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Dr John Proctor's Outputs (2)

All-optical method to directly measure the pressure–volume–temperature equation of state of fluids in the diamond anvil cell (2024)
Journal Article
Proctor, J. E., Robertson, C. E. A., Jones, L. J., Phillips, J., Watson, K., Dabburi, Y., & Moss, B. (2024). All-optical method to directly measure the pressure–volume–temperature equation of state of fluids in the diamond anvil cell. Physics of Fluids, 36(8), 087145.

We have developed a new all-optical method to directly measure the pressure–volume–temperature (PVT) equation of state (EOS) of fluids and transparent solids in the diamond anvil high pressure cell by measuring the volume of the sample chamber. Our m... Read More about All-optical method to directly measure the pressure–volume–temperature equation of state of fluids in the diamond anvil cell.

Generally applicable physics-based equation of state for liquids. (2024)
Journal Article
Proctor, J. E., & Trachenko, K. (2024). Generally applicable physics-based equation of state for liquids. Reports on Progress in Physics, 87(9), Article 098001.

Physics-based first-principles pressure-volume-temperature equations of state (EOS) exist for solids and gases but not for liquids due to the long-standing fundamental problems involved in liquid theory. Current EOS models that are applicable to liqu... Read More about Generally applicable physics-based equation of state for liquids..