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All Outputs (96)

LOad Monitoring and Intervention System (LOMIS) to prevent diabetic foot ulceration: Study protocol for a multi-phased safety and performance evaluation of a novel medical device (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper

Background: Plantar foot pressure is a significant risk factor for ulceration in diabetic feet. However, foot pressure-based ulceration risk prediction has remained confined to the contribution of compressive pressure measured under controlled labora... Read More about LOad Monitoring and Intervention System (LOMIS) to prevent diabetic foot ulceration: Study protocol for a multi-phased safety and performance evaluation of a novel medical device.

Tracking Persistent Symptoms in Scotland (TraPSS): a longitudinal prospective cohort study of COVID-19 recovery after mild acute infection (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper

Background: COVID-19 disease results in disparate responses between individuals and has led to the emergence of long coronavirus disease (Long-COVID), characterised by persistent and cyclical symptomology. To understand the complexity of Long-COVID,... Read More about Tracking Persistent Symptoms in Scotland (TraPSS): a longitudinal prospective cohort study of COVID-19 recovery after mild acute infection.

Citizen scientists’ motivation to participate in environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys: A case study on monitoring mammals in the UK (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper

1. Citizen scientists have become integral participants in nature conservation projects, and the demand for effective conservation efforts has sparked increasing interest in utilizing environmental DNA (eDNA) for species monitoring, drawing citizen s... Read More about Citizen scientists’ motivation to participate in environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys: A case study on monitoring mammals in the UK.

The Workwell trial: protocol for the process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial of job retention vocational rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper

Background: The Workwell trial is a multi-centre randomised controlled trial with the aims of evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of job retention vocational rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis, who are expe... Read More about The Workwell trial: protocol for the process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial of job retention vocational rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis..

Climate anxiety, pro-environmental action and wellbeing: antecedents and outcomes of negative emotional responses to climate change in 28 countries (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper

This study explored the antecedents and outcomes of negative emotional responses to climate change among people from a diverse range of cultural and national contexts. We analysed cross-sectional data gathered in 28 countries (N = 10,963). Our result... Read More about Climate anxiety, pro-environmental action and wellbeing: antecedents and outcomes of negative emotional responses to climate change in 28 countries.

Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Greater Manchester, UK: an active case ascertainment study (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper

Background Despite high levels of prenatal alcohol exposure in the UK, evidence on the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is lacking. This paper reports on FASD prevalence in a small sample of children in primary school.

Methods... Read More about Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Greater Manchester, UK: an active case ascertainment study.

Predicting pain and function outcomes in people consulting with shoulder pain: The PANDA-S clinical cohort and qualitative study protocol (ISRCTN 46948079) (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper

Introduction: Shoulder pain is common in primary care but achieving definitive diagnosis is contentious leading to uncertainty in management. To inform optimal primary care for patients with shoulder pain, the study aims to (i) to investigate the sho... Read More about Predicting pain and function outcomes in people consulting with shoulder pain: The PANDA-S clinical cohort and qualitative study protocol (ISRCTN 46948079).

Using Twitter to Disseminate: A mixed-methods exploration of the extent and nature of the dissemination of a public health research project via the microblogging platform. (Preprint) (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper

Abstract Social media plays an increasing role in the dissemination of public health research. For public health research projects, a Twitter account holds the potential to disseminate research outcomes to other public health academics, professionals... Read More about Using Twitter to Disseminate: A mixed-methods exploration of the extent and nature of the dissemination of a public health research project via the microblogging platform. (Preprint).

Loss of PKCα increases arterial medial calcification in a uremic mouse model of chronic kidney disease (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper

Arterial medial calcification is an independent risk factor for mortality in chronic kidney disease. We previously reported that knock-down of PKCα expression increases high phosphate-induced mineral deposition by vascular smooth muscle cells in vitr... Read More about Loss of PKCα increases arterial medial calcification in a uremic mouse model of chronic kidney disease.

Fat Tony goes to the movies : language and the professions, a guide to the roots of financial crises (2018)
Preprint / Working Paper

This paper challenges the finance profession’s self-proclaimed expertise through an avowedly polemical examination of the most recent financial crisis. It argues that the financial industry projects itself as a profession and, as with all professions... Read More about Fat Tony goes to the movies : language and the professions, a guide to the roots of financial crises.