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All Outputs (67)

Factors influencing community-based advanced clinical practitioners maintaining their physical assessment skills: A qualitative study (2023)

Background: Numerous government White Papers have predicted significant health professional skills gaps in meeting patients’ needs within the National Health Service (NHS). Community advanced clinical practitioners (ACP) were identified as key skille... Read More about Factors influencing community-based advanced clinical practitioners maintaining their physical assessment skills: A qualitative study.

An Exploration of the Role of Neighbours in Providing Support and Care to Older People Living with Dementia in their own Homes (2023)

People now live longer because of improved health and medical sciences. However, ageing if often accompanied by various health and social challenges. Research suggests that as families become more geographically dispersed, there has been a reduction... Read More about An Exploration of the Role of Neighbours in Providing Support and Care to Older People Living with Dementia in their own Homes.

Exploring the Vulnerabilities of Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders to, and within, Criminal Justice System Encounters (2023)

Background: Individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), a condition caused by alcohol exposure in the womb, are 19 times more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system (CJS). Despite the potential for a high prevalence of... Read More about Exploring the Vulnerabilities of Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders to, and within, Criminal Justice System Encounters.

An Investigative Study on University Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes towards the Food Dome in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2023)

Background: Similar to global and regional trends, Saudi students face significant behavioural changes as they leave their home environment, enter university, and develop new habits, which can include unhealthy diets, skipping meals, dining out, and... Read More about An Investigative Study on University Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes towards the Food Dome in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Alterations in Autophagy Marker Distribution in Different Genetic Subtypes of Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (2023)

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the second most common type of early-onset dementia and is characterised by impairments in language and behavioural changes whilst memory is normally well preserved; it can be clinically subdivided into behavioural va... Read More about Alterations in Autophagy Marker Distribution in Different Genetic Subtypes of Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration.

A qualitative exploration of factors that influenced health literacy among women diagnosed with breast cancer in Kenya during their cancer journey (2023)

In Kenya, there are approximately 6,000 new breast cancer (BC) cases annually and 2,550 deaths. Approximately 80% of patients are diagnosed at advanced stages (III–IV), contributing to the high death rate. Research has shown that BC can b... Read More about A qualitative exploration of factors that influenced health literacy among women diagnosed with breast cancer in Kenya during their cancer journey.

Understanding the Role of Servant Leadership in the Hospitality Sector: AN INTERNAL MARKETING STRATEGY PERSPECTIVE (2023)

The main purpose of the study is to understand the importance of servant leadership, which is considered to be a critical component of internal marketing, in influencing Jordanian hotel frontline employees’ constructive deviance. This study proposes... Read More about Understanding the Role of Servant Leadership in the Hospitality Sector: AN INTERNAL MARKETING STRATEGY PERSPECTIVE.

The effects of anthracyclines on calcium handling and contractility in sheep ventricular myocytes; role of oxidative stress (2023)

Anthracyclines such as doxorubicin (DOX) and daunorubicin (DAUN) are effective chemotherapeutics and contribute to improved cancer survival rates in children and adults. However, anthracyclines exhibit acute and chronic cardiotoxicity which can produ... Read More about The effects of anthracyclines on calcium handling and contractility in sheep ventricular myocytes; role of oxidative stress.

Designing and evaluating a participatory workplace nutrition intervention to improve the health and wellbeing of blue-collar (construction) workers (2023)

Background: Construction is an important industry, estimated to employ 7% of the UK workforce and accounting for 6% of the total economic output. A poor state of health and wellbeing of construction labourers has been widely recognised, with workers... Read More about Designing and evaluating a participatory workplace nutrition intervention to improve the health and wellbeing of blue-collar (construction) workers.

An Exploration of the Experiences of Nursing Staff during the Time of a Large Reconfiguration of Cancer Services at an NHS Hospital (2023)

Organisational change is a frequent practice within organisations. Research has shown organisational change to be highly complex, with many challenging considerations. Employees are identified as a significant influe... Read More about An Exploration of the Experiences of Nursing Staff during the Time of a Large Reconfiguration of Cancer Services at an NHS Hospital.

The American brass band movement in the twenty-first century: a study of past influences via an investigation into the future direction of performance and composition (2023)

In 1889, it was estimated that there were ten thousand brass bands across America and by the beginning of the twentieth century, that number had increased to over eighteen thousand (Hazen & Hazen, 1987). These brass bands were an integral part of Ame... Read More about The American brass band movement in the twenty-first century: a study of past influences via an investigation into the future direction of performance and composition.