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Prof Martin Bull's Outputs (92)

The corporatist ideal-type and political exchange (1992)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (1992). The corporatist ideal-type and political exchange. Political Studies, XL(2), 255-272.

This article challenges the consistency and coherence of the concept of neo-corporatism by exploring its characteristics as an ideal-type and relating it to the concept of political exchange. It argues that, in its existing form, it has limited use v... Read More about The corporatist ideal-type and political exchange.

Distant thunder at a picnic : the Sicilian regional elections of June 1991 (1992)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (1992). Distant thunder at a picnic : the Sicilian regional elections of June 1991. Regional and Federal Studies, 2(3), 76-87.

This article analyses the outcome of the Sicilian regional elections of June 1991 which, it is argued, were a harbinger of the dramatic changes that would occur in the Italian general election nearly a year later, and which would mark the biggest uph... Read More about Distant thunder at a picnic : the Sicilian regional elections of June 1991.

Whatever happened to Italian communism? Explaining the dissolution of the largest communist party in the west (1991)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (1991). Whatever happened to Italian communism? Explaining the dissolution of the largest communist party in the west. West European Politics, 14(4), 96-120.

This article, by analysing three different approaches to west European communism in the political science literature, attempts to explain how and why the largest communist party in the West, the Italian Communist Party, took the decision to dissolve... Read More about Whatever happened to Italian communism? Explaining the dissolution of the largest communist party in the west.

The Italian Communist Party's twentieth congress and the painful birth of the Democratic Party of the left (1991)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (1991). The Italian Communist Party's twentieth congress and the painful birth of the Democratic Party of the left. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 7(2), 257-264.

This article analyses the final congress of the largest communist party in the West (the Italian Communist Party), marking its transformation into the non-communist Democratic Party of the Left. The article analyses the transformation process as well... Read More about The Italian Communist Party's twentieth congress and the painful birth of the Democratic Party of the left.

A new era for the non-rulers too : West European communist parties, Perestroika and the revolution in Eastern Europe (1991)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (1991). A new era for the non-rulers too : West European communist parties, Perestroika and the revolution in Eastern Europe. Politics, 11(1), 17-22.

The revolutions in central and eastern Europe have naturally focused attention on the collapse of the ruling parties of these regimes and the regimes themselves. This has tended to overlook the impact of this collapse on the non-ruling communist part... Read More about A new era for the non-rulers too : West European communist parties, Perestroika and the revolution in Eastern Europe.

The 'new beginning' : the Italian Communist Party under Achille Occhetto (1990)
Journal Article
Bull, M., & Daniels, P. (1990). The 'new beginning' : the Italian Communist Party under Achille Occhetto. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 6(3), 22-43.

This article analyses the ongoing transformation of the Italian Communist Party into a non-communist party of the left under the leadership of Achille Occhetto following the collapse of communist regimes in central and eastern Europe. The article ana... Read More about The 'new beginning' : the Italian Communist Party under Achille Occhetto.

Perestroika is catching : the Italian Communist Party elects a new leader (1989)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (1989). Perestroika is catching : the Italian Communist Party elects a new leader. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 5(1), 79-83.

This article analyses the election in 1988 of Achille Occhetto to the leadership of the Italian Communist Party and the implications of this event for unprecedented reform (in a liberal direction) of the party and for Italian politics more generally

From pluralism to pluralism : Italy and the corporatist debate (1988)
Book Chapter

This chapter analyses the application of the concept and practice of neo-corporatism to the relationship between the state, business and trade unions in post-war Italy, finding the Italian case to be distinctive and different to trends elsewhere.