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Mr John McMahon's Outputs (9)

The 10/5 repeated jumps test : are 10 repetitions and three trials necessary? (2020)
Journal Article
Stratford, C., Dos’Santos, T., & McMahon, J. (2021). The 10/5 repeated jumps test : are 10 repetitions and three trials necessary?. Biomechanics, 1(1), 1-14.

The purpose of this study was to identify whether ten repetitions and three trials were necessary to achieve stability in peak reactive strength index (RSI) during the 10/5 repeated jumps test (RJT). Twenty-five males, from multiple sports, performed... Read More about The 10/5 repeated jumps test : are 10 repetitions and three trials necessary?.

Association of jumping ability and maximum strength with dive distance in swimmers (2020)
Journal Article
Calderbank, J., Comfort, P., & McMahon, J. (2021). Association of jumping ability and maximum strength with dive distance in swimmers. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 16(2), 296-303.

Purpose: The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between dive distance (DD) and countermovement jump (CMJ) height, track start CMJ height, countermovement broad jump (CMBJ) distance, track start broad jump distance, and isome... Read More about Association of jumping ability and maximum strength with dive distance in swimmers.

Vertical jump testing in rugby league: a rationale for calculating take-off momentum (2020)
Journal Article
McMahon, J., Lake, J., Ripley, N., & Comfort, P. (2020). Vertical jump testing in rugby league: a rationale for calculating take-off momentum. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 36(6), 370-374.

The purpose of this study was to determine the usefulness of calculating jump take-off momentum in rugby league (RL) by exploring its relationship with sprint momentum, due to the latter being an important attribute of this sport. Twenty-five male RL... Read More about Vertical jump testing in rugby league: a rationale for calculating take-off momentum.

Vertical jump testing in rugby league : a rationale for calculating take-off momentum (2020)
Journal Article
McMahon, J., Lake, J., Ripley, N., & Comfort, P. (2020). Vertical jump testing in rugby league : a rationale for calculating take-off momentum. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 36(6), 370-374.

The purpose of this study was to determine the usefulness of calculating jump take-off momentum in rugby league (RL) by exploring its relationship with sprint momentum, due to the latter being an important attribute of this sport. Twenty-five male RL... Read More about Vertical jump testing in rugby league : a rationale for calculating take-off momentum.

Countermovement jump standards in rugby league : what is a “good” performance? (2020)
Journal Article
McMahon, J., Lake, J., Dos'Santos, T., Jones, P., Thomasson, M., & Comfort, P. (2020). Countermovement jump standards in rugby league : what is a “good” performance?. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 36(6), 1691-1698.

The countermovement jump (CMJ) is considered an important test in rugby league and the
force platform is the recommended tool for assessing CMJ performance in this cohort. Due to
inconsistent methods applied across previous studies, there is curren... Read More about Countermovement jump standards in rugby league : what is a “good” performance?.

The effect of training with weightlifting catching or pulling derivatives on squat jump and countermovement jump force–time adaptations (2020)
Journal Article
Suchomel, T., McKeever, S., McMahon, J., & Comfort, P. (2020). The effect of training with weightlifting catching or pulling derivatives on squat jump and countermovement jump force–time adaptations. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 5(2), 28.

The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) force−time curve characteristics following 10 weeks of training with either load-matched weightlifting catching (CATCH) or pulling derivatives (PUL... Read More about The effect of training with weightlifting catching or pulling derivatives on squat jump and countermovement jump force–time adaptations.

A comparison of kinetic and kinematic variables during the midthigh pull and countermovement shrug, across loads (2020)
Journal Article
Meechan, D., Suchomel, T., McMahon, J., & Comfort, P. (2020). A comparison of kinetic and kinematic variables during the midthigh pull and countermovement shrug, across loads. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(7), 1830-1841.

This study compared kinetic and kinematic variables during the midthigh pull (MTP) and countermovement shrug (CMS). Eighteen men (age: 29.43 ± 3.95 years, height: 1.77 ± 0.08 m, body mass: 84.65 ± 18.79 kg, and 1 repetition maximum [1RM] power clean:... Read More about A comparison of kinetic and kinematic variables during the midthigh pull and countermovement shrug, across loads.

A comparison of kinetic and kinematic variables during the pull from the knee and hang pull, across loads (2020)
Journal Article
Meechan, D., McMahon, J., Suchomel, T., & Comfort, P. (2020). A comparison of kinetic and kinematic variables during the pull from the knee and hang pull, across loads. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(7), 1819-1829.

Kinetic and kinematic variables during the pull from the knee (PFK) and hang pull (HP) were compared in this study. Eighteen men (age = 29.43 ± 3.95 years; height 1.77 ± 0.08 m; body mass 84.65 ± 18.79 kg) performed the PFK and HP with 40, 60, 80, 10... Read More about A comparison of kinetic and kinematic variables during the pull from the knee and hang pull, across loads.

Changes in early and maximal isometric force production in response to moderate- and high-load strength and power training (2020)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Jones, P., Thomas, C., Dos'Santos, T., McMahon, J., & Suchomel, T. (2020). Changes in early and maximal isometric force production in response to moderate- and high-load strength and power training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,

The aims of this study were to determine the changes in early (50-, 100-, 150-, 200-, 250 ms) and maximal isometric force production, in response to a 4-week period of moderate-load resistance training (60-82.5% 1 repetition maximum [1RM]), followed... Read More about Changes in early and maximal isometric force production in response to moderate- and high-load strength and power training.