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Prof Martin Bull's Outputs (60)

Open access and academic associations in the political and social sciences : threat or opportunity? (2016)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (2016). Open access and academic associations in the political and social sciences : threat or opportunity?. European Political Science, 15, 201-210.

Academic associations are a vital part of the academic community, facilitating the interaction of researchers and production of knowledge, yet the impact of Open Access on their future has been too often regarded as marginal to the main discussion. O... Read More about Open access and academic associations in the political and social sciences : threat or opportunity?.

Italian political science and Italian politics : the (Curious) elephant in the room (2015)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (2015). Italian political science and Italian politics : the (Curious) elephant in the room. Contemporary Italian Politics, 7(2), 185-201.

Using as a starting point the 40th anniversary of Italian political science in 2013 and the volume published to mark this occasion (Pasquino, G., M. Regalia and M. Valbruzzi. Eds. Quarant’anni di scienza politica in Italia. Bologna: il Mulino, 2013),... Read More about Italian political science and Italian politics : the (Curious) elephant in the room.

The europeanisation of national institutions reassessed : a comparison of regional policies in Germany and Italy (2013)
Journal Article
Baudner, J., & Bull, M. (2013). The europeanisation of national institutions reassessed : a comparison of regional policies in Germany and Italy. Comparative European Politics, 11, 201-221.

This article explores an aspect of Europeanisation which notions of ‘adaptive pressure’ and ‘usage’ of European policies have tended to neglect: in a complex policy field such as regional policy it is the evolving nature and heterogeneity of (differe... Read More about The europeanisation of national institutions reassessed : a comparison of regional policies in Germany and Italy.

Negatività in nome del liberalism : ritratti dell’Italia nell ’Economost’ (2011)
Journal Article
Newell, J., & Bull, M. (2011). Negatività in nome del liberalism : ritratti dell’Italia nell ’Economost’. Comunicazione politica, 1, 17-38.

Italian commentators show an understandable sensitivity to portrayals of the country in foreign media reports. Therefore, we look at how an especially influential publication, The Economist, has portrayed Italy since 1994; why, and with what conseque... Read More about Negatività in nome del liberalism : ritratti dell’Italia nell ’Economost’.

Italy: reformers without reforms or reforms without reformers? (2010)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (2010). Italy: reformers without reforms or reforms without reformers?. Modern Italy, 15(4), 495-497.

Italy has experienced several reforms since the early 1990s, but root-and-branch reform has not been achieved, despite its perceived need. Furthermore, the methods to achieve such reform have been exhausted. The combination of the failure of substanc... Read More about Italy: reformers without reforms or reforms without reformers?.

Forty years of European political science (2010)
Journal Article
Briggs, J., De Sousa, L., Moses, J., & Bull, M. (2010). Forty years of European political science. European Political Science, 9(Supp 1), 1-10.

The evolution and development of political science in Europe can best be seen through three dimensions: first , the way in which the subject area has been defined; second, how it has been institutionalized; and third, the way its professional communi... Read More about Forty years of European political science.

Introduction: religion and politics - American and European experiences (2009)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (2009). Introduction: religion and politics - American and European experiences. European Political Science, 8(3), 270-272.

There can be little doubt that if the study of religion and politics had for a long while become less interesting to the general scholar (and therefore the preserve of the specialist few) this has dramatically changed in the past decade. A number of... Read More about Introduction: religion and politics - American and European experiences.

Still the anomalous democracy? Politics and institutions in Italy (2009)
Journal Article
Bull, M., & Newell, J. (2009). Still the anomalous democracy? Politics and institutions in Italy. Government and Opposition, 44(1), 42-67.

Until the early 1990s, the Italian political system was regarded as anomalous among advanced democracies because of its failure to achieve alternation in government. Since then, that problem has been overcome, but Italy has been popularly viewed as c... Read More about Still the anomalous democracy? Politics and institutions in Italy.

Is there a European political science and if so what are the challenges facing it? (2007)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (2007). Is there a European political science and if so what are the challenges facing it?. European Political Science, 6(4), 427-438.

This article reviews Hans-Dieter Klingemann's volume, The State of Political Science in Western Europe, and uses the review to explore to what extent it can be argued that there exists a distinctively 'European' political science, and if so, what mig... Read More about Is there a European political science and if so what are the challenges facing it?.

Introduction - Italy : a contested polity (2007)
Journal Article
Bull, M., & Rhodes, M. (2007). Introduction - Italy : a contested polity. West European Politics, 30(4), 1-13.

Ten years after the last special issue of West European Politics dedicated to Italian politics, it is possible to extend and refine the framework used in that issue to document and explain the trajectory of change in Italian politics since the early... Read More about Introduction - Italy : a contested polity.

A long quest in vain : institutional reforms in Italy (2007)
Journal Article
Bull, M., & Pasquino, G. (2007). A long quest in vain : institutional reforms in Italy. West European Politics, 30(4), 670-691.

Of all the issues that have been regarded as necessary to stabilising Italian politics following the dramatic upheaval of the 1990s, none has been more important than constitutional and institutional reforms. Yet, there has been an unqualified failur... Read More about A long quest in vain : institutional reforms in Italy.

European policies and domestic reform : a case study of structural fund management in Italy (2006)
Journal Article
Baudner, J., & Bull, M. (2006). European policies and domestic reform : a case study of structural fund management in Italy. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans (Print), 7(3), 299-314.

There has been a conspicuous impact of European Union (EU) policies in Italy, and the so-called ‘Europeanization’ of Italian public policies has consequently become a salient research topic. One such public policy area concerns the
decentralization... Read More about European policies and domestic reform : a case study of structural fund management in Italy.

Europeanisation and Italian policy for the Mezzogiorno (2004)
Journal Article
Bull, M., & Baudner, J. (2004). Europeanisation and Italian policy for the Mezzogiorno. Journal of European Public Policy, 11(6), 1058-1076.

The change in Italy's main regional policy (for the south) in the course of the 1990s provides a prima facie case of Europeanization tout court for scholars of Europeanization. A new policy was adopted that was evidently inspired by the European regi... Read More about Europeanisation and Italian policy for the Mezzogiorno.

New avenues in the study of political corruption (1997)
Journal Article
Bull, M., & Newell, J. (1997). New avenues in the study of political corruption. Crime, Law and Social Change, 27(3/4), 169-183.

This article argues that the 1990s have witnessed a sea change in the study of political corruption, especially in political science. It explores the reasons for the relative neglect of corruption by political science in the past, and suggests that a... Read More about New avenues in the study of political corruption.