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Assessment of off-shore wind turbines for application in Saudi Arabia (2020)
Journal Article
Sundaram, A., Abubakar Mas’ud, A., Al Garni, H. Z., & Adewusi, S. (2020). Assessment of off-shore wind turbines for application in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 10(5), 4507-4513.

This paper presents models and economic analysis of ten different wind turbines for the region of Yanbu, Saudi Arabia using the hybrid optimization models for energy resources (HOMER) software. This study serves as a guide for decision make... Read More about Assessment of off-shore wind turbines for application in Saudi Arabia.

In Silico Selection and In Vitro Evaluation of New Molecules That Inhibit the Adhesion of <i>Streptococcus mutants</i> through Antigen I/II (2020)
Journal Article

Streptococcus mutans is the main early colonizing cariogenic bacteria because it recognizes salivary pellicle receptors. The Antigen I/II (Ag I/II) of S. mutans is among the most important adhesins in this process, and is involved in the adhesion to... Read More about In Silico Selection and In Vitro Evaluation of New Molecules That Inhibit the Adhesion of <i>Streptococcus mutants</i> through Antigen I/II.

A low-cost linkage-spring-sendon-integrated compliant anthropomorphic robotic hand : MCR-Hand III (2020)
Journal Article
Yang, H., Wei, G., Ren, L., Qian, Z., Wang, K., Xiu, H., & Liang, W. (2021). A low-cost linkage-spring-sendon-integrated compliant anthropomorphic robotic hand : MCR-Hand III. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 158, 104210.

This paper presents the design, analysis and development of an anthropomorphic robotic hand, i.e. MCR-Hand III. Based on the investigation of human hand anatomical structure and the related existing robotic hands, mechanical design of the MCR-Hand II... Read More about A low-cost linkage-spring-sendon-integrated compliant anthropomorphic robotic hand : MCR-Hand III.

Water column structure defines vertical habitat of twelve pelagic predators in the South Atlantic (2020)
Journal Article
Madigan, D., Richardson, A., Carlisle, A., Weber, S., Brown, J., & Hussey, N. (2020). Water column structure defines vertical habitat of twelve pelagic predators in the South Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78(3), 867-883.

Quantifying vertical distributions of pelagic predators elucidates pelagic ecosystem structure and informs fisheries management. In the tropical South Atlantic Ocean, the recently designated large-scale marine protected area around Ascension Island h... Read More about Water column structure defines vertical habitat of twelve pelagic predators in the South Atlantic.

Security challenges of Internet of Underwater Things : a systematic literature review (2020)
Journal Article
systematic literature review. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 32(3), e4203.

Water covers approximately 71% of the earth surface, yet much of the underwater world remains unexplored due to technology limitations. Internet of Underwater
Things (IoUT) is a network of underwater objects that enables monitoring subsea environmen... Read More about Security challenges of Internet of Underwater Things : a systematic literature review.

Typhoon track simulations in the North West Pacific : informing a new wind map for Vietnam (2020)
Journal Article
Nguyen, C., Owen, J., Franke, J., Neves, L., & Hargreaves, D. (2021). Typhoon track simulations in the North West Pacific : informing a new wind map for Vietnam. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 208, 10441.

This paper addresses the need to revise the current Vietnamese design wind map by proposing a new typhoon wind map for the country, based on Monte Carlo simulations of typhoon tracks in the North West Pacific basin. Using historical typhoon data from... Read More about Typhoon track simulations in the North West Pacific : informing a new wind map for Vietnam.

Medieval Britain and Ireland — fieldwork highlights in 2019 : 'Excavations in the Northern Quarter of medieval Coventry' (2020)
Journal Article

Following an initial programme of archaeological evaluation trenching that confirmed the presence of extensive and significant below-ground remains across the site of the former Coventry Evening Telegraph complex, full excavation of five areas was ca... Read More about Medieval Britain and Ireland — fieldwork highlights in 2019 : 'Excavations in the Northern Quarter of medieval Coventry'.

Finite difference computation of free magneto-convective Powell-Eyring nanofluid flow over a permeable cylinder with variable thermal conductivity (2020)
Journal Article
Kumaran, G., Sivaraj, R., Prasad, V., Beg, O., & Sharma, R. (2021). Finite difference computation of free magneto-convective Powell-Eyring nanofluid flow over a permeable cylinder with variable thermal conductivity. Physica Scripta, 96(2), 025222.

It is essential to account the variability in thermophysical properties such as thermal conductivity to obtain the characteristics of transport properties in industrial thermal systems more accurately. This phenomenon is especially significant in co... Read More about Finite difference computation of free magneto-convective Powell-Eyring nanofluid flow over a permeable cylinder with variable thermal conductivity.

Circular and linear : a tale of aptamer selection for the activation of SIRT1 to induce death in cancer cells (2020)
Journal Article
Al-Sudani, B., Ragazzon-Smith, A., Aziz, A., Alansari, R., Ferry, N., Krstic- Demonacos, M., & Ragazzon, P. (2020). Circular and linear : a tale of aptamer selection for the activation of SIRT1 to induce death in cancer cells. RSC Advances, 10(73), 45008-45018.

It is a challenge to select the right target to treat conditions without affecting non-diseased cells. Cancer belongs to the top 10 causes of death in the world and it remains difficult to treat. Amongst cancer emerging targets, silent information re... Read More about Circular and linear : a tale of aptamer selection for the activation of SIRT1 to induce death in cancer cells.

Computation of non-similar flow of a magnetic pseudoplastic nanofluid over a circular cylinder with variable thermophysical properties and radiative flux (2020)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Basha, H., Sivaraj, R., & Prasad, V. (2021). Computation of non-similar flow of a magnetic pseudoplastic nanofluid over a circular cylinder with variable thermophysical properties and radiative flux. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 31(5), 1475-1519.

Generally, in computational thermofluid dynamics, the thermophysical properties of flu-
ids (e.g. viscosity and thermal conductivity) are considered as constant. However, in
many applications, the variability Of these properties plays a significa... Read More about Computation of non-similar flow of a magnetic pseudoplastic nanofluid over a circular cylinder with variable thermophysical properties and radiative flux.

Phylogenetic placement of Adalatherium hui (Mammalia, Gondwanatheria) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar : implications for allotherian relationships (2020)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S., Beck, R., Wible, J., Rougier, G., & Krause, D. (2020). Phylogenetic placement of Adalatherium hui (Mammalia, Gondwanatheria) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar : implications for allotherian relationships. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 40(Sup 1), 213-234.

The phylogenetic position of Gondwanatheria within Mammaliaformes has historically been controversial. The well-preserved skeleton of Adalatherium hui from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar offers a unique opportunity to address this issue, based on... Read More about Phylogenetic placement of Adalatherium hui (Mammalia, Gondwanatheria) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar : implications for allotherian relationships.

Modelmaking in architectural space production : studio interactions in the material and the digital realm (2020)
Journal Article

This paper will question and reposition what traditional model making practices in architectural education have enabled and how the transition to digital model making ultimately also means a paradigm shift in the ways we produce, manufacture, design,... Read More about Modelmaking in architectural space production : studio interactions in the material and the digital realm.

Determining the diurnal variation in comfort temperature in school buildings in the warm and humid climate (2020)
Journal Article
Munonye, C. (2021). Determining the diurnal variation in comfort temperature in school buildings in the warm and humid climate. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 39(5), 766-781.

The paper aims to determine the thermal comfort perception of schoolchildren from a warm and humid environment. There is a concern about the effect of high temperature on the health and academic performance of schoolchildren.

Design/metho... Read More about Determining the diurnal variation in comfort temperature in school buildings in the warm and humid climate.

Four shades of science festival : a qualitative study exploring the business and management dimensions of science festivals in the United Kingdom (2020)
Kerr, G. Four shades of science festival : a qualitative study exploring the business and management dimensions of science festivals in the United Kingdom. (Thesis). University of Salford

Science festivals are a global cultural phenomenon with at least 60 such festivals taking place across the UK every year. Science festivals fulfil a unique function within civil society: providing a platform for science communication, education, and... Read More about Four shades of science festival : a qualitative study exploring the business and management dimensions of science festivals in the United Kingdom.