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Mr David Farmer's Outputs (8)

Measuring and modelling retrofit fabric performance in solid wall conjoined dwellings (2018)
Journal Article
Farmer, D., Parker, J., Johnston, D., Fletcher, M., Thomas, F., Gorse, C., & Stenlund, S. (2019). Measuring and modelling retrofit fabric performance in solid wall conjoined dwellings. Energy and Buildings, 185, 49-65.

There remains a significant number of occupied and uninsulated solid wall dwellings in the UK. Deep retrofit is often required for these buildings to become energy efficient but it is difficult to determine how these buildings will respond to retrofi... Read More about Measuring and modelling retrofit fabric performance in solid wall conjoined dwellings.

Measuring thermal performance in steady-state conditions at each stage of a full fabric retrofit to a solid wall dwelling (2017)
Journal Article

The methodology used for measuring the thermal performance of fabric retrofit systems which were applied to a solid wall UK Victorian house situated within an environmental chamber is explored in detail. The work describes how steady-state boundary c... Read More about Measuring thermal performance in steady-state conditions at each stage of a full fabric retrofit to a solid wall dwelling.

Quantifying the aggregate thermal performance of UK holiday homes (2016)
Journal Article
Johnston, D., Farmer, D., & Miles-Shenton, D. (2017). Quantifying the aggregate thermal performance of UK holiday homes. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 38(2), 209-225.

In the UK, there are approximately 330,000 holiday homes spread across a large number of mainly privately owned sites. These homes are often sited in exposed locations, are poorly insulated and are generally heated using expensive fuels, such as elec... Read More about Quantifying the aggregate thermal performance of UK holiday homes.

Obtaining the heat loss coefficient of a dwelling using its heating system (integrated coheating) (2016)
Journal Article
Farmer, D., Johnston, D., & Miles-Shenton, D. (2016). Obtaining the heat loss coefficient of a dwelling using its heating system (integrated coheating). Energy and Buildings, 117, 1-10.

This paper presents the methodology, along with some of the initial findings and observations from tests performed on two dwellings, of differing construction and form, in which a coheating test was performed using the dwelling’s central heating syst... Read More about Obtaining the heat loss coefficient of a dwelling using its heating system (integrated coheating).

Post-construction thermal testing : some recent measurements (2015)
Journal Article
Johnston, D., Miles-Shenton, D., Farmer, D., & Brooke-Peat, M. (2015). Post-construction thermal testing : some recent measurements. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability, 168(3), 131-139.

In the UK, it has become apparent in recent years that there is often a discrepancy between the steady-state predicted and the measured in situ thermal performance of the building fabric, with the measured in situ performance being greater than that... Read More about Post-construction thermal testing : some recent measurements.

Quantifying the domestic building fabric 'performance gap' (2015)
Journal Article
Johnston, D., Miles-Shenton, D., & Farmer, D. (2015). Quantifying the domestic building fabric 'performance gap'. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 36(5), 614-627.

In the UK, there is mounting evidence that the measured in situ performance of the building fabric in new build dwellings can be greater than that predicted, resulting in a significant building fabric ‘performance gap’. This paper presents the coheat... Read More about Quantifying the domestic building fabric 'performance gap'.

Bridging the domestic building fabric performance gap (2014)
Journal Article
Johnston, D., Farmer, D., Brooke-Peat, M., & Miles-Shenton, D. (2016). Bridging the domestic building fabric performance gap. Building Research and Information, 44(2), 147-159.

In the UK, it is recognised that there is often a discrepancy between the measured fabric thermal performance of
dwellings as-built and the predicted performance of the same dwellings and that the magnitude of this difference
in performance can be... Read More about Bridging the domestic building fabric performance gap.

Adding value and meaning to coheating tests (2014)
Journal Article
Stafford, A., Johnston, D., Miles-Shenton, D., Farmer, D., Brook-Peat, M., & Gorse, C. (2014). Adding value and meaning to coheating tests. Structural survey, 32(4), 331-342.

Purpose: The coheating test is the standard method of measuring the heat loss coefficient of a
building, but to be useful the test requires careful and thoughtful execution. Testing should take
place in the context of additional investigations in o... Read More about Adding value and meaning to coheating tests.