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All Outputs (66)

Designing a context-aware distributed system: asking the key questions (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Linge, N., Bates, D., Ritchings, T., & Chrisp, T. (2003, November). Designing a context-aware distributed system: asking the key questions. Presented at Communications, Internet and Information Technology (CIIT 2003), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Our previous research identified clear business benefits
and the need for an intelligent information flow algorithm
that could match information delivery requirements for
mobile workers to the capability of the delivery networks.
The primary mech... Read More about Designing a context-aware distributed system: asking the key questions.

The pursuit of understanding: Modelling dynamic behaviour in disease, life and love (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Dangerfield, B. (2003, November). The pursuit of understanding: Modelling dynamic behaviour in disease, life and love. Presented at Inaugural Lecture: Professor Brian Dangerfield, University of Salford

The past 15 years have seen developments in management science which, when modelling complex systems, switch the focus away from the pursuit of prediction and towards increased understanding of the qualitative behaviour patterns which can arise. Obt... Read More about The pursuit of understanding: Modelling dynamic behaviour in disease, life and love.

On the mode 2 change? reflections on Manchester-knowledge capital’. Tensions and continuities in self, occupational and organisational identities: the case of knowledge workers (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Perry, B. (2003, November). On the mode 2 change? reflections on Manchester-knowledge capital’. Tensions and continuities in self, occupational and organisational identities: the case of knowledge workers. Presented at Individual and Collective Identities in Organisations Experiencing Rapid Change, Salford

Improving the bass response of Schroeder diffusers (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Hargreaves, J., & Cox, T. (2003, November). Improving the bass response of Schroeder diffusers. Presented at IOA Soundbite, Oxford

Room acoustic diffusers can be used to treat the acoustics of critical listening environments. A Schroeder diffuser is a popular type of diffuser which has the property of producing grating lobes of similar energy at most integer multiples of the des... Read More about Improving the bass response of Schroeder diffusers.

Human and ecological health: The case of a UK small business (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Hall, N., & Velez-Colby, F. (2003, October). Human and ecological health: The case of a UK small business. Presented at The 3rd International Conference for Universal Design, Hamamatsu, Japan

The principles of Universal Design consider many user needs within design development such as equitable and intuitive use (The Centre for Universal Design 1997). Whilst these principles are important to any design thinking, this paper considers the w... Read More about Human and ecological health: The case of a UK small business.

Difference limen for the Q-factor of room modes (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Fazenda, B., Avis, M., & Davies, W. (2003, October). Difference limen for the Q-factor of room modes. Presented at 115th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York, NY, USA

A subjective test study was carried out in order to identify the perceptibility of changes in the Q-factor of room modes. The experimental technique concentrates on the identification of difference limen for three levels of Q-factor referring to mode... Read More about Difference limen for the Q-factor of room modes.

Hot issues in PBL : creating the problem context (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Turner, A., Eaton, D., & O'Connor, C. (2003, September). Hot issues in PBL : creating the problem context. Presented at HER03 Proceedings Education in a Changing Environment, Higher Education Research, University of Salford

Transitions and transformations: ways of conceptualising specific contributions by learners in higher education to the development of active citizenship (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Jones, I. (2003, September). Transitions and transformations: ways of conceptualising specific contributions by learners in higher education to the development of active citizenship. Presented at Education in a Changing Environment, University of Salford, UK

In this paper I argue that giving voice to learners’ reflections on their experiences emphasises the complexity of the relationship between national policy objectives and local practices. A critical social science perspective is applied to an evaluat... Read More about Transitions and transformations: ways of conceptualising specific contributions by learners in higher education to the development of active citizenship.

Supporting student 'success': what can we learn from the persisters? (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Roberts, C., Oakey, D., Watkin, M., & Fox, R. (2003, September). Supporting student 'success': what can we learn from the persisters?. Presented at Education in a Changing Environment: Inaugural Learning and Teaching Research Conference, University of Salford, UK

It is suggested that the current research focus on withdrawal from the first year in higher education (HE) provides a limited account of what may influence persistence. In particular it provides little account of how persistence is facilitated in the... Read More about Supporting student 'success': what can we learn from the persisters?.

The development and evaluation of an integrated CD-ROM / workbook package as part of a vocational degree programme (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Smith, C., Crozier, S., & Dean, D. (2003, September). The development and evaluation of an integrated CD-ROM / workbook package as part of a vocational degree programme. Presented at Education in a Changing Environment : Inaugural Learning and Teaching Research Conference, University of Salford, UK

A self-directed, flexible CD-ROM / Workbook package was developed to supplement current teaching resources to enhance students’ learning within the vocational degree programme of Physiotherapy. This was developed with particular reference to neurolog... Read More about The development and evaluation of an integrated CD-ROM / workbook package as part of a vocational degree programme.

Software systems to support students working on team projects (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Whatley, J., Ferneley, E., & Jones, M. (2003, September). Software systems to support students working on team projects. Presented at Education in a Changing Environment, University of Salford

In this paper an agent system is described which has been designed to support students undertaking team projects as part of their studies on campus. Team projects form an important part of the learning process for students in the Information Systems... Read More about Software systems to support students working on team projects.

Using 3D modelling and dynamic thermal simulation software tools to facilitate student understanding of complex principles in 'passive' building design: an experiential learning approach (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Dowdle, D. (2003, September). Using 3D modelling and dynamic thermal simulation software tools to facilitate student understanding of complex principles in 'passive' building design: an experiential learning approach. Presented at Education in a Changing Environment, University of Salford

Students today are much more PC and IT literate than their counterparts of five or ten years ago. The huge increase in Internet usage, PC's in schools and interactive game play are surely a contributory factor in this. Students enjoy using IT, both d... Read More about Using 3D modelling and dynamic thermal simulation software tools to facilitate student understanding of complex principles in 'passive' building design: an experiential learning approach.