Lessons learned from knowledge management research : UK construction industry perspective
Presentation / Conference
Vines, M., Hari, S., Olomolaiye, A., Liyanage, C., Lee, C., Kurul, E., & Egbu, C. (2004, April). Lessons learned from knowledge management research : UK construction industry perspective. Presented at 4th International Postgraduate Research Conference, Salford
All Outputs (3)
The design and implementation of product development process models in construction companies (2004)
The need for improving the product development process within the construction
industry is widely acknowledged. In response to this challenge, different process
models have been developed by academia and industry to enhan... Read More about The design and implementation of product development process models in construction companies.
A study of knowledge sharing in multinational construction alliances (2004)
Ingirige, B. A study of knowledge sharing in multinational construction alliances. (Thesis). Salford : University of SalfordAlliances within construction have increased significantly in number and in the volume
of activity they undertake in recent years. Further, communications technologies have
progressed to a degree where they can support collaborations across geograp... Read More about A study of knowledge sharing in multinational construction alliances.