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Operationalising business-level generic strategies (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Ghobadian, A., Nandakumar, M., & O'Regan, N. (2006, January). Operationalising business-level generic strategies. Presented at British Academy of Management Conference, Belfast, United Kingdom

Structural insulated panels: Impact on the residential construction process (2006)
Journal Article
Mullens, M., & Arif, M. (2006). Structural insulated panels: Impact on the residential construction process. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(7), 786-794.

Uncertainty and risk have contributed to the reluctance of U.S. homebuilders to embrace new construction technologies. This paper explores one innovative, but underutilized building technology, structural insulated panels (SIPs), and its impact on th... Read More about Structural insulated panels: Impact on the residential construction process.

Systems analysis of the UAE education system (2006)
Journal Article
Gaad, E., Arif, M., & Scott, F. (2006). Systems analysis of the UAE education system. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(4), 291-303.

– This purpose of this paper is to examine the organization of the UAE educational system, its components, their goals, and finally their effectiveness.

– Three elements of the UAE education system were examin... Read More about Systems analysis of the UAE education system.

Electronic business : a business model can make the difference (2006)
Journal Article
Owens, J. D. (2006). Electronic business : a business model can make the difference. Management services (Enfield), 50(1), 24-29

Conducting business electronically, electronic commerce has such well-documented advantages that if a business does not engage in doing so one must question the wisdom of management. The major growth in this transition will be from established ‘bric... Read More about Electronic business : a business model can make the difference.

Exploring the modes of internationalization : the case of UK Business Schools (2006)
Journal Article
the case of UK Business Schools. International journal of applied international management, 1(1), 1-10

Recently there has been a large expansion of Higher Education (HE). Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree programmes have seen a large rise in international applications. As a consequence, the UK is gaining more revenue from the Internationa... Read More about Exploring the modes of internationalization : the case of UK Business Schools.

Room acoustic parameter extraction from music signals (2006)
Journal Article
Kendrick, P., Cox, T., Zhang, Y., Chambers, J., & Li, F. (2006). Room acoustic parameter extraction from music signals. Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 5, V-801.

A new method, employing machine learning techniques and a modified low frequency envelope spectrum estimator, for estimating important room acoustic parameters including reverberation time (RT) and early decay time (EDT) from received music signals h... Read More about Room acoustic parameter extraction from music signals.

Selective entrance of gold nanoparticles into cancer cells (2006)
Journal Article
Krpetic, Z., Porta, F., & Scarì, G. (2006). Selective entrance of gold nanoparticles into cancer cells. Gold Bulletin, 39(2), 66-68.

We report that Au(0) nanoparticles, stabilized by 5-aminovaleric acid, selectively penetrate into K562 cancer cells in a short time. These experiments were carried out in order to verify the specific recognition of gold sol by abnormal cells. The obs... Read More about Selective entrance of gold nanoparticles into cancer cells.

A new discrete particle swarm algorithm applied to attribute selection in a bioinformatics data set (2006)
Book Chapter
Correa, E., Freitas, A., & Johnson, C. (2006). A new discrete particle swarm algorithm applied to attribute selection in a bioinformatics data set. In Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation - GECCO '06 (35). ACM Digital Library.

Many data mining applications involve the task of building a model for predictive classification. The goal of such a model is to classify examples (records or data instances) into classes or categories of the same type. The use of variables (attribut... Read More about A new discrete particle swarm algorithm applied to attribute selection in a bioinformatics data set.

Four original compositions for brass and wind bands with supporting analytical commentary (2006)
Ellerby, M. Four original compositions for brass and wind bands with supporting analytical commentary. (Thesis). University of Salford

The contents of the DMA portfolio comprise two works written prior to the course enrolment and two works written during the period of registration. These fall into the following categories: A: Two Existing works: 1: TRISTAN ENCOUNTERS (Prelude and Tr... Read More about Four original compositions for brass and wind bands with supporting analytical commentary.

The efficacy of two novel insecticides to control nuisance diptera breeding in sewage biological filters (2006)
Cleworth, M. The efficacy of two novel insecticides to control nuisance diptera breeding in sewage biological filters. (Thesis). University of Salford

This thesis investigates the potential of two novel insecticides for the control of
nuisance Diptera emanating from sewage biological filters. The efficacy of the insect
growth regulator pyriproxyfen and a biological nematode Steinernema feltiae fo... Read More about The efficacy of two novel insecticides to control nuisance diptera breeding in sewage biological filters.

A change management toolkit for construction projects (2006)
Journal Article
Sun, M., Fleming, A., Senaratne, S., Motawa, I., & Yeoh, M. (2006). A change management toolkit for construction projects. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 2(4), 261-271.

Changes in construction projects often cause cost and time overruns. Because of the nature of design and construction of buildings, construction professionals often have to make decisions based on assumptions and previous experience. Changes at a lat... Read More about A change management toolkit for construction projects.