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Dr Christoph Meyer's Outputs (3)

Out of the dark : diurnal activity in the bat Hipposideros ruber on São Tomé island (West Africa) (2011)
Journal Article
Russo, D., Maglio, G., Rainho, A., Meyer, C. F., & Palmeirim, J. (2011). Out of the dark : diurnal activity in the bat Hipposideros ruber on São Tomé island (West Africa). Mammalian Biology, 76(6), 701-708.

Geographical areas historically characterized by a lower risk of diurnal avian predation should in theory
allow bats to be active in daytime too, especially to forage. Oceanic islands are ideal for studying temporal
niche shifts in bats since they... Read More about Out of the dark : diurnal activity in the bat Hipposideros ruber on São Tomé island (West Africa).

Emergence time and foraging activity in Pallas' Mastiff Bat, Molossus molossus(Chiroptera: Molossidae) in relation to sunset/sunrise and phase of the moon (2011)
Journal Article
Holland, R., Meyer, C. F., Kalko, E., Kays, R., & Wikelski, M. (2011). Emergence time and foraging activity in Pallas' Mastiff Bat, Molossus molossus(Chiroptera: Molossidae) in relation to sunset/sunrise and phase of the moon. Acta Chiropterologica, 13(2), 399-404.

The decision on when to emerge from the safety of a roost and forage for prey is thought to be a result of the trade off between peak insect abundance and predation pressure for bats. In this study we show that the velvety free-tailed bat Molossus mo... Read More about Emergence time and foraging activity in Pallas' Mastiff Bat, Molossus molossus(Chiroptera: Molossidae) in relation to sunset/sunrise and phase of the moon.