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Dr James Christian's Outputs (7)

Turing instability: a universal route to spontaneous spatial fractals (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Huang, J., Christian, J., McDonald, G., & Chamorro-Posada, P. (2008, September). Turing instability: a universal route to spontaneous spatial fractals. Presented at European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Paris, France

We present the first predictions of spontaneous spatial fractal patterns in nonlinear ring cavities. New analyses reveal multi-Turing spectra characteristic of susceptibility
for spontaneous fractals. Extensive computer simulations confirm theoretic... Read More about Turing instability: a universal route to spontaneous spatial fractals.

Wide class of new fractal light sources [Invited plenary paper] (2008)
Presentation / Conference
McDonald, G., Christian, J., & Huang, J. (2008, September). Wide class of new fractal light sources [Invited plenary paper]. Presented at Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL), 2010 International Conference, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine

Pattern emergence in Naturepsilas complex systems is mostly attributed to a classic Turing instability. There, a single length-scale becomes dominant and this defines a simple emergent structure (for example, a striped or hexagonal pattern). We have... Read More about Wide class of new fractal light sources [Invited plenary paper].

Turing instability: a universal route to spontaneous fractal patterns (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Huang, J., Christian, J., McDonald, G., & Chamorro-Posada, P. (2008, August). Turing instability: a universal route to spontaneous fractal patterns. Poster presented at National Photonics Conference, Photon 08, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

Turing instability is the tendency of the uniform states of a system to become spontaneously patterned in the presence of any small fluctuation [1]. Archetypal Turing- instability patterns include hexagons, squares, stripes, and rings. These simple s... Read More about Turing instability: a universal route to spontaneous fractal patterns.

Spontaneous self-synchronization mechanism for attosecond pulses (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Mcdonald, G., & Christian, J. (2008, August). Spontaneous self-synchronization mechanism for attosecond pulses. Poster presented at National Photonics Conference, Photon 08, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

Ultra-broadband multi-frequency Raman generation is a long-established technique for producing temporal bandwidths that can be of the order of the pump frequency. However, higher-than-optimal intensity beams reduce the bandwidth generated. Many works... Read More about Spontaneous self-synchronization mechanism for attosecond pulses.

Helmholtz solitons: fresh perspectives and new angles in photonics (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Christian, J., Mcdonald, G., & Chamorro-Posada, P. (2008, August). Helmholtz solitons: fresh perspectives and new angles in photonics. Poster presented at National Photonics Conference, Photon 08, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

Spatial solitons are self-localizing optical beams that can evolve with a stationary intensity profile when diffraction is off-set by material nonlinearity. Classic descriptions of spatial solitons [1] involve the paraxial approximation, which can im... Read More about Helmholtz solitons: fresh perspectives and new angles in photonics.

Soliton solutions of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation: propagation properties, interface effects and new families of exact solutions (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Chamorro-Posada, P., Sanchez-Curto, J., McDonald, G., & Christian, J. (2008, June). Soliton solutions of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation: propagation properties, interface effects and new families of exact solutions. Presented at Annual International Conference "Days on Diffraction" 2008, St. Petersburg, Russia

The properties of spatial optical solitons are most often studied using nonlinear Schroedinger (NLS) equations. These model the slow modulation the envelope of a linear wave solution experiences when propagation takes place in a wealky nonlinear medi... Read More about Soliton solutions of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation: propagation properties, interface effects and new families of exact solutions.

Helmholtz solitons: Maxwell’s equations, interfaces, bistability & counterpropagation (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Chamorro-Posada, P., Sanchez-Curto, J., Grikurov, V., McDonald, G., & Christian, J. (2008, June). Helmholtz solitons: Maxwell’s equations, interfaces, bistability & counterpropagation. Presented at Days on Diffraction, 2008. DD '08 International Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia

We give a brief overview of some new results in Helmholtz soliton theory. Firstly, fundamental considerations are made in terms of new contexts for Helmholtz solitons that arise directly from Maxwells equations. We then detail applications of Helmhol... Read More about Helmholtz solitons: Maxwell’s equations, interfaces, bistability & counterpropagation.