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Biography Guowu Wei is currently a Reader in Robotics with the School of Science, Engineering and Environment, University of Salford. He has more than 160 peer-reviewed publications and more than 20 patents. His research was funded by EPSRC, EU-FP7, ICUK, NSFC, and the Royal Academy of Engineering. He is the Topic Editor and Associate Editor for several journals and confs. including Robotica, J Mech. Eng. Sci., and the Associate Editor ICRA and IROS. He is currently the Deputy Chair of IFToMM MO U.K.
His research interests include bio-robotics, assistive robotics, general robotics and mechatronics, manipulation and grasping, rehabilitation and prosthetics, and reconfigurable mechanisms and robotics. He has supervised and co-supervised 30 PhDs and 12 PDRAs and visiting scholars. He is a recipient of 17 awards from academic bodies, international conferences, and journals. He served as programme chair, session chair, scientific committee and programme committee member for over 60 international conferences.
Research Interests Robotics, Bio-robotics, Mechatronics, Manipulation and Grasping, Reconfigurable mechanisms and robotics, Origami-inspired mechanisms and robotics.
Teaching and Learning Undergraduate Level
Produce Design and Engineering (BEng/MEng)
Mechanical Engineering Group Design (BEng/MEng)
Engineering Dynamics and Control Engineering E2 (BEng/MEng)
Control Engineering and Engineering Dynamics E3 (BEng/MEng)
Mechanism and Machine Design (BEng/MEng)
Mechanism and Machine Theory (BEng/MEng)
Engineering Computations Using MATLAB (BEng/MEng)
PLC (BEng/MEng)
Engineering Programming Using Visual Basic (BEng)
Graduate Level
Mechanical Engineering Group Design (Meng/MSc)
Introduction to Robotics (MEng/MSc)
Mobile Robotics (MEng/MSc)
Multibody Dynamics and Control (MEng/MSc)
Engineering Computation (MEng/MSc)
PLC (MEng/MSc)
Mechatronic System Simulation (MSc)
Optimum Design (MSc)
Gear Theory and Application (MSc)