Acoustic characterization of additive manufactured layered porous materials
Presentation / Conference Contribution
All Outputs (533)
A scene image classification technique for a ubiquitous visual surveillance system (2019)
Journal Article
Asadzadeh Kaljahi, M., Palaiahnakote, S., Hossein Anisi, M., Yamani Idna Idris, M., Blumenstein, M., & Khurram Khan, M. (2019). A scene image classification technique for a ubiquitous visual surveillance system. Multimedia Tools and Applications, concept of smart cities has quickly evolved to improve the quality of life and provide public safety. Smart cities mitigate harmful environmental impacts and offences and bring energy-efficiency, cost saving and mechanisms for better use of resou... Read More about A scene image classification technique for a ubiquitous visual surveillance system.
Reducing simulation performance gap from hempcrete buildings using multi objective optimization (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hempcrete is increasingly used as a construction material, as it provides stable temperature and relative humidity conditions in buildings. In addition to low energy operations, buildings built from hempcrete possess negative embodied CO2, absorbed i... Read More about Reducing simulation performance gap from hempcrete buildings using multi objective optimization.
Cellular automata simulation of three-dimensional building heat loss (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Conventional design development and simulation
methods provide a top-down approach towards
exploration of design solutions. This research identifies
this limitation and presents a bottom-up approach
framework inspired by nature. Natural interacti... Read More about Cellular automata simulation of three-dimensional building heat loss.
A simulation method for measuring building physics properties (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Designing building energy performance with confidence requires accurate information on the properties of building materials and on assemblies of these materials. However, thermal properties of the building in use are rarely compared to manufacturers’... Read More about A simulation method for measuring building physics properties.
Hooked on you: shape of attachment structures in cymothoid isopods reflects parasitic strategy (2019)
Journal Article
Baillie, C., Welicky, R., Hadfield, K., Smit, N., Mariani, S., & Beck, R. (2019). Hooked on you: shape of attachment structures in cymothoid isopods reflects parasitic strategy. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19, 207.
Parasite attachment structures are critical traits that influence effective host exploitation and survival. Morphology of attachment structures can reinforce host specificity and niche specialisation, or even enable host switching. Theref... Read More about Hooked on you: shape of attachment structures in cymothoid isopods reflects parasitic strategy.
Toward a sustainable, participatory and inclusive wild meat sector (2019)
The meat of wild species, referred to in this report as ‘wild meat’, is an essential source of protein and a generator of income for millions of forest-living communities in tropical and subtropical regions. However, unsustainable harvest rates curre... Read More about Toward a sustainable, participatory and inclusive wild meat sector.
Inference for Survival Models with Doubly Interval Censored Data and Fixed or Time Dependent Covariate (2019)
Book Chapter
Kiani, K., & Arasan, J. (2019). Inference for Survival Models with Doubly Interval Censored Data and Fixed or Time Dependent Covariate. In S. Ao, L. Gelman, & H. Kim (Eds.), Transactions on Engineering Technologies (187-203). Springer. this research inference for survival models with doubly interval censored (DIC) data and fixed or time dependent covariate is discussed. DIC data usually arise in follow-up studies where the lifetime, T = W − V is the elapsed time between two rel... Read More about Inference for Survival Models with Doubly Interval Censored Data and Fixed or Time Dependent Covariate.
Simulation of natural convection heat transfer in a 2-D trapezoidal enclosure (2019)
Journal Article
Natural convection within trapezoidal enclosures finds significant practical applications. The natural convection flows play a prominent role in the transport of energy in energy-related applications, in case of proper design enclosures to achieve hi... Read More about Simulation of natural convection heat transfer in a 2-D trapezoidal enclosure.
Captive-born collared peccaries learning about their predators : lessons learnt but not remembered (2019)
Journal Article
de Faria, C., de Souza Sá, F., Lovenstain Costa, D., da Silva, M., da Silva, B., Young, R., & de Azevedo, C. (2020). Captive-born collared peccaries learning about their predators : lessons learnt but not remembered. Behavioural Processes, 171, 104031. animals frequently lose their anti-predatory abilities due to the absence of encounters with their predators, but these abilities can be regained through specific training. Anti-predator training can, thus, enhance the success of reintro... Read More about Captive-born collared peccaries learning about their predators : lessons learnt but not remembered.
Spatial planning and sustainable cities and communities (2019)
Book Chapter
Trillo, C. (2019). Spatial planning and sustainable cities and communities. In W. Leal Filho, A. Azul, L. Brandli L., P. Özuyar, & T. Wall (Eds.), Sustainable Cities and Communities. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. planning as technical activity of supporting spatial decision-making is deeply embedded in the history of mankind. However, this specific terminology came to fore in the planning disciplinary field in the late 1980s, replacing a plethora of ter... Read More about Spatial planning and sustainable cities and communities.
Preferred levels for background ducking to produce esthetically pleasing audio for TV with clear speech (2019)
Journal Article
Torcoli, M., Freke-Morin, A., Paulus, J., Simon, C., & Shirley, B. (2019). Preferred levels for background ducking to produce esthetically pleasing audio for TV with clear speech. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 67(12), 1003-1011. audio production, background ducking facilitates speech intelligibility while allowing the background to fulfill its purpose, e.g., to create ambience, set the mood, or convey semantic cues. Technical details for recommended ducking practices are... Read More about Preferred levels for background ducking to produce esthetically pleasing audio for TV with clear speech.
Learning from accidents : machine learning for safety at railway stations (2019)
Journal Article
Alawad, H., Kaewunruen, S., & An, M. (2020). Learning from accidents : machine learning for safety at railway stations. IEEE Access, 8(1), 633-648. railway systems, station safety is a critical aspect of the overall structure, and yet, accidents at stations still occur. It is time to learn from these errors and improve conventional methods by utilizing the latest technology, such as machine l... Read More about Learning from accidents : machine learning for safety at railway stations.
Numerical simulation of thermal radiation influence on natural convection in a trapezoidal enclosure : heat flow visualization through energy flux vectors (2019)
Journal Article
Venkatadri, K., Beg, O., Rajarajeswar, P., & Prasad, V. (2020). Numerical simulation of thermal radiation influence on natural convection in a trapezoidal enclosure : heat flow visualization through energy flux vectors. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 171, theoretical and numerical study of natural convection intwo-dimensional laminar
incompressible flow in a trapezoidal enclosurein the presence of thermal radiation is conducted,
motivated by energy systems applications. Heat flow visualization via... Read More about Numerical simulation of thermal radiation influence on natural convection in a trapezoidal enclosure : heat flow visualization through energy flux vectors.
Environmental drivers of sediment carbon storage in temperate seagrass meadows (2019)
Journal Article
Do Amaral Camara Lima, M., Ward, R., & Joyce, C. (2020). Environmental drivers of sediment carbon storage in temperate seagrass meadows. Hydrobiologia, 847, 1773-1792. meadows are productive ecosystems that contribute to climate change mitigation by accumulating ‘Blue Carbon’ in their plant biomass and sediments. However, there is wide variation in reported sediment carbon stocks (Cstocks) across different... Read More about Environmental drivers of sediment carbon storage in temperate seagrass meadows.
Energy transfer in Cr and Nd co-doped Si-B-Na-Al-Ca-Zr-O glasses (2019)
Journal Article
Cr and Nd co-doped glasses are potential gain media for solar pumped lasers (SPLs). Tanabe-Sugano analysis
shows that Cr doped Si-B-Na-Al-Ca-Zr-O (SBNACZ) glass contains a mixture of Cr3+ with octahedral coordination and Cr6+with unknown coordinatio... Read More about Energy transfer in Cr and Nd co-doped Si-B-Na-Al-Ca-Zr-O glasses.
Experimental investigation on liquefaction and post-liquefaction deformation of stratified saturated sand under cyclic loading (2019)
Journal Article
The soils are often distributed in a stratified structure. When an earthquake occurs, there are always risks of liquefaction for stratified soils which can cause serious consequences. The research aims to investigate the liquefaction and post-liquefa... Read More about Experimental investigation on liquefaction and post-liquefaction deformation of stratified saturated sand under cyclic loading.
Effects of a hovering Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on urban soundscapes perception (2019)
Journal Article
Torija Martinez, A., Zhengguang, L., & Self, R. (2020). Effects of a hovering Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on urban soundscapes perception. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 78, 102195. industry leaders and governmental agencies are currently investigating the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or ‘drones’ as commonly known, for an ever-growing number of applications from blue light services to parcel delivery. For the... Read More about Effects of a hovering Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on urban soundscapes perception.
Nonlinear dynamics of coupled transverse-rotational waves in granular chains (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, Q., Umnova, O., & Venegas, R. (2019). Nonlinear dynamics of coupled transverse-rotational waves in granular chains. Physical Review E, 100(6), 062206. nonlinear dynamics of coupled waves in one-dimensional granular chains with and without a substrate
is theoretically studied accounting for quadratic nonlinearity. The multiple time scale method is used to derive
the nonlinear dispersion relati... Read More about Nonlinear dynamics of coupled transverse-rotational waves in granular chains.
EBNO: Evolution of cost‐sensitive Bayesian networks (2019)
Journal Article
Nashnush, E., & VADERA, S. (2020). EBNO: Evolution of cost‐sensitive Bayesian networks. Expert Systems, 37(3), e12495. last decade has seen an increase in the attention paid to the development of cost sensitive learning algorithms that
aim to minimize misclassification costs while still maintaining accuracy. Most of this attention has been on cost sensitive
dec... Read More about EBNO: Evolution of cost‐sensitive Bayesian networks.