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All Outputs (3)

The evaluation of power plant investments in the Korean electricity industry (2010)
Yun, T. The evaluation of power plant investments in the Korean electricity industry. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

The purpose of this thesis is to use real option methodologies to assess
capital investment decisions of near future projects that will be made in Korea.
I compare two base load plants burning different fuels such as coal and
uranium within the... Read More about The evaluation of power plant investments in the Korean electricity industry.

Hydraulic characteristics of siphonic roof drainage outlets (2008)
Rains, J. Hydraulic characteristics of siphonic roof drainage outlets. (Thesis). University of Salford

Siphonic roof drainage uses an innovative hydraulic design to increase the efficiency of
rainwater disposal. The roof outlet is a critical component of the system and not only
promotes and sustains priming of the system but also controls the depth... Read More about Hydraulic characteristics of siphonic roof drainage outlets.

Flow resistance of modular geosynthetic materials used for conveyance in stormwater source control (2003)
Todorovic, Z. Flow resistance of modular geosynthetic materials used for conveyance in stormwater source control. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Growing demand for sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) to
limit run-off has opened new areas of research into the application of
plastic materials to form underground voids that are used either to
attenuate (built in layers of boxes as ta... Read More about Flow resistance of modular geosynthetic materials used for conveyance in stormwater source control.