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All Outputs (122)

The implementation of third party endorsement as knowledge repository agent for creating trust in Malaysian's electronic banking industries (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Kasiran, M., Ahmad, F., & Meziane, F. (2006, June). The implementation of third party endorsement as knowledge repository agent for creating trust in Malaysian's electronic banking industries. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Computing and Informatics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Internet banking is a faceless banking arrangement where trust is still a major problem. This problem has been addressed through the implementation of third party endorsement on the bank's Websites. This endorsement acts as a knowledge repository on... Read More about The implementation of third party endorsement as knowledge repository agent for creating trust in Malaysian's electronic banking industries.

Leadership in construction partnering projects : research methodological perspective (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Thurairajah, N., Haigh, R., & Amaratunga, R. (2006, June). Leadership in construction partnering projects : research methodological perspective. Presented at ARCOM Doctoral workshop, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow

In recent years there has been a growing interest in the use of partnering in construction. Central to any successful partnering arrangement is the change in cultural and behavioural characteristics towards mutual trust and understanding. According t... Read More about Leadership in construction partnering projects : research methodological perspective.

Methodology to support semantic resources integration in the construction sector (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Barresi, S., Meziane, F., Lima, C., & Rezgui, Y. (2006, May). Methodology to support semantic resources integration in the construction sector. Presented at Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2006), Paphos, Cyprus

Ontologies, taxonomies, and other semantic resources, are used in a variety of sectors to facilitate knowledge reuse and information exchange between people and applications. In recent years, the need to access multiple semantic resources has led to... Read More about Methodology to support semantic resources integration in the construction sector.

A framework for developing effective e-learning (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Dowdle, D. (2006, April). A framework for developing effective e-learning. Presented at CIB W89 International Conference on Building Education and Research (BEAR), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Social aspects associated with modern distance learning programmes (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Keraminiyage, K., Amaratunga, R., & Haigh, R. (2006, April). Social aspects associated with modern distance learning programmes. Presented at CIB W89 International Conference on Building Education and Research (BEAR), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Integrating research and teaching in higher education: Conceptual issues (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Senaratne, S., Amaratunga, R., Baldry, D., Haigh, R., Kagioglou, M., & Aouad, G. (2006, April). Integrating research and teaching in higher education: Conceptual issues. Presented at CIB W89 International Conference on Building Education and Research (BEAR), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

The role of research and development in achieving excellence in construction (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Kulatunga, U., Amaratunga, R., & Haigh, R. (2006, April). The role of research and development in achieving excellence in construction. Presented at CIB W89 International Conference on Building Education and Research (BEAR), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Delivering public sector efficiencies : the potential role of capability maturity models in construction (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Jeong, K., Haigh, R., & Amaratunga, R. (2006, April). Delivering public sector efficiencies : the potential role of capability maturity models in construction. Presented at 3rd International SCRI Research Symposium, Delft University, Netherlands

This paper is aimed at identifying the potential role of SPICE, especially SPICE level 3, to achieving the proposed UK public sector efficiencies. SPICE level 3 presents the process maturity framework to address the level III of the SPICE model. Buil... Read More about Delivering public sector efficiencies : the potential role of capability maturity models in construction.

Measuring performance and the impact of research and development in the construction industry: Research methodological perspectives (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Kulatunga, U., Amaratunga, R., & Haigh, R. (2006, April). Measuring performance and the impact of research and development in the construction industry: Research methodological perspectives. Presented at 6th International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, Delft University of Technology and TNO, Delft University, Netherlands,

Higher capability maturity dynamics of UK construction organisations (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Keraminiyage, K., Amaratunga, R., & Haigh, R. (2006, April). Higher capability maturity dynamics of UK construction organisations. Presented at 6th International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, Delft University of Technology and TNO, Delft University, Netherlands,

Leadership in construction partnering projects : research methodological perspective (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Thurairajah, N., Haigh, R., & Amaratunga, R. (2006, April). Leadership in construction partnering projects : research methodological perspective. Presented at 6th International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, Delft University of Technology and TNO, Netherlands,

In recent years there has been a growing interest in the use of partnering in construction. Central to any successful partnering arrangement is the change in cultural and
behavioural characteristics towards mutual trust and understanding. According... Read More about Leadership in construction partnering projects : research methodological perspective.

Simulation modelling of cost overruns in building projects (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Shanmugam, M., Amaratunga, R., & Zainudeen, N. (2006, April). Simulation modelling of cost overruns in building projects. Presented at 6th International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, Delft University of Technology and TNO, Delft University, Netherlands,

Women in construction: A study on leadership (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Shanmugam, M., Amaratunga, R., & Haigh, R. (2006, April). Women in construction: A study on leadership. Presented at 6th International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, Delft University of Technology and TNO, Delft University, Netherlands,

Hydrogen: too dangerous to base our future upon? (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Newsholme, G., Bellaby, P., Flynn, R., & Ricci, M. (2006, March). Hydrogen: too dangerous to base our future upon?. Presented at Hazards XIX: process safety and environmental protection - what do we know? where are we going?, Manchester Conference Centre, UK