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All Outputs (122)

Nodal network and CFD simulation of airflow and heat transfer in double skin facades with blinds (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Hanby, V., Cook, M., Infield, D., Ji, Y., Loveday, D., & Mei, L. (2006, December). Nodal network and CFD simulation of airflow and heat transfer in double skin facades with blinds. Presented at The 7th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, Liege, Belgium

The paper describes a modeling study of heat transfer and buoyancy-driven airflow in double skin facades consisting of a glass outer layer, a control device (venetian blind) and a double-glazed inner skin. The modeling study was based on two approach... Read More about Nodal network and CFD simulation of airflow and heat transfer in double skin facades with blinds.

Developing a knowledge infrastructure for INTUITION network and future VR communities (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Mihindu, S. (2006, November). Developing a knowledge infrastructure for INTUITION network and future VR communities. Poster presented at Intuition, 3rd Workshop, Fellbach, Germany

Intuition Knowledge Base Software Tool (IKBST) is a centralised, Web-based tool for managing distributed VR related knowledge content and development work. It runs on an application server and an underlying database (PostgreSQL). For optimum security... Read More about Developing a knowledge infrastructure for INTUITION network and future VR communities.

Getting to no: managing the delicate business of refusing a contractor's claim (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Rooke, J. (2006, November). Getting to no: managing the delicate business of refusing a contractor's claim. Presented at Symposium on sustainability and value through construction procurement, CIB W092, Digital World Centre, Salford

A short transcript from a meeting between a contractor and employer's representatives is presented and analysed to reveal some of the conversational methods employed in the negotiation. A key sequence is analysed to show how the refusal to grant a cl... Read More about Getting to no: managing the delicate business of refusing a contractor's claim.

Contracts and production (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Koskela, L., Howell, G., & Lichtig, W. (2006, November). Contracts and production. Presented at CIB W92 Symposium on Sustainability and Value through Construction Procurement, Digital World Centre, Salford Quays

It is argued that a change in the prevailing theory of production is also influencing how contracts, especially in construction, are being conceived. It is contended that the
theoretical shift in question, both in production and contracting, concern... Read More about Contracts and production.

The 3-dimensional behaviour of masonry arches with point supports to the intrados (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Melbourne, C., & Wang, J. (2006, October). The 3-dimensional behaviour of masonry arches with point supports to the intrados. Presented at Seventh International Masonry Conference (7 IMC), The Institution of Civil Engineers, London

In the United Kingdom many existing masonry arch bridges have been subject to alteration and extension in order to continue to contribute to the transportation network. One type of alteration is the introduction of full-height longitudinal brickwork... Read More about The 3-dimensional behaviour of masonry arches with point supports to the intrados.

Connected exceptives and nonmonotonic inference (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Garcia-Alvarez, I. (2006, October). Connected exceptives and nonmonotonic inference. Presented at 34th Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 2006, California State University, Fresno, California, USA

Free to touch: a portable tactile display for 3D surface texture exploration (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Sarakoglou, I., Bezdicek, M., Tsagarakis, N., & Caldwell, D. (2006, October). Free to touch: a portable tactile display for 3D surface texture exploration. Presented at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006, Beijing, China

The development of successful tactile displays can be assisted by the capacity to assess their performance in integrated virtual reality applications. The design of single tactor or desktop tactile displays has been useful for scientific analysis of... Read More about Free to touch: a portable tactile display for 3D surface texture exploration.

The future of permeable pavement systems (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Grabowiecki, P., & Scholz, M. (2006, September). The future of permeable pavement systems. Presented at 4th National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro, Newcastle upon Tyne