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All Outputs (902)

“Things are complicated” : Paul Cornell at Marvel and DC (2017)
Journal Article
Flanagan, M. (2017). “Things are complicated” : Paul Cornell at Marvel and DC. Authorship (Gent), 6(2),

Paul Cornell’s work for the ‘Big Two’ U.S. comic publishers transfers a distinctly British (mostly English) sensibility into a field where cues normally revolve around American cultural iconography and values. The key to his authorship is Cornell’s h... Read More about “Things are complicated” : Paul Cornell at Marvel and DC.

Under the canopy : community-wide effects of invasive algae in marine protected areas revealed by metabarcoding (2017)
Journal Article
Wangensteen, O., Cebrian, E., Palacín, C., & Turon, X. (2018). Under the canopy : community-wide effects of invasive algae in marine protected areas revealed by metabarcoding. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 127, 54-66.

We analysed with multigene (18S and COI) metabarcoding the effects of the proliferation of invasive seaweeds on rocky littoral communities in two Spanish Marine Protected Areas. The invasive algae studied were Caulerpa cylindracea, Lophocladia lallem... Read More about Under the canopy : community-wide effects of invasive algae in marine protected areas revealed by metabarcoding.

Treatment of artificial wastewater containing two azo textile dyes by vertical-flow constructed wetlands (2017)
Journal Article
Hussein, A., & Scholz, M. (2017). Treatment of artificial wastewater containing two azo textile dyes by vertical-flow constructed wetlands. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(7), 6870-6889.

The release of untreated dye textile wastewater into receiving streams is unacceptable not only for aesthetic reasons and its negative impacts on aquatic life but also because numerous dyes are toxic and carcinogenic to humans. Strategies, as of now,... Read More about Treatment of artificial wastewater containing two azo textile dyes by vertical-flow constructed wetlands.

Older and wiser? Age differences in foraging and learning by an endangered passerine (2017)
Journal Article
Franks, V. R., & Thorogood, R. (2018). Older and wiser? Age differences in foraging and learning by an endangered passerine. Behavioural Processes, 148, 1-9.

Birds use cues when foraging to help relocate food resources, but natural environments provide many potential cues and choosing which to use may depend on previous experience. Young animals have less experience of their environment compared to adults... Read More about Older and wiser? Age differences in foraging and learning by an endangered passerine.

Assessing the value of the housing schemes through the sustainable return of investments : a path towards sustainability-led evaluations? (2017)
Journal Article

The New 2016 UN Urban Agenda clearly reaffirms the concept that sustainable cities require intertwined environmental and social sustainability. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11 - Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainabl... Read More about Assessing the value of the housing schemes through the sustainable return of investments : a path towards sustainability-led evaluations?.

Expanding known dinoflagellate distributions : investigations of slurry cultures from Caspian Sea sediment (2017)
Journal Article
Lewis, J., Taylor, J., Neale, K., & Leroy, S. (2017). Expanding known dinoflagellate distributions : investigations of slurry cultures from Caspian Sea sediment. Botanica Marina, 61(1), 21-31.

To investigate the disparity between plankton and cyst records, sediment slurry cultures were used to isolate the motile stage of dinoflagellates from Caspian Sea sediment. This has resulted in new records for this area of Kryptoperidinium foliaceum,... Read More about Expanding known dinoflagellate distributions : investigations of slurry cultures from Caspian Sea sediment.

‘Thinking of Spain in a flat way’ : Spanish tangible and intangible heritage through contemporary Japanese anime (2017)
Journal Article
Hernandez Perez, M. (2017). ‘Thinking of Spain in a flat way’ : Spanish tangible and intangible heritage through contemporary Japanese anime. Mutual images, 3, 43-69.

This paper contextualises the mutual perceptions between Spain and Japan through the historical background and some examples within several creative industries. Subsequently, the paper reviews the ways in which transnational popular culture has been... Read More about ‘Thinking of Spain in a flat way’ : Spanish tangible and intangible heritage through contemporary Japanese anime.

Temporal changes in intraluminal thrombus volume within abdominal aortic aneurysms : implications for planning endovascular aneurysm sealing (2017)
Journal Article

Purpose: To explore whether or not there are temporal changes in the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and intraluminal thrombus (ILT) volumes between planning and implantation of the endovascular aneurysm sealing (EVAS) device and how these changes in... Read More about Temporal changes in intraluminal thrombus volume within abdominal aortic aneurysms : implications for planning endovascular aneurysm sealing.

Optimising rigour in focus group analysis : using content/thematic and form/structural approaches to understand British Somali's experiences of policing in London (2017)
Journal Article
Ahmed, A., Quraishi, M., & Abdillahi, A. (2017). Optimising rigour in focus group analysis : using content/thematic and form/structural approaches to understand British Somali's experiences of policing in London. International social science review, 93(2), 1-31

There is evidence that focus groups are useful to explore issues with socially marginalised groups, notably when participants have shared particular experiences. Focus groups have the methodological potential to highlight group norms and processes, a... Read More about Optimising rigour in focus group analysis : using content/thematic and form/structural approaches to understand British Somali's experiences of policing in London.

Targeting flavin-containing enzymes eliminates cancer stem cells (CSCs), by inhibiting mitochondrial respiration : vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) in cancer therapy (2017)
Journal Article
Ozsvari, B., Bonuccelli, G., Sanchez-Alvarez, R., Foster, R., Sotgia, F., & Lisanti, M. (2017). Targeting flavin-containing enzymes eliminates cancer stem cells (CSCs), by inhibiting mitochondrial respiration : vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) in cancer therapy. Aging, 9(12), 2610-2628.

Here, we performed high-throughput drug-screening to identify new non-toxic mitochondrial inhibitors. This screening platform was specifically designed to detect compounds that selectively deplete cellular ATP levels, but have little or no toxic side... Read More about Targeting flavin-containing enzymes eliminates cancer stem cells (CSCs), by inhibiting mitochondrial respiration : vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) in cancer therapy.

Rhythmic laser cue is beneficial for improving gait performance and reducing freezing of turning in Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait (2017)
Journal Article
Tang, L., Gao, C., Wang, D., Liu, A., Chen, S., & Gu, D. (2017). Rhythmic laser cue is beneficial for improving gait performance and reducing freezing of turning in Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 10(12), 16802-16808

Background and aim: Gait time components in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients such as step time, gait rhythmicity, symmetry, and coordination are exacerbated during turning. Freezing of gait (FOG) can be triggered off when such gait-timing deficiency... Read More about Rhythmic laser cue is beneficial for improving gait performance and reducing freezing of turning in Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait.

G protein-coupled receptors at the crossroad between physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis : old paradigms and emerging concepts (2017)
Journal Article
De Francesco, E., Sotgia, F., Clarke, R., Lisanti, M., & Maggiolini, M. (2017). G protein-coupled receptors at the crossroad between physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis : old paradigms and emerging concepts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(12),

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been implicated in transmitting signals across the extra- and intra-cellular compartments, thus allowing environmental stimuli to elicit critical biological responses. As GPCRs can be activated by an extensive... Read More about G protein-coupled receptors at the crossroad between physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis : old paradigms and emerging concepts.

Efficient steplike carrier multiplication in percolative networks of epitaxially connected PbSe nanocrystals (2017)
Journal Article
Kulkarni, A., Evers, W., Tomic, S., Beard, M., Vanmaekelbergh, D., & Siebbeles, L. (2017). Efficient steplike carrier multiplication in percolative networks of epitaxially connected PbSe nanocrystals. ACS nano, 12(1), 378-384.

Carrier multiplication (CM) is a process in which a single photon excites two or more electrons. CM is of interest to enhance the efficiency of a solar cell. Until now, CM in thin films and solar cells of semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) has been fou... Read More about Efficient steplike carrier multiplication in percolative networks of epitaxially connected PbSe nanocrystals.

Shamanic spiritual activism : alternative development in the Brazilian Itamboatá Valley (2017)
Journal Article
Fois, F. (2017). Shamanic spiritual activism : alternative development in the Brazilian Itamboatá Valley. Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, 2(2-3), 338-355.

Drawing upon critiques that claim a lack of interest in spirituality in development studies, this paper aims to show how alternative ethical forms of development can be enacted when adopting shamanic spiritual worldviews. The paper draws upon ethnogr... Read More about Shamanic spiritual activism : alternative development in the Brazilian Itamboatá Valley.

A non-intrusive method for estimating binaural speech intelligibility from noise-corrupted signals captured by a pair of microphones (2017)
Journal Article

A non-intrusive method is introduced to predict binaural speech intelligibility in noise directly from signals captured using a pair of microphones. The approach combines signal processing techniques in blind source separation
and localisation, with... Read More about A non-intrusive method for estimating binaural speech intelligibility from noise-corrupted signals captured by a pair of microphones.

Digital watermarking : applicability for developing trust in medical imaging workflows state of the art review (2017)
Journal Article
Qasim, A., Meziane, F., & Aspin, R. (2017). Digital watermarking : applicability for developing trust in medical imaging workflows state of the art review. Computer Science Review, 27, 45-60.

Medical images can be intentionally or unintentionally manipulated both within the secure medical system environment and outside, as images are viewed, extracted and transmitted. Many organisations have invested heavily in Picture Archiving and Commu... Read More about Digital watermarking : applicability for developing trust in medical imaging workflows state of the art review.

Automated design of multi junction solar cells by genetic approach : reaching the >50% efficiency target (2017)
Journal Article
Čičić, S., & Tomić, S. (2017). Automated design of multi junction solar cells by genetic approach : reaching the >50% efficiency target. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 181, 30-37.

The proper design of the multi-junction solar cell (MJSC) requires the optimisation
search through the vast parameter space, with parameters for the
proper operation quite often being constrained, like the current matching
throughout the cell. Due... Read More about Automated design of multi junction solar cells by genetic approach : reaching the >50% efficiency target.

The human DNA glycosylases NEIL1 and NEIL3 excise psoralen-induced DNA-DNA cross-links in a four-stranded DNA structure (2017)
Journal Article

Interstrand cross-links (ICLs) are highly cytotoxic DNA lesions that block DNA replication and transcription by preventing strand separation. Previously, we demonstrated that the bacterial and
human DNA glycosylases Nei and NEIL1 excise unhooked pso... Read More about The human DNA glycosylases NEIL1 and NEIL3 excise psoralen-induced DNA-DNA cross-links in a four-stranded DNA structure.