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Static and dynamic balance deficiencies in chronic low back pain (2016)
Journal Article
Tsigkanos, C., Gaskell, L., Smirniotou, A., & Tsigkanos, G. (2016). Static and dynamic balance deficiencies in chronic low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 29(4), 887-893.

Background: According to previously conducted studies, people with Low Back Pain (LBP) present with static balance deficiencies. Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare static, as well as dynamic balance ability between Chronic Low Bac... Read More about Static and dynamic balance deficiencies in chronic low back pain.

Habitat requirements and conservation needs of peripheral populations : the case of the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) in the Scottish Highlands (2016)
Journal Article

Edge populations are of conservation importance because of their roles as reservoirs of evolutionary potential and in understanding a given species’ ecological needs. Mainly due to loss of aquatic breeding sites, the great crested newt Triturus crist... Read More about Habitat requirements and conservation needs of peripheral populations : the case of the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) in the Scottish Highlands.

Long-term land-cover/use change in a traditional farming landscape in Romania inferred from pollen data, historical maps and satellite images (2016)
Journal Article
landscape in Romania inferred from pollen data, historical maps and satellite images. Regional Environmental Change, 17(8), 2193-2207.

Traditional farming landscapes in the temperate
zone that have persisted for millennia can be exceptionally species-rich and are therefore key conservation targets. In contrast to Europe’s West, Eastern Europe harbours widespread traditional farming... Read More about Long-term land-cover/use change in a traditional farming landscape in Romania inferred from pollen data, historical maps and satellite images.

Neurotomy of the rectus femoris nerve : short-term effectiveness for spastic stiff knee gait (2016)
Journal Article
Gross, R., Robertson, J., Leboeuf, F., Hamel, O., Brochard, S., & Perrouin-Verbe, B. (2016). Neurotomy of the rectus femoris nerve : short-term effectiveness for spastic stiff knee gait. Gait & Posture, 52, 251-257.


Stiff knee gait is a troublesome gait disturbance related to spastic paresis, frequently associated with overactivity of the rectus femoris muscle in the swing phase of gait.


The aim of this study was to assess the sh... Read More about Neurotomy of the rectus femoris nerve : short-term effectiveness for spastic stiff knee gait.

Toward an evidence-based taxonomy of everyday sounds (2016)
Journal Article
Bones, O., Cox, T., & Davies, W. (2016). Toward an evidence-based taxonomy of everyday sounds. ˜The œJournal of the Acoustical Society of America (Online), 140(4), 3266-3266.

An organizing account of everyday sounds could greatly simplify the management of audio data. The job of an audio database manager will typically involve assigning a combination of textual descriptors, and perhaps allocating to a predefined category.... Read More about Toward an evidence-based taxonomy of everyday sounds.

Effective pixel classification of Mars images based on ant colony optimization feature selection and extreme learning machine (2016)
Journal Article

one of the most important tasks of Mars rover, a robot which explores the Mars surface, is the process of automatic segmentation of images taken by front-line Panoramic Camera (Pancam). This procedure is highly significant since the transformation co... Read More about Effective pixel classification of Mars images based on ant colony optimization feature selection and extreme learning machine.

Segmentation of brain tumors in MRI images using three-dimensional active contour without edge (2016)
Journal Article
Hasan, A., Meziane, F., Aspin, R., & Jalab, H. (2016). Segmentation of brain tumors in MRI images using three-dimensional active contour without edge. Symmetry, 8(11), 132.

Brain tumor segmentation in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered a complex procedure because of the variability of tumor shapes and the complexity of determining the tumor location, size, and texture. Manual tumor segmentation is a time-con... Read More about Segmentation of brain tumors in MRI images using three-dimensional active contour without edge.

Mathematical modelling of nonlinear thermal radiation effects on EMHD peristaltic pumping of viscoelastic dusty fluid through a porous medium duct (2016)
Journal Article

Biologically-inspired propulsion systems are currently receiving significant interest in the aerospace sector. Since many spacecraft propulsion systems operate at high temperatures, thermal radiation is important as a mode of heat transfer. Motivated... Read More about Mathematical modelling of nonlinear thermal radiation effects on EMHD peristaltic pumping of viscoelastic dusty fluid through a porous medium duct.

Is Italy about to feel the Trump effect? Matteo Renzi's referendum and the populist threat (2016)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (2016). Is Italy about to feel the Trump effect? Matteo Renzi's referendum and the populist threat

This article, published in the run-up to a constitutional referendum held in Italy on 4 December 2016, analyses the impact of the election of Donald Trump to the American presidency on the unfolding referendum campaign in Italy. It argues that it has... Read More about Is Italy about to feel the Trump effect? Matteo Renzi's referendum and the populist threat.

Association of psychological variables and outcome in tendinopathy: A systematic review (2016)
Journal Article
Mallows, A., Debenham, J., Walker, T., & Littlewood, C. (2016). Association of psychological variables and outcome in tendinopathy: A systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51, 743-748.

Objective: Fear, anxiety, depression, distress and catastrophisation are all factors known to affect pain and disability levels. To date, the association of such psychological factors has yet to be established in tendinopathy. Therefore, the purpose... Read More about Association of psychological variables and outcome in tendinopathy: A systematic review.

Temporal spatial and metabolic measures of walking in highly functional individuals with lower limb amputations (2016)
Journal Article
Jarvis, H., Bennett, A., Twiste, M., Phillip, R., Etherington, J., & Baker, R. (2017). Temporal spatial and metabolic measures of walking in highly functional individuals with lower limb amputations. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(7), 1389-1399.

The aim of this descriptive exploratory study is to record the temporal spatial parameters and metabolic energy expenditure during walking of individuals with amputation, walking with advanced prostheses and following completion of compr... Read More about Temporal spatial and metabolic measures of walking in highly functional individuals with lower limb amputations.

A practical overview of how to conduct a systematic review (2016)
Journal Article
Davis, D. (2016). A practical overview of how to conduct a systematic review. Nursing Standard, 31(12), 60-71.

With an increasing focus on evidence-based practice in health care, it is important that nurses understand the principles underlying systematic reviews. Systematic reviews are used in healthcare to present a comprehensive, policy-neutral, transparent... Read More about A practical overview of how to conduct a systematic review.

Knowledge for just urban sustainability (2016)
Journal Article
May, T., & Perry, B. (2017). Knowledge for just urban sustainability. Local Environment, 22(sup1), 23-35.

The article examines the conditions required for producing knowledge for just urban sustainability. It highlights a need to review the current social organisation of knowledge within cities and the implications for academic practice – in other words,... Read More about Knowledge for just urban sustainability.

One-dimensional vs. two-dimensional based features: Plant identification approach (2016)
Journal Article
Tharwat, A., Gaber, T., & Hassanien, A. (2017). One-dimensional vs. two-dimensional based features: Plant identification approach. Journal of Applied Logic, 24(Part B), 15-31.

The number of endangered species has been increased due to shifts in the agricultural production, climate change, and poor urban planning. This has led to investigating new methods to address the problem of plant species identification/classification... Read More about One-dimensional vs. two-dimensional based features: Plant identification approach.

Brickbats and bouquets for marketing (2016)
Journal Article
Kitchen, P., & Sheth, J. (2016). Brickbats and bouquets for marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 50(11), 1906-1923.


The purpose of this paper is to consider the development and application of marketing theory and practice over time and its current status. The terms “brickbats” and “bouquets” are used as metaphors to extend praise or criticism for mark... Read More about Brickbats and bouquets for marketing.

Progression towards high efficiency perovskite solar cells via optimisation of the front electrode and blocking layer (2016)
Journal Article

The effects of fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) electrode, titanium dioxide (TiO2-x) blocking layer (BL) and perovskite (methyl ammonium lead triiodide) preparation on the overall properties of the photovoltaic cells have been studied. The FTO electro... Read More about Progression towards high efficiency perovskite solar cells via optimisation of the front electrode and blocking layer.