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All Outputs (1195)

The use of optimisation in the calibration of building simulation models (2015)
Conference Proceeding
Basurra, S., Jankovic, L., & Huws, H. (2015). The use of optimisation in the calibration of building simulation models. In Proceedings of Building Simulation 2015: 14th Conference of IBPSA (2905-2912)

In this paper, a model-assisted calibration is proposed in order to reduce performance gap of simulation models, being the estimated differences between the predicted performance of the simulation model and the actual performance of the building. We... Read More about The use of optimisation in the calibration of building simulation models.

Emergence-Based approach to computational fluid dynamics (2015)
Conference Proceeding
Jankovic, L. (2015). Emergence-Based approach to computational fluid dynamics. In Proceedings of Building Simulation 2015 : 14th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association (50-57)

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling
requires considerable user preparation time and
considerable CPU time for reproducing the simplest
of behaviours of air movement in and around
buildings. This is due to the top-down approach to
modell... Read More about Emergence-Based approach to computational fluid dynamics.

Bringing building simulation to a wider audience - A web based simulation and optimisation system (2015)
Conference Proceeding
Basurra, S., & Jankovic, L. (2015). Bringing building simulation to a wider audience - A web based simulation and optimisation system. In Proceedings of Building Simulation 2015 : 14th Conference of IBPSA (1962-1969)

The paper describes the development of a new web based expert system that uses jEPlus+EA and EnergyPlus as core engines for finding optimum solutions for retrofit of zero carbon design of buildings. The main goal is to scale up the use of building si... Read More about Bringing building simulation to a wider audience - A web based simulation and optimisation system.

Energy and Comfort Modelling Tools (2015)
Book Chapter
Jankovic, L. (2015). Energy and Comfort Modelling Tools. In S. Burton (Ed.), Sustainable Retrofitting of Commercial Buildings : Cool Climates. (1). Abingdon: Routledge

Women's experiences of cervical ripening as inpatients on an antenatal ward (2015)
Journal Article
Brown, S. J., & Furber, C. M. (2015). Women's experiences of cervical ripening as inpatients on an antenatal ward. Sexual and Reproductive HealthCare, 6(4), 219-225.

To gain an insight into women's lived experiences of inpatient cervical ripening, in the context of usual care, whilst they were admitted as inpatients on an antenatal ward.

A qualitative design was used guided by an interpreta... Read More about Women's experiences of cervical ripening as inpatients on an antenatal ward.

Evaluation of refurbishment strategies for Post-War office buildings (2015)
Conference Proceeding
Duran, Ö., Taylor, S. C., & Lomas, K. J. (2015). Evaluation of refurbishment strategies for Post-War office buildings.

Multiple combinations of energy saving
refurbishment measures were applied to
representative models of post-war office buildings
using EnergyPlus. Based on energy consumption,
thermal comfort and costs, a range of heating and
cooling refurb... Read More about Evaluation of refurbishment strategies for Post-War office buildings.

Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate (2015)
Journal Article
Peach, D., & Locke, A. (2015). Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate. Psychology of Women Section Review, 17(1),

Donna Peach in conversation with Dr Abigail Locke, who presented a keynote on ‘Constructing (and resisting) the ‘good parenting’ mandate’ at the POWS Annual Conference, July 2014.

We were delighted to have Abi deliver her keynote, which interrogat... Read More about Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate.

Changing pivoting technique reduces knee valgus moments (2015)
Conference Proceeding
Jones, P., Barber, O., & Smith, L. (2015). Changing pivoting technique reduces knee valgus moments. .

Changing direction is a common action involved in non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes (Faude et al. [2005]. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 33, 1694-1700), as such actions involve lower limb postures that increase... Read More about Changing pivoting technique reduces knee valgus moments.

On the measurement of the Pockels effect in strained silicon (2015)
Journal Article
Azadeh, S., Merget, F., Nezhad, M., & Witzens, J. (2015). On the measurement of the Pockels effect in strained silicon. Optics Letters, 40(8), 1877-1880.

We measure the voltage-dependent phase shift in silicon waveguides strained by a silicon nitride layer and show that, in our measurements, the phase shift is due to free carrier accumulation inside the waveguides. Nonetheless, inverting the applied v... Read More about On the measurement of the Pockels effect in strained silicon.

The effect of farmers’ decisions on pest control with Bt crops : a billion dollar game of strategy (2015)
Journal Article
Milne, A., Bell, J., Hutchinson, W., van den bosch, F., Mitchell, P., Crowder, D., …Whitmore, A. (2015). The effect of farmers’ decisions on pest control with Bt crops : a billion dollar game of strategy. PLoS Computational Biology, 11(12), e1004483.

A farmer’s decision on whether to control a pest is usually based on the perceived threat of the pest locally and the guidance of commercial advisors. Therefore farmers in a region are often influenced by similar circumstances, and this can create a... Read More about The effect of farmers’ decisions on pest control with Bt crops : a billion dollar game of strategy.

Youth resettlement in Southern Wales, and the Resettlement Broker project (2015)
Hazel, N., Hampson, K., & Kinsey, T. (2015). Youth resettlement in Southern Wales, and the Resettlement Broker project. Cardiff

The research informing
this report included quantitative analysis of the experiences of children from Southern Wales leaving
custody (on licence from a detention and training order) between October 2012 and September
2014, 14 project questionnaire... Read More about Youth resettlement in Southern Wales, and the Resettlement Broker project.

Analysis of the mitochondrial maxicircle of Trypanosoma lewisi, a neglected human pathogen (2015)
Journal Article
Lin, R., Lai, D., Zheng, L., Wu, J., Lukeš, J., Hide, G., & Lun, Z. (2015). Analysis of the mitochondrial maxicircle of Trypanosoma lewisi, a neglected human pathogen. Parasites and Vectors, 8(1), 665.


The haemoflagellate Trypanosoma lewisi is a kinetoplastid parasite which, as it has been recently reported to cause human disease, deserves increased attention. Characteristic features of all kinetoplastid flagellates are a uniquely st... Read More about Analysis of the mitochondrial maxicircle of Trypanosoma lewisi, a neglected human pathogen.

Students’ perceptions of school acoustics and the impact of noise on teaching and learning in secondary schools : findings of a questionnaire survey (2015)
Journal Article
Connolly, D., Dockrell, J., Shield, B., Conetta, R., & Cox, T. (2015). Students’ perceptions of school acoustics and the impact of noise on teaching and learning in secondary schools : findings of a questionnaire survey. Energy Procedia, 78, 3114-3119.

This paper will present the design and findings of an online questionnaire survey of 11–16 year olds’ impressions of their school's acoustic environment, and of an experimental study into the effects of typical levels of classroom noise on adolescent... Read More about Students’ perceptions of school acoustics and the impact of noise on teaching and learning in secondary schools : findings of a questionnaire survey.

Two biometric approaches for cattle identification based on features and classifiers fusion (2015)
Journal Article
Tharwat, A., Gaber, T., & Hassanien, A. (2015). Two biometric approaches for cattle identification based on features and classifiers fusion. International journal of image mining (Online), 1(4), 342.

There is an increasing need for controlling safety policies of animals
and efficient management of food production. One way to help achieve this need
is the automatic animal identification/identification and traceability systems. In
this paper, tw... Read More about Two biometric approaches for cattle identification based on features and classifiers fusion.

An effective way to deal with predators is to taste terrible: Primary and secondary psychopathy and mate preference (2015)
Journal Article
Blanchard, A., Lyons, M., & Centifanti, L. (2016). An effective way to deal with predators is to taste terrible: Primary and secondary psychopathy and mate preference. Personality and Individual Differences, 92, 128-134.

Despite their reputation for taking advantage of other people, previous research shows that psychopathic individuals are attractive for short-term relationships. Furthermore, individuals with psychopathic traits have been found to be attracted to oth... Read More about An effective way to deal with predators is to taste terrible: Primary and secondary psychopathy and mate preference.

A Framework for Improving Knowledge Management Practices in Namibian Software Companies (2015)
Journal Article
Iyawa, G. (2015). A Framework for Improving Knowledge Management Practices in Namibian Software Companies. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 15(1),

Software development (SD) companies employ, train and provide software developers with the platform to improve their skills. Unfortunately, these investments are lost when a software developer resigns from the company or is not physically available t... Read More about A Framework for Improving Knowledge Management Practices in Namibian Software Companies.