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Biography Dr Yu Wang is reader/associate professor in Civil Engineering at the University of Salford in Manchester UK. He did his PhD at Aston University in the UK. Following PhD, he did several years research at the University of Bristol, Imperial College London and the University of Plymouth before was appointed to a Research Council UK Academic Fellowship in 2007 at the University of Salford.

Dr. Wang has a wide interest and productive research in broad subjects and areas in civil and environmental engineering, which cover hydrology, geo-environment, soil contamination characterization, sustainable green concrete, advanced composites, and durability of reinforced concrete structures. He has novel contributions to the fundamental science of the hydro-physical constitutive characteristics of unsaturated porous materials, the modelling methodology and techniques for infiltration process in porous media and the fluid-structure interactions at pore scale and bulk material scale. He has over 100 publications, including 2 books, over 50 peer-reviewed international journal articles, and over 30 peer-reviewed international conference papers. He has graduated 6 PhDs by himself and co-supervised a number of more in collaboration with colleagues. He initiated, drove and established wide research collaborations with universities in the UK, EU, China, Taiwan, Iraq, Australia, Brazil, USA and Russia. He led and participated in a number of research projects funded by both governments and industry.
Research Interests Construction material; Durability of reinforced concrete structure; Pavement engineering; Unsaturated soil hydrology; Water and environment; Slope soil erosion; Composites; Finite Element modelling for problems involving multi-physics.
PhD Supervision Availability Yes