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All Outputs (23)

Strikes: when companies collaborate with unions, industrial action can benefit business (2023)
Digital Artefact
Lord, J. (in press). Strikes: when companies collaborate with unions, industrial action can benefit business

More than 4 million working days have been lost to industrial action in the UK in 2023. This is more than at any point since 1989 and around nine times more than the yearly average of 450,000 days in the 2010s.

This is level of activity is particu... Read More about Strikes: when companies collaborate with unions, industrial action can benefit business.

Recording of performance by Rupert Smith and plenary reflections from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023 University of Salford, UK and online. (2023)
Digital Artefact
Smith, R. (2023). Recording of performance by Rupert Smith and plenary reflections from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023 University of Salford, UK and online. [Video]

Title: “‘Infinite Textualities always on the move’ (Derrida): Trapdoors into Everywhere in Shakespeare’s King Lear.”

Abstract: The location scouts are racing back from a storm-wreaked Dover coastline to storyboard a fresh re-mythologising of an an... Read More about Recording of performance by Rupert Smith and plenary reflections from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023 University of Salford, UK and online..

Recordings of presentations by Amita Nijhawan and Keren Poliah from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online. (2023)
Digital Artefact
Nijhawan, A., & Poliah, K. (2023). Recordings of presentations by Amita Nijhawan and Keren Poliah from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online. [Video]

Dr Amita Nijhawan

University Affiliation: University of the Arts London


Title: “Storytelling/Playing: Disrupting and Relocating Voice in Academic Writing.”

Abstract: Techniques of storytelling help us destab... Read More about Recordings of presentations by Amita Nijhawan and Keren Poliah from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online..

Recordings of presentations by Shamser Sinha and Stephen Sunderland from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online. (2023)
Digital Artefact
Sunderland, S., & Sinha, S. (2023). Recordings of presentations by Shamser Sinha and Stephen Sunderland from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online. [Video]

Name Dr Shamser Sinha

University Affiliation: University of Suffolk


Title: “Mardoche Yembi Sat on a Bench: What Stories know that Data can't.”

Abstract: Interviews and transcripts are like leaky buckets. More li... Read More about Recordings of presentations by Shamser Sinha and Stephen Sunderland from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online..

Recordings of presentations by Amelia Walker and Victoria Vargas-Downing from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online. (2023)
Digital Artefact
Walker, A., & Vargas-downing, V. (2023). Recordings of presentations by Amelia Walker and Victoria Vargas-Downing from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online. [Video]

This item features recordings of the first two presentations to the What Happens Next radical writing symposium held at the University of Salford, June 2023.
Dr Amelia Walker (on behalf of the Critically Creative Reading and Writing Collective) Univ... Read More about Recordings of presentations by Amelia Walker and Victoria Vargas-Downing from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online..

“WindVision: in conversation about a PhD journey from film theory to experimental essay (with PhD supervisor, Ursula Hurley)” (2023)
Digital Artefact
Hurley, U., & Neis, D. (2023). “WindVision: in conversation about a PhD journey from film theory to experimental essay (with PhD supervisor, Ursula Hurley)”. [Video]

Former candidate and supervisor hold a reflective conversation in which they consider their PhD journey from a conventional film theory thesis towards a spiralling constellation of unfilmable scripts, circular poems, and personal essay, with a casset... Read More about “WindVision: in conversation about a PhD journey from film theory to experimental essay (with PhD supervisor, Ursula Hurley)”.

The Shot, the Jelly and the Pot of Treacle (audio recording) (2023)
Digital Artefact
Williams, A. (2023). The Shot, the Jelly and the Pot of Treacle (audio recording)

This is a recording of the premiere performance of The Shot, the Jelly and the Pot of Treacle given by the Re: Sono piano duo (Lauryna Sableviciute and Nicholas Ashton) at Organum, Vilnius, Lithuania on April 5th 2023.

Administering Oxygen (2023)
Digital Artefact
Pilkington, R. (2023). Administering Oxygen. [Website]

The ‘lazy girl job’ trend and why businesses don’t need to be afraid of it (2023)
Digital Artefact
Lord, J. The ‘lazy girl job’ trend and why businesses don’t need to be afraid of it

The term ‘lazy girl job’ can be attributed to a Tik Tok influencer named Gabrielle Judge who defined it as a low stress, fully remote job with little oversight and a good salary offering financial freedom

How redundancies can be delivered in a fair and compassionate way (2023)
Digital Artefact
Lord, J. How redundancies can be delivered in a fair and compassionate way

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK economy has been extremely damaging with organisations still grappling with high inflation and record cost of living

State crimes in Zimbabwe, from Mugabe to the new dispensation, a case of old wine in different bottles. (2023)
Digital Artefact
Silika, K. (2023). State crimes in Zimbabwe, from Mugabe to the new dispensation, a case of old wine in different bottles

When the November 2017 coup occurred in Zimbabwe, there was a pseudo renewed optimism and euphoria over new prospects for the country. Zimbabwe, a former British colony, had lived in the perpetual shadow of Robert Mugabe, the man who had ruled the co... Read More about State crimes in Zimbabwe, from Mugabe to the new dispensation, a case of old wine in different bottles..

How mindfulness can develop better leaders and happier employees (2023)
Digital Artefact
Lord, J. (in press). How mindfulness can develop better leaders and happier employees

Over the last 30 years, mindfulness has become more and more popular due to its ability of bringing a certain quality of attention to moment-by-moment experience

What’s next for Employment Law in the UK? (2023)
Digital Artefact
Lord, J. What’s next for Employment Law in the UK?

Despite the United Kingdom officially leaving the European Union on the 31 January 2020, there was a transition period that ended on 31 December 2020 whereby EU laws and regulations still applied in the UK

Session 1: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023) (2023)
Digital Artefact

Title: South African Literature, Decolonisation, and the English Literature A-Level

Summary: In this lecture and Q+A, Jade will discuss what 'decolonising the curriculum' might mean for the discipline of English Studies. Drawing on examples from h... Read More about Session 1: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023).

Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023) (2023)
Digital Artefact
Poliah, K., Barnes, E., Solomon, R., Gilbert, D. J., & Helm, H. (2023). Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023). [Video]

Title: Beyond the Institution: Knowledge Exchange as Decolonial Method

Summary: Since the establishment of universities hundreds of years ago, higher education institutions have been characterised by their elitist and exclusive cultures. These cul... Read More about Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023).