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Dr James Christian's Outputs (4)

Families of exact similaritons with flexible modulations in N-coupled homogeneous and inhomogeneous systems (2024)
Journal Article
Huo, K., Li, B., Jia, H., Christian, J., & Yang, R. (in press). Families of exact similaritons with flexible modulations in N-coupled homogeneous and inhomogeneous systems. Physics Letters A, Article 129997.

In this paper, a family of exact solutions to N-coupled nonlinear Schrödinger (N-CNLS) equations including bright and dark solitons, Akhmediev breathers, Kuznetsov-Ma breathers, and rogue waves are derived with the aid of a generic nonlinear wave ass... Read More about Families of exact similaritons with flexible modulations in N-coupled homogeneous and inhomogeneous systems.

Dynamics and chaos in extensible pendulum systems (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Jafari, M., & Christian, J. (2024, March). Dynamics and chaos in extensible pendulum systems. Paper presented at 11th Undergraduate Mathematics Conference "Tomorrow's Mathematicans Today" (TMT 2024), University of Greenwich (hosted online), UK