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All Outputs (4)

Changes in morphological disparity in eutherian mammals across the K-Pg boundary and Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum using discrete morphofunctional characters (2022)
morphofunctional characters. (Dissertation). University of Salford

The mammalian clade Eutheria comprises placental mammals (the dominant group of mammals today, with >6000 living species, ~93% of living diversity) plus their stem relatives. A major event in Earth history that had a profound influence on Eutheria wa... Read More about Changes in morphological disparity in eutherian mammals across the K-Pg boundary and Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum using discrete morphofunctional characters.

Total evidence phylogeny of ducks, geese and swans (family Anatidae): implications for macroevolution and biogeography (2022)

The neornithine bird family Anatidae comprises the ducks, geese and swans, and is one of the largest (approximately 150 species) and most studied families of modern birds. The fossil record of definitive anatids stretches from the Oligocene epoch to... Read More about Total evidence phylogeny of ducks, geese and swans (family Anatidae): implications for macroevolution and biogeography.

Advancing the use of evolutionary considerations in spatial conservation planning (2020)
Robertson, S. Advancing the use of evolutionary considerations in spatial conservation planning. (Thesis). University of Salford

The existence of life on earth as we know it relies on a diversity of life. Biodiversity underpins vital ecosystems services globally, at all spatial scales, and yet is being lost at an alarming rate. Current extinction rates are estimated to be 100-... Read More about Advancing the use of evolutionary considerations in spatial conservation planning.

Elucidating cryptic diversity in East African frogs : the case of Arthroleptis francei Loveridge, 1953 (2020)
Woest, N. Elucidating cryptic diversity in East African frogs : the case of Arthroleptis francei Loveridge, 1953. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Detailed information on the diversity of species and their distributions is crucial for the implementation of useful conservation measures. Here, I focus on the Afromontane region of Malawi and Mozambique, and use molecular techniques, environmental... Read More about Elucidating cryptic diversity in East African frogs : the case of Arthroleptis francei Loveridge, 1953.