Dr Guowu Wei
Biography | Guowu Wei is currently a Reader in Robotics with the School of Science, Engineering and Environment, University of Salford. He has more than 160 peer-reviewed publications and more than 20 patents. His research was funded by EPSRC, EU-FP7, ICUK, NSFC, and the Royal Academy of Engineering. He is the Topic Editor and Associate Editor for several journals and confs. including Robotica, J Mech. Eng. Sci., and the Associate Editor ICRA and IROS. He is currently the Deputy Chair of IFToMM MO U.K. His research interests include bio-robotics, assistive robotics, general robotics and mechatronics, manipulation and grasping, rehabilitation and prosthetics, and reconfigurable mechanisms and robotics. He has supervised and co-supervised 30 PhDs and 12 PDRAs and visiting scholars. He is a recipient of 17 awards from academic bodies, international conferences, and journals. He served as programme chair, session chair, scientific committee and programme committee member for over 60 international conferences. |
Research Interests | Robotics, Bio-robotics, Mechatronics, Manipulation and Grasping, Reconfigurable mechanisms and robotics, Origami-inspired mechanisms and robotics. |
Teaching and Learning | Undergraduate Level Produce Design and Engineering (BEng/MEng) Mechanical Engineering Group Design (BEng/MEng) Engineering Dynamics and Control Engineering E2 (BEng/MEng) Control Engineering and Engineering Dynamics E3 (BEng/MEng) Mechanism and Machine Design (BEng/MEng) Mechanism and Machine Theory (BEng/MEng) Engineering Computations Using MATLAB (BEng/MEng) PLC (BEng/MEng) Engineering Programming Using Visual Basic (BEng) Graduate Level Mechanical Engineering Group Design (Meng/MSc) Introduction to Robotics (MEng/MSc) Mobile Robotics (MEng/MSc) Multibody Dynamics and Control (MEng/MSc) Engineering Computation (MEng/MSc) PLC (MEng/MSc) Mechatronic System Simulation (MSc) Optimum Design (MSc) Gear Theory and Application (MSc) |