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Quantification of patella position by ultrasound scanning and its criterion validity (2006)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., McEwan, I., & Thom, J. (2006). Quantification of patella position by ultrasound scanning and its criterion validity.

Altered position of the patella has been associated with patellofemoral joint pain. The main techniques used for assessment of position are either expensive or invasive; there are limited reports of the use of ultrasound (US) scanning to assess patel... Read More about Quantification of patella position by ultrasound scanning and its criterion validity.

Approaches to celebrating Christmas in widowhood (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Collins, T. (2006, September). Approaches to celebrating Christmas in widowhood. Presented at British Society of Gerontology 35th Annual Scientific Meeting, University of Wales, Bangor

Power output and muscle myosin heavy chain composition in young and elderly men (2006)
Journal Article
Pearson, S., Cobbold, M., Orrell, R., & Harridge, S. (2006). Power output and muscle myosin heavy chain composition in young and elderly men. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(9), 1601-1607.

Purpose: Aging is associated with a decline in muscle volume, power output, and the velocity at which peak power (Vopt) occurs. The current study aimed to examine the relationship between lower-limb power output characteristics, muscle myosin heavy c... Read More about Power output and muscle myosin heavy chain composition in young and elderly men.

Policies alone are not enough: Workplace health development in the public, private and voluntary sectors (2006)
Journal Article
Coffey, M., & Dugdill, L. (2006). Policies alone are not enough: Workplace health development in the public, private and voluntary sectors. Critical Public Health, 16(3), 233-243.

A 2001 survey of public (n¼28), private (n¼113) and voluntary sector (n¼64) workplaces
in Sefton, Merseyside indicated that there were significantly different levels of health-related policy
provision across the three sectors, with the public secto... Read More about Policies alone are not enough: Workplace health development in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Intrinsic foot motion measured in vivo during barefoot running (2006)
Journal Article
Arndt, A., Wolf, P., Nester, C., Liu, A., Jones, R., Howard, D., …Lundberg, A. (2006). Intrinsic foot motion measured in vivo during barefoot running. Journal of Biomechanics, 39(Supp.1), S182.

Knowledge of the natural range of motion of individual skeletal segments in
the foot during running is necessary for the construction of appropriate stability
parameters in athletic footwear. Globally restricting intrinsic motion of the foot
may r... Read More about Intrinsic foot motion measured in vivo during barefoot running.

Invasive study of rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot kinematics during walking (2006)
Journal Article
Nester, C., Jones, R., Liu, A., Howard, D., Lundberg, A., Arndt, T., …Wolf, P. (2006). Invasive study of rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot kinematics during walking. Journal of Biomechanics, 39(Supp.1), S77.

There is a dearth of quality information on the kinematics of the mid and
forefoot during ambulation. We investigated the kinematics of the tibia, fibula,
talus, calcaneus, cuboid, navicular, medial cuneiform, first and fifth metatarsals
during wa... Read More about Invasive study of rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot kinematics during walking.

Arthritis : improve your health, ease pain and live life to the full (2006)
Bird, H., Green, C., Hamer, A., Hammond, A., Harkess, J., Hurley, M., …Scott, D. (2006). Arthritis : improve your health, ease pain and live life to the full. London: Dorling Kindersley

Expert advice based on up-to-the-minute research, from specialists in Arthritis care. An authoritative, yet easy-to-understand guide to every type of arthritis, from juvenile to rheumatoid & osteoarthritis, as well as associated conditions such as lu... Read More about Arthritis : improve your health, ease pain and live life to the full.

The relationship between patella position and length of the iliotibial band as assessed using Ober's test (2006)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., Rivett, N., & Munro, S. (2006). The relationship between patella position and length of the iliotibial band as assessed using Ober's test. Manual Therapy, 11(3), 182-186.

The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between length of the iliotibial band (ITB) and the medio-lateral position patella. Eighty subjects (37 male, 43 female) were examined for patella position and ITB length. All subjects were... Read More about The relationship between patella position and length of the iliotibial band as assessed using Ober's test.

Intrinsic foot motion measured in vivo during barefoot running (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Arndt, A., Wolf, P., Nester, C., Liu, A., Jones, R., Howard, D., …Lundberg, A. (2006, July). Intrinsic foot motion measured in vivo during barefoot running. Presented at 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich

A clinical trial of specialist footwear for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (2006)
Journal Article
rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology, 46(2), 302-307.

Objectives. The structural and functional changes in the RA foot often affect the patient’s gait and mobility, impacting on the patient’s quality of life. Successful management of these foot pathologies and resultant problems can involve the provisio... Read More about A clinical trial of specialist footwear for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Joint motion control of a powered lower limb orthosis for rehabilitation (2006)
Journal Article
Costa, N., Bezdicek, M., Brown, M., Gray, J., Caldwell, D., & Hutchins, S. (2006). Joint motion control of a powered lower limb orthosis for rehabilitation. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 3(3), 271-281.

Many patients with spinal injures are confined to wheelchairs, leading to a sedentary lifestyle with secondary pathologies and increased dependence on a carer. Increasing evidence has shown that locomotor training reduces the incidence of these secon... Read More about Joint motion control of a powered lower limb orthosis for rehabilitation.

A content analysis of physiotherapy for postural control in people with stroke: An observational study (2006)
Journal Article
with stroke: An observational study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(13-14), 865-872.

Purpose. The lack of information about the content of therapy packages is a frequent criticism in stroke rehabilitation
research. This study aimed to describe, in detail, the content of one aspect of physiotherapy; the rehabilitation of postural
co... Read More about A content analysis of physiotherapy for postural control in people with stroke: An observational study.

Distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke (2006)
Journal Article
Tyson, S., Chillala, J., Hanley, M., Selley, A., & Tallis, R. (2006). Distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(11), 715-719.

Objective. To assess the distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke and the factors associated with weakness.
Method. The design was a prospective cross-sectional survey. A consecutive sample of 75 patients (37 (49%) men,... Read More about Distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke.

Influence of time of day on tendon compliance and estimations of voluntary activation levels (2006)
Journal Article
Pearson, S., & Onambele, G. (2006). Influence of time of day on tendon compliance and estimations of voluntary activation levels. Muscle and Nerve, 33(6), 792-800.

We investigated the importance of tendon stiffness on estimations of central activation capacity (CAC). Patella tendon-force elongation relationship, quadriceps torque, and response to 50-micros, 100-HZ electrical twitch doublets were studied at appr... Read More about Influence of time of day on tendon compliance and estimations of voluntary activation levels.

Patient perceptions of stock footwear design features (2006)
Journal Article
Williams, A., & Nester, C. (2006). Patient perceptions of stock footwear design features. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 30(1), 61-71.

Patients with diseases which impact on foot health, for example diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, are
known to have some benefit from prescribed stock footwear with regards to clinical outcomes. Achieving
this is not just about getting the footwea... Read More about Patient perceptions of stock footwear design features.