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Prof Lisa Scullion's Outputs (4)

Wasted lives in scapegoat Britain : overlaps and departures between migration studies and disability studies (2019)
Journal Article

The focus of this paper is to consider how disability studies and migration studies may be brought into further conversation with one another. While their experiences overlap and intersect in many ways, the lives of disabled people and migrants have... Read More about Wasted lives in scapegoat Britain : overlaps and departures between migration studies and disability studies.

Work, welfare and wellbeing? The impacts of welfare conditionality on people with mental health impairments in the UK (2019)
Journal Article

The personal, economic and social costs of mental ill-health are increasingly acknowledged by many governments and international organisations. Simultaneously, in high income nations the reach of welfare conditionality has extended to encompass many... Read More about Work, welfare and wellbeing? The impacts of welfare conditionality on people with mental health impairments in the UK.

Housing works : assessing the impact of housing association employment support (2019)
Wilding, M., Jones, K., Martin, P., & Scullion, L. (2019). Housing works : assessing the impact of housing association employment support

Social housing providers in the UK have a long history of delivering support to their residents beyond housing, including providing employment related assistance. A small but growing area of research investigates the role of employment support outsid... Read More about Housing works : assessing the impact of housing association employment support.