All Outputs (77)
Gender / body / machine (2002)
Journal Article
Adam, A. (2002). Gender / body / machine. article considers the question of embodiment in relation to gender and whether there are models of artificial intelligence (AI) which can enrol a concept of gender in their design. A central concern for feminist epistemology is the role of the b... Read More about Gender / body / machine.
Let's stay and hate: the role of community meetings on counsellor training courses (2002)
Journal Article
Hill, A. (2002). Let's stay and hate: the role of community meetings on counsellor training courses. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 2(4), 215-221. study explores the role of community meetings within BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) accredited counsellor training courses. A postal survey was carried out with trainers on 56 BACP accredited training courses in Jan... Read More about Let's stay and hate: the role of community meetings on counsellor training courses.
Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice (2002)
Journal Article
Porcellato, L., Dugdill, L., & Springett, J. (2002). Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice. Health Education, 102(6), 310-320. paper reflects on the appropriateness of using focus groups with young children, based on a real life study carried out in Liverpool, UK which used 12, single-sex focus groups (n=50, mean age=7) to explore children's perceptions of smoking. The... Read More about Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice.
Continence care and policy initiatives (2002)
Journal Article
De Laine, C., Scammell, J., & Heaslip, V. (2002). Continence care and policy initiatives. Nursing Standard, 17(7), 45-51. are key professionals in the provision of continence care. The authors examine the implications of recent policy initiatives on the provision of continence care to older people, both in general terms and focusing on the issue of abuse.
Edwards, Benner and Wrubel on caring (2002)
Journal Article
Horrocks, S. (2002). Edwards, Benner and Wrubel on caring. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40(1), 36-41. To explain the difficult Heideggerian concept of the ontological difference and then use it as a context to explain the misperceptions of Benner and Wrubel's reply to Edwards' criticism of the differences between ontological and intentional car... Read More about Edwards, Benner and Wrubel on caring.
Formal nursing terminology systems: a means to an end (2002)
Journal Article
In response to the need to support diverse and complex information requirements, nursing has developed a number of different terminology systems. The two main kinds of systems that have emerged are enumerative systems and combinatorial systems, altho... Read More about Formal nursing terminology systems: a means to an end.
What is the conceptual basis for using 'consumerism' as an approach for public participation in National Health Service decision making processes? (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Haworth, R. (2002, September). What is the conceptual basis for using 'consumerism' as an approach for public participation in National Health Service decision making processes?. Presented at Post graduate seminar series, The University of Manchester
The forgotten: a community without a generation - older lesbians and gay men (2002)
Book Chapter
Pugh, S. (2002). The forgotten: a community without a generation - older lesbians and gay men. In D. Richardson, & S. Seidman (Eds.), Handbook of lesbian and gay studies (161-182). SAGE Publications
The Anatomy Workbook (2002)
Porter, S. (2002). The Anatomy Workbook. ElsevierThis is a fun-packed companion to a difficult subject for many students. Written especially for students, this workbook takes you step-by-step through the essential core areas of anatomy, giving you memory aids and tips on how to pass exams, question... Read More about The Anatomy Workbook.
A visual motor psychological test as a predictor to treatment in nocturnal enuresis (2002)
Journal Article
Bosson, S., Holland, P., & Barrow, S. (2002). A visual motor psychological test as a predictor to treatment in nocturnal enuresis. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 87(3), 188-191. and Aims: The neurological control of bladder function and the ability to be dry at night involves not only the acquisition of normal daytime control, but also the establishment of a circadian rhythm in vasopressin release and the ability... Read More about A visual motor psychological test as a predictor to treatment in nocturnal enuresis.
Measurement of balance and walking post-stroke: part 2 functional performance tests (2002)
Journal Article
Tyson, S., & DeSouza, L. (2002). Measurement of balance and walking post-stroke: part 2 functional performance tests. Physical Therapy Reviews, 7(3), 231-241. rehabilitation of balance and walking is a primary goal of stroke physiotherapy and our main interest is to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions. The literature was reviewed to seek functional performance tests (ratio and inter... Read More about Measurement of balance and walking post-stroke: part 2 functional performance tests.
A systematic review of methods to measure balance and walking post-stroke. part 1: ordinal scales (2002)
Journal Article
Tyson, S., & DeSouza, L. (2002). A systematic review of methods to measure balance and walking post-stroke. part 1: ordinal scales. Physical Therapy Reviews, 7(3), 173-186. rehabilitation of balance and walking is a cornerstone of stroke physiotherapy and our main interest is to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions. We therefore reviewed the literature to seek outcome measures which would be suita... Read More about A systematic review of methods to measure balance and walking post-stroke. part 1: ordinal scales.
The design, development and evaluation of an array-based FES system with automated setup for the correction of drop foot (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Functional electrical stimulation has been shown to be a safe and effective means of correcting
drop foot of central neurological origin. However, despite recent technological advances, the set-up of
surface stimulators remains a challenge for many... Read More about The design, development and evaluation of an array-based FES system with automated setup for the correction of drop foot.
Career paths beyond nursing and the contribution of nursing experience and skills in attaining these positions (2002)
Journal Article
Duffield, C., & Franks, H. (2002). Career paths beyond nursing and the contribution of nursing experience and skills in attaining these positions. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 39(6), 601-609. paper reports on an exploratory study undertaken in New South Wales, Australia which sought to identify the positions nurses go on to when they leave nursing and the skills and experience they gained from nursing which they believe enabled them... Read More about Career paths beyond nursing and the contribution of nursing experience and skills in attaining these positions.
The inter-tester reliability of a clinical measurement used to determine the medial/lateral orientation of the patella (2002)
Journal Article
Herrington, L. (2002). The inter-tester reliability of a clinical measurement used to determine the medial/lateral orientation of the patella. Manual Therapy, 7(3), 163-167. important aspect of the patellar taping technique, a common treatment for patellofemoral pain is the assessment of patellar position. The inter-tester reliability of the assessment method has been regarded as poor, as has the validity (Powers et a... Read More about The inter-tester reliability of a clinical measurement used to determine the medial/lateral orientation of the patella.
Racing against time? Aspects of the temporal organization of the runner's world (2002)
Journal Article
Smith, G. (2002). Racing against time? Aspects of the temporal organization of the runner's world. Symbolic Interaction, 25(3), 343-362. on documentary sources and participant observation, I seek to specify salient temporal characteristics of the social world of running. Extant analyses seem preoccupied with criticizing running temporality for reproducing, in a sporting contex... Read More about Racing against time? Aspects of the temporal organization of the runner's world.
Healing the wounds of trauma using Compassionate Mind Training (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Beaumont, E. (2002, July). Healing the wounds of trauma using Compassionate Mind Training. Presented at 41st Annual Conference. National Association for Rural Mental Health, USA
Research-based care on an acute inpatient psychiatric unit (2002)
Journal Article
Bartholomew, D., & Collier, E. (2002). Research-based care on an acute inpatient psychiatric unit. British Journal of Nursing, 11(13), 876-884Many studies of research-based practice in nursing highlight factors that impede the development of practice. With the aim of adding to this body of knowledge, a modified grounded theory approach was used in order to understand more about these barri... Read More about Research-based care on an acute inpatient psychiatric unit.
Muscle function in elite master weightlifters (2002)
Journal Article
Pearson, S., Young, A., Macaluso, A., Devito, G., Nimmo, M., Cobbold, M., & Harridge, S. (2002). Muscle function in elite master weightlifters. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34(7), 1199-1206. To determine whether explosive power and isometric strength of the lower-limb muscles in elite master Olympic weightlifters declines at a similar rate to nontrained healthy controls with increasing age. Methods: 54 elite level masters weight... Read More about Muscle function in elite master weightlifters.