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Substantial temperature dependence of transverse electron g*-factor in lead chalcogenide multi-quantum wells (2011)
Presentation / Conference
Leontiadou, M., Litvinenko, K., Clowes, S., Springholz, G., Schwarzl, T., Eibelhuber, M., …Murdin, B. (2011, August). Substantial temperature dependence of transverse electron g*-factor in lead chalcogenide multi-quantum wells. Presented at 15th International Conference on Narrow Gap Systems, Blacksburg, USA

We report significant temperature dependence of the transverse electron g*‐factor in symmetric lead chalcogenide multi‐quantum wells (MQWs). The g*‐factor values were extracted from the electron Larmor precessions recorded by means of a circularly po... Read More about Substantial temperature dependence of transverse electron g*-factor in lead chalcogenide multi-quantum wells.

Experimental determination of the Rashba coefficient in InSb/InAlSb quantum wells at zero magnetic field and elevated temperatures (2011)
Journal Article
Leontiadou, M., Litvinenko, K., Gilbertson, A., Pidgeon, C., Branford, W., Cohen, L., …Clowes, S. (2011). Experimental determination of the Rashba coefficient in InSb/InAlSb quantum wells at zero magnetic field and elevated temperatures. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23(3),

We report the optical measurement of the spin dynamics at elevated temperatures and in zero magnetic field for two types of degenerately doped n-InSb quantum wells (QWs), one asymmetric (sample A) and one symmetric (sample B) with regards to the elec... Read More about Experimental determination of the Rashba coefficient in InSb/InAlSb quantum wells at zero magnetic field and elevated temperatures.