity, memory and countermemory: the archaeology of an urban landscape. Journal of Material Culture, 11(1/2), 189-209.

Urban landscapes are both expressions of identity, and a means of shaping the relationships between those who inhabit them. They are palimpsests in which buildings, street layouts and monumental structures are interpreted and reinterpreted as changin... Read More about Identity, memory and countermemory: the archaeology of an urban landscape.

Conference proceedings 2006 (2006)
Presentation / Conference
SPARC. (2006, January). Conference proceedings 2006. Presented at SPARC, University of Salford