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Reliability of procedures used in the physical examination of non-specific low back pain: A systematic review (2006)
Journal Article

The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the quality of the research and to assess the reliability of different types of physical examination procedures used in the assessment of patients with non-specific low back pain. A search of ele... Read More about Reliability of procedures used in the physical examination of non-specific low back pain: A systematic review.

‘Breaking the rules’ in baby-feeding practice in the UK: deviance and good practice? (2006)
Journal Article
Furber, C. M., & Thomson, A. M. (2006). ‘Breaking the rules’ in baby-feeding practice in the UK: deviance and good practice?. Midwifery, 22(4), 365-376.

to discover the views of midwives in relation to baby feeding.

Design and method
qualitative using grounded theory. Data collection used in-depth interviews with 30 midwives who volunteered to participate. Field notes of the interactio... Read More about ‘Breaking the rules’ in baby-feeding practice in the UK: deviance and good practice?.

The costs and effectiveness of information skills training and mediated searching: quantitative results from the EMPIRIC project (2006)
Journal Article
Brettle, A., Hulme, C., & Ormandy, P. (2006). The costs and effectiveness of information skills training and mediated searching: quantitative results from the EMPIRIC project. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 23(4), 239-247.

Objectives: To compare the effectiveness and costs of providing information for patient care via librarian-mediated searches and information-skills training.
Methods: A questionnaire survey to library staff and health professionals in the North Wes... Read More about The costs and effectiveness of information skills training and mediated searching: quantitative results from the EMPIRIC project.

Quantification of patella position by ultrasound scanning and its criterion validity (2006)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., McEwan, I., & Thom, J. (2006). Quantification of patella position by ultrasound scanning and its criterion validity.

Altered position of the patella has been associated with patellofemoral joint pain. The main techniques used for assessment of position are either expensive or invasive; there are limited reports of the use of ultrasound (US) scanning to assess patel... Read More about Quantification of patella position by ultrasound scanning and its criterion validity.

A method for comparing manual muscle strength measurements with joint moments during walking (2006)
Journal Article
Fosang, A., & Baker, R. (2006). A method for comparing manual muscle strength measurements with joint moments during walking. Gait & Posture, 24(4), 406-411.

This paper describes a protocol for dynamometer assisted manual muscle testing of the major muscle groups of the lower extremity and its application to 11 able-bodied children who also had conventional gait analysis to obtain joint kinetics. Data fro... Read More about A method for comparing manual muscle strength measurements with joint moments during walking.

Shaping the future for primary care education and training project. Finding the evidence for education and training to deliver integrated health and social care: the project experience (2006)
Holland, K. (2006). Shaping the future for primary care education and training project. Finding the evidence for education and training to deliver integrated health and social care: the project experience

The aim of the project is primarily to identify the evidence base for the current and future education and training requirements of the health and social care workforce to deliver integrated health and social care services in the North West of Englan... Read More about Shaping the future for primary care education and training project. Finding the evidence for education and training to deliver integrated health and social care: the project experience.

Counselling older people: what can we learn from the research evidence? (2006)
Journal Article
Brettle, A., & Hill, A. (2006). Counselling older people: what can we learn from the research evidence?. Journal of Social Work Practice, 20(3), 281-297.

This paper reports on a systematic review aimed at providing a reliable overview of the effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility of counselling older people. Papers were located from a wide range of sources to ensure comprehensive coverage of t... Read More about Counselling older people: what can we learn from the research evidence?.

Why did GPs prescribe rofecoxib? A qualitative study of uptake of a new drug (2006)
Journal Article
Prosser, H. (2006). Why did GPs prescribe rofecoxib? A qualitative study of uptake of a new drug

The first Cox-2 selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in the UK, rofecoxib (Vioxx), was launched in August 1999. However, in September 2004 it was withdrawn from the international market because of concerns about its cardiovascular s... Read More about Why did GPs prescribe rofecoxib? A qualitative study of uptake of a new drug.

Ketamine use : minimising problems and maximising pleasure (2006)
Journal Article
Moore, K., & Measham, F. (2006). Ketamine use : minimising problems and maximising pleasure. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 6(3), 29-32.

In January 2006 ketamine shifted from medical regulation through the Medicines Act to a Class C drug through an amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act. In the debate surrounding this criminalisation, interest has grown in prevalence and patterns of ket... Read More about Ketamine use : minimising problems and maximising pleasure.

Energetic versus sthenic optimality criteria for gymnastic movement synthesis (2006)
Journal Article
Leboeuf, F., Bessonnet, G., Seguin, P., & Lacouture, P. (2006). Energetic versus sthenic optimality criteria for gymnastic movement synthesis. Multibody System Dynamics, 16(3), 213-236.

Dynamic synthesis of human movements raises the question of the selection of a
suitable performance criterion able to generate proper dynamic behaviors. Two quite different
criteria are likely to be appropriate candidates: the minimum effort cost (... Read More about Energetic versus sthenic optimality criteria for gymnastic movement synthesis.

Anti-social behaviour intensive family support projects: an evaluation of six pioneering projects (2006)
Nixon, J., Parr, S., & Sanderson, D. (2006). Anti-social behaviour intensive family support projects: an evaluation of six pioneering projects

This is a summary document of the two year evaluation which examines the impact of such projects in terms of costs and benefits, effectiveness and lessons for dissemination. The main report is available from the link in the right hand panel.

The i... Read More about Anti-social behaviour intensive family support projects: an evaluation of six pioneering projects.