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All Outputs (857)

Recycling of fines from waste concrete: development of lightweight masonry blocks and assessment of their environmental benefits (2022)
Journal Article

A significant body of research has been carried out to find suitable waste materials or industrial by-products that could replace portland cement and reduce the environmental footprint of the concrete industry. Many studies focus on technical aspects... Read More about Recycling of fines from waste concrete: development of lightweight masonry blocks and assessment of their environmental benefits.

SOX2-high cancer cells exhibit an aggressive phenotype, with increases in stemness, proliferation and invasion, as well as higher metabolic activity and ATP production (2022)
Journal Article
Mauro Lizcano, M., Sotgia, F., & Lisanti, M. (2022). SOX2-high cancer cells exhibit an aggressive phenotype, with increases in stemness, proliferation and invasion, as well as higher metabolic activity and ATP production. Aging, 14(24), 9877-9889.

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are responsible for cancer recurrence, treatment failure and metastatic dissemination. As such, the elimination of CSCs represents one of the most important approaches for the future of cancer treatment. Among other propertie... Read More about SOX2-high cancer cells exhibit an aggressive phenotype, with increases in stemness, proliferation and invasion, as well as higher metabolic activity and ATP production.

VR 360º subtitles: designing a test suite with eye-tracking technology (2022)
Journal Article
Brescia-Zapata, M., Krejtz, K., Duchowski, A., & Hughes, C. (2022). VR 360º subtitles: designing a test suite with eye-tracking technology. Journal of audiovisual translation, 6(2), 233-258

Subtitle production is an increasingly creative accessibility service. New technologies allow for placing subtitles at any location of the screen in a variety of formats, shapes, typography, font size, and colour. The screen now affords accessible cr... Read More about VR 360º subtitles: designing a test suite with eye-tracking technology.

Lattice Boltzmann simulation of thermo-magnetic natural convection in an enclosure partially filled with a porous medium (2022)
Journal Article
Beg, O., & Venkatadri, K. (2022). Lattice Boltzmann simulation of thermo-magnetic natural convection in an enclosure partially filled with a porous medium. Waves in Random and Complex Media,

Motivated by emerging magnetized hybrid fuel cell applications, a theoretical analysis
of incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) non-Darcian thermogravitational convection
in a square enclosure partially filled with a highly permeable medium in p... Read More about Lattice Boltzmann simulation of thermo-magnetic natural convection in an enclosure partially filled with a porous medium.

Job retention vocational rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis: adaptations to the Workwell trial due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Journal Article

There are high levels of work disability, absenteeism (sick leave) and presenteeism (reduced productivity) amongst people with inflammatory arthritis. Workwell is a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of job retention vocational rehabilitation... Read More about Job retention vocational rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis: adaptations to the Workwell trial due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Exercise instructors in the UK are not using the physical activity guidelines to inform their strength prescription with older adults (2022)
Journal Article

Strength recommendations have been embedded within the UK’s Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines since 2011. There is limited evidence that these recommendations are used by exercise instructors in the community to underpin strength p... Read More about Exercise instructors in the UK are not using the physical activity guidelines to inform their strength prescription with older adults.

‘Form is temporary, class is permanent’: identifying a longer-term hot hand in golf (2022)
Journal Article
Baker, R., & McHale, I. (2022). ‘Form is temporary, class is permanent’: identifying a longer-term hot hand in golf. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 18(4), 241-251.

The existence (or not) of the hot hand in sport continues to attract the attention of economists and psychologists. The paper presents analysis to test the belief prevalent in golfing circles that golfers go in and out of form quickly, while ‘class’... Read More about ‘Form is temporary, class is permanent’: identifying a longer-term hot hand in golf.

Radiographer abnormality flagging systems in the UK – A preliminary updated assessment of practice (2022)
Journal Article
Harcus, J., & Stevens, B. (2023). Radiographer abnormality flagging systems in the UK – A preliminary updated assessment of practice. Radiography, 29(1), 234-239.

Radiographer abnormality flagging systems have been in use in the UK for over 30 years, with the guidance of the Society and College of Radiographers indicated that the preliminary clinical evaluation (PCE), or comment, be the preferred... Read More about Radiographer abnormality flagging systems in the UK – A preliminary updated assessment of practice.

‘U OK hun’? Classed femininities, meme culture and locating humour in the celebrity ‘hun’ (2022)
Journal Article
Minor, L. (2022). ‘U OK hun’? Classed femininities, meme culture and locating humour in the celebrity ‘hun’. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 26(6), 840-862.

This article examines ‘huns’ – specifically celebrity huns in the public spotlight – as memetic ‘figures’ who are defined by their loud, tongue-in-cheek and humorous display of British femininities coded as working class. Unlike other female figures... Read More about ‘U OK hun’? Classed femininities, meme culture and locating humour in the celebrity ‘hun’.

Whole exome-sequencing of vitiligo lesions indicate lower burden of somatic variations: implications in risk for non-melanoma skin cancers (2022)
Journal Article

Genetic depigmentary conditions such as albinism with complete loss of epidermal pigmentation pose a higher risk for cutaneous malignancies ( Lekalakala et al., 2015 ). By analogy, clinical management for photoprotection of the acquired depigmented s... Read More about Whole exome-sequencing of vitiligo lesions indicate lower burden of somatic variations: implications in risk for non-melanoma skin cancers.

Framing the barriers to construction industry transformation (2022)
Journal Article
Watts, G., McDermott, P., & Kolo, S. (in press). Framing the barriers to construction industry transformation. Built Environment Project and Asset Management,

Purpose (limit 100 words) ‘Transforming construction’ is a wide-ranging strategic term, under which sit numerous initiatives. It is the latest, in a long line of strategies and reports introduced to with the intention of industry improvement. Arguabl... Read More about Framing the barriers to construction industry transformation.

Vegan celebrity activism: an analysis of the critical reception of Joaquin Phoenix’s awards speech activism (2022)
Journal Article

Acceptance speeches have long been used by celebrity activists as platforms from which to promote their personal, political or ethical agendas. The actor Joaquin Phoenix, an outspoken proponent for animal rights and veganism, dominated the Hollywood... Read More about Vegan celebrity activism: an analysis of the critical reception of Joaquin Phoenix’s awards speech activism.

Thermo-solutal stratification and chemical reaction effects on radiative magnetized nanofluid flow along an exponentially stretching sensor plate: computational analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Shamshuddin, M., Shahzad, F., Jamshed, W., Beg, O., Eid, M., & Beg, T. (2022). Thermo-solutal stratification and chemical reaction effects on radiative magnetized nanofluid flow along an exponentially stretching sensor plate: computational analysis. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 565,

Motivated by emerging technologies in nanofluid electromagnetic sensor systems, a
mathematical model is developed for free convective chemically reacting magnetized
Buongiorno nanofluid flow along a stretching exponential Riga plate with dual (ther... Read More about Thermo-solutal stratification and chemical reaction effects on radiative magnetized nanofluid flow along an exponentially stretching sensor plate: computational analysis.

Biomechanical analysis of the effect of finger joint configuration on hand grasping performance: rigid vs flexible (2022)
Journal Article
Wei, Y., Zou, Z., Qian, Z., Ren, L., & Wei, G. (2022). Biomechanical analysis of the effect of finger joint configuration on hand grasping performance: rigid vs flexible. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 1-1.

Human finger joints are conventionally simplified as rigid joints in robotic hand design and biomechanical hand modelling, due to their anatomic and morphologic complexity. However, our understanding of the effect of the finger joint configuration on... Read More about Biomechanical analysis of the effect of finger joint configuration on hand grasping performance: rigid vs flexible.

Mitigation of Chilling Stress by Ozone Pretreatment and Acclimation of Sweet Pepper Grown under Unheated Greenhouse Conditions (2022)
Journal Article
Sharaf-Eldin, M. A., Etman, A. A., Yassin, A. M., Elsayed, S., Scholz, M., & Yaseen, Z. M. (2022). Mitigation of Chilling Stress by Ozone Pretreatment and Acclimation of Sweet Pepper Grown under Unheated Greenhouse Conditions. Horticulturae, 8(12), Article 1189.

Ozone is an important air pollutant that causes many challenges for human health, such as lung diseases. The negative impacts of exogenous ozone on cultivated plants have been discussed in several publications, but the positive impacts are less inves... Read More about Mitigation of Chilling Stress by Ozone Pretreatment and Acclimation of Sweet Pepper Grown under Unheated Greenhouse Conditions.

Analysis of dissipative non‐Newtonian magnetic polymer flow from a curved stretching surface with slip and radiative effects (2022)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Gnaneswara Reddy, M., & Tripathi, D. (2022). Analysis of dissipative non‐Newtonian magnetic polymer flow from a curved stretching surface with slip and radiative effects. Heat Transfer, 52(3), 2694-2714.

The convective-radiative magnetohydrodynamic non-Newtonian second grade fluid
boundary layer flow from a curved stretching surface has been scrutinized in the present study.
The Reiner-Rivlin second grade viscoelastic model is deployed which provid... Read More about Analysis of dissipative non‐Newtonian magnetic polymer flow from a curved stretching surface with slip and radiative effects.

Data-driven digital transformation for emergency situations: the case of the UK retail sector (2022)
Journal Article
Papanagnou, C., Seiler, A., Spanaki, K., Papadopoulos, T., & Bourlakis, M. (2022). Data-driven digital transformation for emergency situations: the case of the UK retail sector. International Journal of Production Economics, 250, 108628.

The study explores data-driven Digital Transformation (DT) for emergency situations. By adopting a dynamic capability view, we draw on the predictive practices and Big Data (BD) capabilities applied in the UK retail sector and how such capabilities s... Read More about Data-driven digital transformation for emergency situations: the case of the UK retail sector.