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Dr David Young's Outputs (6)

How Do Those Who Have Served Deserve to Be Treated? Military Veterans in the U.K. Social Security System (2024)
Journal Article
Martin, P., Scullion, L., Young, D., Pardoe, J., Hynes, C., & Jones, K. (2024). How Do Those Who Have Served Deserve to Be Treated? Military Veterans in the U.K. Social Security System. Armed Forces and Society,

Military service has often been a basis for civilian welfare entitlements. If mass wartime service justified collective provision, it is now suggested professional militaries have been co-opted to support reformed welfare models in which entitlement... Read More about How Do Those Who Have Served Deserve to Be Treated? Military Veterans in the U.K. Social Security System.

Living policy: reflections of a researcher on two related qualitative longitudinal studies of the experience of UK social security over time (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Young, D. (2024, June). Living policy: reflections of a researcher on two related qualitative longitudinal studies of the experience of UK social security over time. Paper presented at Contemplating Qualitative Longitudinal Research: Temporalities, Theories and Methods, Helsinki, Finland

Temporal aspects of claimant experience can be overlooked within UK social security policy and research. One reason for this is the tendency to focus on one point in time. In recent years, longitudinal research designs have added an important element... Read More about Living policy: reflections of a researcher on two related qualitative longitudinal studies of the experience of UK social security over time.

Towards a trauma-informed social security system in the UK (2024)
Journal Article
Scullion, L., Curchin, K., Young, D., Martin, P., Hynes, C., & Pardoe, J. (in press). Towards a trauma-informed social security system in the UK. Journal of Social Security Law,

Trauma-informed care (TIC) applies trauma theory to the design of social and health services, to promote client engagement and avoid inadvertently harming clients with trauma histories. Various services across the UK have been increasingly embracing... Read More about Towards a trauma-informed social security system in the UK.

Better Housing Better Health: A qualitative study of energy advice and support in Oxfordshire (2024)
Sherriff, G., & Young, D. (2024). Better Housing Better Health: A qualitative study of energy advice and support in Oxfordshire. Oxfordshire County Council

The Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) service is provided by the National Energy Foundation (NEF) across Oxfordshire and other locations in the south of England. Delivering advice and support to residents to help them stay warm and healthy in their... Read More about Better Housing Better Health: A qualitative study of energy advice and support in Oxfordshire.

Temporality and the meaning of social security money within households (2024)
Book Chapter
Summers, K., & Young, D. (2024). Temporality and the meaning of social security money within households. In F. Bennett, S. Avram, & S. Austen (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Financial Resources within the Household (241-254). Edward Elgar Publishing.

The relationship between the temporal aspects of social security policy and intra-household dynamics is under-explored. Temporal aspects of policy, including benefit waiting periods and payment frequency, affect the money management within households... Read More about Temporality and the meaning of social security money within households.