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A three-site clinical feasibility study of a flexible functional electrical stimulation system to support functional task practice for upper limb recovery in people with stroke (2019)
Journal Article
Smith, C., Sun, M., Kenney, L., Howard, D., Luckie, H., Waring, K., …Cotterill, S. (2019). A three-site clinical feasibility study of a flexible functional electrical stimulation system to support functional task practice for upper limb recovery in people with stroke. Frontiers in Neurology, 10(227),

Introduction: Of those people who survive a stroke, only between 40 and 70% regain upper limb dexterity. A number of reviews have suggested that functional electrical stimulation (FES) may have a beneficial effect on upper limb motor recovery. In lig... Read More about A three-site clinical feasibility study of a flexible functional electrical stimulation system to support functional task practice for upper limb recovery in people with stroke.

An investigation into the effects of, and interaction between, heel height and shoe upper stiffness on plantar pressure and comfort (2019)
Journal Article
Melvin, J., Price, C., Preece, S., Nester, C., & Howard, D. (2019). An investigation into the effects of, and interaction between, heel height and shoe upper stiffness on plantar pressure and comfort. Footwear Science, 11(1), 25-34.

High heeled shoes remain popular, nevertheless it is not clear what influence manipulating characteristics of this footwear has on their functioning. It is accepted that shoe features other than heel height can affect plantar pressures. However, few... Read More about An investigation into the effects of, and interaction between, heel height and shoe upper stiffness on plantar pressure and comfort.

Objective measures of rollator user stability and device loading during different walking scenarios (2019)
Journal Article
Costamagna, E., Thies, S., Kenney, L., Howard, D., Lindemann, U., Klenk, J., & Baker, R. (2019). Objective measures of rollator user stability and device loading during different walking scenarios. PLoS ONE, 14(1), e0210960.

Walking aids are widely used by older adults, however, alarmingly, their use has been linked to increased falls-risk, yet clinicians have no objective way of assessing user stability. This work aims to demonstrate the application of a novel methodolo... Read More about Objective measures of rollator user stability and device loading during different walking scenarios.