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All Outputs (69)

An exploration of midwives' attitudes to health promotion (2000)
Journal Article
Furber, C. M. (2000). An exploration of midwives' attitudes to health promotion. Midwifery, 16(4), 314-322.

Objective: to explore midwives' attitudes to health promotion.

Design:quantitative study, data collected using self-completed postal questionnaires in 1996.

Setting: the North West of England, UK.

Participants: 182 senior midwives who were w... Read More about An exploration of midwives' attitudes to health promotion.

Inside the labyrinth : the thematics of space in the fiction of Paola Capriolo (2000)
Journal Article
Ania, G. (2000). Inside the labyrinth : the thematics of space in the fiction of Paola Capriolo. Romance Studies, 18(2), 157-171.

In Capriolo's fiction we see, above all, the centrality of place in the minds and lives of her protagonists, often linked with the idea of the labyrinth: labyrinth as endless tortuous passageways, enclosed place, puzzle, quest. The stories, built aro... Read More about Inside the labyrinth : the thematics of space in the fiction of Paola Capriolo.

Ecological networks: Connecting environmental, economic and social systems? (2000)
Journal Article
James, P., Ashley, J., & Evans, A. (2000). Ecological networks: Connecting environmental, economic and social systems?. Landscape Research, 25(3), 345-353.

Ecological networks for different spatial scales (international to sub-regional) are being defined and realized throughout Europe. Historically they have been focused on nature conservation, but they may offer a mechanism whereby a holistic, integrat... Read More about Ecological networks: Connecting environmental, economic and social systems?.

Knowledge about attitudes can help change behaviour (2000)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C. (2000). Knowledge about attitudes can help change behaviour. British Journal of Midwifery, 8(11), 690-694

This paper addresses the issue of social attitudes. The purpose is to facilitate understanding of attitude structures and the application of this knowledge to
midwifery practice. Attitudes have been defined and their development within individuals d... Read More about Knowledge about attitudes can help change behaviour.

The Netherhall Blast Furnace, Maryport (2000)
Journal Article
Miller, I. (2000). The Netherhall Blast Furnace, Maryport. Historical Metallurgy, 34(2), 97-109

Reports on an archaeological investigation and documentary survey undertaken in 1993 of a mid-18th-century blast furnace in Maryport. The results suggested that the furnace was designed to operate on coke fuel, placing Netherhall at the forefront of... Read More about The Netherhall Blast Furnace, Maryport.

Balancing language planning and language rights: Catalonia's uneasy juggling act (2000)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, C. (2000). Balancing language planning and language rights: Catalonia's uneasy juggling act. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 21(5), 425-441

In the 1980s, language planning in Catalonia was carried out against a background of general consensus that major language recovery measures were needed in order to improve the linguistic and sociolinguistic situation of Catalan. Demographic and soci... Read More about Balancing language planning and language rights: Catalonia's uneasy juggling act.

Pope joke backfires on Polish leadership (2000)
Journal Article
Bekerman, M. (2000). Pope joke backfires on Polish leadership

Film footage going back to 1997 reveals top Polish politicians mocking the Pope after a trip in a helicopter. The opposition "Solidarity" movement has used the video to erode the incumbent president's ratings ahead of the elections in Poland.

Generation of a mosaic pattern of diversity in the major merozoite-piroplasm surface antigen of Theileria annulata (2000)
Journal Article
Gubbels, M.-J., Katzer, F., Hide, G., Jongejan, F., & R Shiels, B. (2000). Generation of a mosaic pattern of diversity in the major merozoite-piroplasm surface antigen of Theileria annulata. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 110(1), 23-32.

The polypeptide Tams1 is an immunodominant major merozoite piroplasm surface antigen of the protozoan parasite Theileria annulata. Generation and selection of divergent antigenic types has implications for the inclusion of the Tams1 antigen in a subu... Read More about Generation of a mosaic pattern of diversity in the major merozoite-piroplasm surface antigen of Theileria annulata.

Maracas for Macaca? Evaluation of three potential enrichment objects in two species of zoo-housed macaques (2000)
Journal Article
Vick, S., Anderson, J., & Young, R. (2000). Maracas for Macaca? Evaluation of three potential enrichment objects in two species of zoo-housed macaques. Zoo Biology, 19(3), 181-191.

One group each of Barbary macaques and stump-tailed macaques, both zoo-housed, received hard replica fruits in three experimental conditions: as empty (“unresponsive”) objects, as maracas that rattled when manipulated (“simple responsive”), and as ob... Read More about Maracas for Macaca? Evaluation of three potential enrichment objects in two species of zoo-housed macaques.

The joint protection behavior assessment: A reliability study (2000)
Journal Article
Klompenhouwer, P. J., Lysack, C., Dijkers, M., & Hammond, A. (2000). The joint protection behavior assessment: A reliability study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 54(5), 516–524.

Of the various measures developed for studying persons with rheumatoid arthritis, only one that focuses on joint protection has undergone extensive testing, the Joint Protection Behavior Assessment (JPBA). The purpose of the present study... Read More about The joint protection behavior assessment: A reliability study.

Transverse effects in multifrequency Raman generation (2000)
Journal Article
Syed, K., Mcdonald, G., & New, G. (2000). Transverse effects in multifrequency Raman generation. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 17(8), 1366-1375.

The theory of ultrabroadband multifrequency Raman generation is extended, for the first time, to allow for beam-propagation effects in one and two transverse dimensions. We show that a complex transverse structure develops even when diffraction is ne... Read More about Transverse effects in multifrequency Raman generation.

Anxiety management: a distinct nursing role in day surgery (2000)
Journal Article
Mitchell, M. (2000). Anxiety management: a distinct nursing role in day surgery. Ambulatory Surgery, 8(3), 119-127.

Improved anaesthetic techniques and the increase in minimal access surgery over the past 20 years has had a considerable impact upon the pattern of nursing care required by the surgical patient. In order to adapt to these changes some day surgery nur... Read More about Anxiety management: a distinct nursing role in day surgery.

The origins, forms and effects of modularity and semesterisation in ten UK-based business schools (2000)
Journal Article
Morris, H. (2000). The origins, forms and effects of modularity and semesterisation in ten UK-based business schools. Higher Education Quarterly, 54(3), 239-258.

This paper examines the introduction of modularisation and semesterisation at ten UK-based business schools. Using this case study evidence, it is argued that the main reasons for the introduction of these schemes were the personal ambitions of senio... Read More about The origins, forms and effects of modularity and semesterisation in ten UK-based business schools.

Viewing the corporate community as a knowledge network (2000)
Journal Article
Swan, W., Langford, N., Watson, I., & Varey, R. J. (2000). Viewing the corporate community as a knowledge network. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5(2), 97-106.

The inter‐organizational network is becoming an increasingly common form of organization. The majority of trade is carried out between organizations, rather than organizations and households. Many of these networks are concerned with the exchange of... Read More about Viewing the corporate community as a knowledge network.

The influence of a period of environment-orientated work experience on students' perception of their learning style (2000)
Journal Article
James, P. (2000). The influence of a period of environment-orientated work experience on students' perception of their learning style. Environmental Education Research, 6(2), 157-165.

A period of circa 12 months' work experience, as part of an Environmental Science Bachelor's Degree programme, introduces candidates to a variety of problems and can, therefore, be expected to influence the problem-solving approach adopted by the stu... Read More about The influence of a period of environment-orientated work experience on students' perception of their learning style.