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Prof Julian Bass' Outputs (8)

A cloud-hosted MapReduce architecture for syntactic parsing (2019)
Conference Proceeding
Woldemariam, Y., Pletschacher, S., Clausner, C., & Bass, J. (2019). A cloud-hosted MapReduce architecture for syntactic parsing. In Kallithea, Greece.

Syntactic parsing is a time-consuming task innatural language processing particularlywherea largenumber of text files are beingprocessed. Parsingalgorithms are conventionally designed to operate on a single machine in a sequenti... Read More about A cloud-hosted MapReduce architecture for syntactic parsing.

Future Trends in Agile at Scale: A Summary of the 7th International Workshop on Large-Scale Agile Development (2019)
Conference Proceeding
M. Bass, J. (2019). Future Trends in Agile at Scale: A Summary of the 7th International Workshop on Large-Scale Agile Development. .

This workshop explored the main research challenges in conducting agile software development in large-scale software development. We considered multi-site companies with projects that include a large number of teams which develop sophisticated system... Read More about Future Trends in Agile at Scale: A Summary of the 7th International Workshop on Large-Scale Agile Development.

Southern theories in ICT4D (2019)
Conference Proceeding
Kreps, D., & Bass, J. (2019). Southern theories in ICT4D. In P. Nielsen, & H. Kimaro (Eds.), Information and Communication Technologies for Development. Strengthening Southern-Driven Cooperation as a Catalyst for ICT4D 15th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, ICT4D 2019, Dar es Salaam.

This paper suggests that the dominance of northern research paradigms in ICT4D may be viewed as a continuation of colonial sway over the endeavors of the global South. The notion of Southern Theory - as introduced in the work of Raewyn Connell, the... Read More about Southern theories in ICT4D.

Agile software development practices in Egypt SMEs : a grounded theory investigation (2019)
Journal Article
Mohallel, A., & Bass, J. (2019). Agile software development practices in Egypt SMEs : a grounded theory investigation. #Journal not on list,

Agile information system development methods have been adopted
by most software development organizations due to their proven benefits in terms
of flexibility, reliability, and responsiveness. However, companies face significant
challenges in adop... Read More about Agile software development practices in Egypt SMEs : a grounded theory investigation.

Tailoring product ownership in large-scale agile (2019)
Journal Article
Bass, J., & Haxby, A. (2019). Tailoring product ownership in large-scale agile. IEEE Software, 36(2), 58-63.

In large-scale agile projects, product owners undertake a range of challenging and varied activities beyond those conventionally associated with that role. Using in-depth research interviews from 93 practitioners working in cross-border teams, from 2... Read More about Tailoring product ownership in large-scale agile.

Agile on a large scale (2019)
Journal Article
Bass, J. (2019). Agile on a large scale. ITNOW, 61(1), 56-57.

Agile is sometimes seen as an approach that’s best suited to small project and small teams. Julian M. Bass FBCS shows how, through methods and practice, Agile can work equally well on global scale projects too.

Optimal deployment of components of cloud-hosted application for guaranteeing multitenancy isolation (2019)
Journal Article
Ochei, L., Petrovski, A., & Bass, J. (2019). Optimal deployment of components of cloud-hosted application for guaranteeing multitenancy isolation. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications, 8(1), 1-38.

One of the challenges of deploying multitenant cloud-hosted
services that are designed to use (or be integrated with) several
components is how to implement the required degree
of isolation between the components when there is a change
in the wor... Read More about Optimal deployment of components of cloud-hosted application for guaranteeing multitenancy isolation.