In vivo study of foot kinematics using a walking simulator
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., Nester, C., Ward, E., Howard, D., Cocheba, J., Derrick, T., & Patterson, P. (2005, July). In vivo study of foot kinematics using a walking simulator. Presented at ISB XXth Congress-ASB 29th Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio
Prof David Howard's Outputs (104)
Dynamic analysis of load carriage biomechanics during level walking (2005)
Journal Article
This paper describes an investigation into the biomechanical effects of load carriage dynamics on human locomotion performance. A whole body, inverse dynamics gait model has been developed which uses only kinematic input data to define the gait cycle... Read More about Dynamic analysis of load carriage biomechanics during level walking.
Dynamic cadaver model for a new understanding of rigid body foot kinematics (2004)
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., Nester, C., Ward, E., Howard, D., Derrick, T., Cocheba, J., & Patterson, P. (2004, August). Dynamic cadaver model for a new understanding of rigid body foot kinematics. Presented at International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, Hong Kong
Development of an improved rigid body model of the foot (2004)
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., Nester, C., Ward, E., Howard, D., Derrick, T., Cocheba, J., & Patterson, P. (2004, April). Development of an improved rigid body model of the foot. Presented at Foot and Ankle Retreat II, Los Angeles, USA
Optimization of legged robot locomotion by control of foot-force distribution (2004)
Journal Article
Jiang, W., Liu, A., & Howard, D. (2004). Optimization of legged robot locomotion by control of foot-force distribution. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 26(4), 311-323. contribution of this paper is the introduction of three new pseudo-inverse formulations for the real-time control of foot-force distribution in multi-legged walking machines. Three alternative locomotion performance objectives are proposed for th... Read More about Optimization of legged robot locomotion by control of foot-force distribution.
Geometric design of crab-like climbing and walking robots (2004)
Journal Article
Liu, A., & Howard, D. (2004). Geometric design of crab-like climbing and walking robots. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 1(4), 231-240
Development of an improved rigid body of the foot (2004)
Journal Article
The geometric design of crab-like CLAWAR machines with good workspace characteristics (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., & Howard, D. (2003, September). The geometric design of crab-like CLAWAR machines with good workspace characteristics. Presented at CLAWAR, Catania, Italy
The design, development and evaluation of an array-based FES system with automated setup for the correction of drop foot (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Functional electrical stimulation has been shown to be a safe and effective means of correcting
drop foot of central neurological origin. However, despite recent technological advances, the set-up of
surface stimulators remains a challenge for many... Read More about The design, development and evaluation of an array-based FES system with automated setup for the correction of drop foot.
Foot-force distribution in legged robots (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Jiang, W., Liu, A., & Howard, D. (2001, September). Foot-force distribution in legged robots. Presented at CLAWAR : 4th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Karlsruhe
FES-UPP : an advanced functional electrical stimulation system for upper limb rehabilitation
Presentation / Conference Contribution
A flexible control system of functional electrical stimulation (FES) for upper limb rehabilitation
Presentation / Conference
Sun, M., Howard, D., Kenney, L., Smith, C., Luckie, H., & Waring, K. A flexible control system of functional electrical stimulation (FES) for upper limb rehabilitation. Presented at Medical Physics & Engineering Conference 2016, Manchester
A model to predict setup time for a novel upper limb FES system
Presentation / Conference
Smith, C., Kenney, L., Howard, D., Hardiker, N., Waring, K., Sun, M., & Luckie, H. A model to predict setup time for a novel upper limb FES system. Poster presented at Fifth Conference of the UK and Ireland Chapter of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (UKRI-IFESS), Sheffield, UK
In vivo study of foot kinematics using a walking simulator
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., Nester, C., Ward, E., Howard, D., Cocheba, J., Derrick, T., & Patterson, P. In vivo study of foot kinematics using a walking simulator. Presented at Salford’s 3rd International Conference on Biomechanics of the Lower Limb in Health Disease and Rehabilitation, Salford
Assessment of 3D dynamic interactions between backpack and bearer using accelerometers and gyroscopes
Presentation / Conference
Ren, L., Jones, R., Liu, A., Nester, C., & Howard, D. Assessment of 3D dynamic interactions between backpack and bearer using accelerometers and gyroscopes. Presented at International Society of Biomechanics Congress, Taipei
Foot kinematics during walking measured using bone and surface mounted markers
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Foot kinematics during walking measured using bone and surface mounted markers
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kinematic design of crab-like legged vehicles
Journal Article
Liu, A., & Howard, D. Kinematic design of crab-like legged vehicles. Robotica, 19(01), 67-77. this paper, the kinematic workspace characteristics of a
crab-like legged vehicle are investigated using a 2-D model.
The alternative kinematic configurations and their corresponding workspace constraints are discussed, and the
vehicle configurat... Read More about Kinematic design of crab-like legged vehicles.
Whole body inverse dynamics over a complete gait cycle based only on measured kinematics
Journal Article
Ren, L., Jones, R., & Howard, D. Whole body inverse dynamics over a complete gait cycle based only on measured kinematics. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(12), 2750-2759. paper presents a three-dimensional (3D) whole body multi-segment model for inverse dynamics analysis over a complete gait cycle, based only on measured kinematic data. The sequence of inverse dynamics calculations differs significantly from the... Read More about Whole body inverse dynamics over a complete gait cycle based only on measured kinematics.
Predicting lower limb joint kinematics using wearable motion sensors
Journal Article
Findlow, A., GOULERMAS, J., Nester, C., Howard, D., & Kenney, L. Predicting lower limb joint kinematics using wearable motion sensors. Gait & Posture, 28(1), 120-126. aim of this study was to estimate sagittal plane ankle, knee and hip gait kinematics using 3D angular velocity and linear acceleration data from motion sensors on the foot and shank. We explored the accuracy of intra-subject predictions (i.e., wh... Read More about Predicting lower limb joint kinematics using wearable motion sensors.