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Prof David Howard's Outputs (4)

Automated detection of instantaneous gait events using time frequency analysis and manifold embedding (2013)
Journal Article
using time frequency analysis and manifold embedding. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 21(6), 908-915.

Accelerometry is a widely used sensing modality
in human biomechanics due to its portability, non-invasiveness, and accuracy. However, difficulties lie in signal variability and interpretation in relation to biomechanical events. In walking, heel st... Read More about Automated detection of instantaneous gait events using time frequency analysis and manifold embedding.

The effects of prosthetic ankle stiffness on ankle and knee kinematics, prosthetic limb loading, and net metabolic cost of trans-tibial amputee gait (2013)
Journal Article
Major, M., Twiste, M., Kenney, L., & Howard, D. (2014). The effects of prosthetic ankle stiffness on ankle and knee kinematics, prosthetic limb loading, and net metabolic cost of trans-tibial amputee gait. Clinical Biomechanics, 29(1), 98-104.

Previous studies of commercially-available trans-tibial prosthetic components have been unable to provide clear insight into the relationships between prosthetic mechanical properties and user performance (i.e., gait quality and energy ex... Read More about The effects of prosthetic ankle stiffness on ankle and knee kinematics, prosthetic limb loading, and net metabolic cost of trans-tibial amputee gait.

Automatic detection of lift-off and touch-down of a pick-up walker using 3D kinematics (2013)
Journal Article
Grootveld, L., Thies, S., Ogden, D., Howard, D., & Kenney, L. (2014). Automatic detection of lift-off and touch-down of a pick-up walker using 3D kinematics. Medical Engineering and Physics, 36(2), 255-260.

Walking aids have been associated with falls and it is believed that incorrect use limits their usefulness. Measures are therefore needed that characterize their stable use and the classification of key events in walking aid movement is the first ste... Read More about Automatic detection of lift-off and touch-down of a pick-up walker using 3D kinematics.

The relationship between impairment, functional ability, hand-arm task complexity and set-up difficulty for an Advanced FES Rehab Tool (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Smith, C., Kenney, L., Howard, D., Waring, K., Sun, M., & Hardiker, N. (2013, April). The relationship between impairment, functional ability, hand-arm task complexity and set-up difficulty for an Advanced FES Rehab Tool. Poster presented at Fourth Conference of the UK and Ireland Chapter of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESSUKI), Southampton, UK